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Suyog Garg Suyog7130

The University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan

Martin Dyer martinjohndyer
Astronomer, member of @RSE-Sheffield, working on @GOTO-OBS and @HiPERCAM.

University of Sheffield Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK

Gregory Papigkiotis gregoryPapi
Ph.D. Candidate (Department of Physics-Auth)


Shichao Wu WuShichao
I'm a GW researcher and PyCBC developer at AEI, focusing on GW detection and GW parameter estimation in the LISA and ET/CE frequency band.

Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics Germany

Jacopo jacopok
Astroparticle Physics PhD student @ GSSI, working on Gravitational Wave Astronomy.
Elena Cuoco elenacuoco
Data science passionate

University of Bologna Italy

Gautham Narayan gnarayan
Assistant Prof. at UIUC. Dark energy, supernovae, white dwarfs, machine learning, astro edu & outreach, photography, hiking. Nerd!

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL

J. Michael Burgess grburgess

Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik München, Germany

Volodymyr volodymyrss

UNIGE, EPFL Lausanne, Geneva, Zurich

Ivan Markin unkaktus
Pondering numerical relativity

Potsdam University Berlin