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Philip Zucker philzook58
A pretty cool dude who does things.

Draper Boston

mayulu mayulu

ISV Shanghai

Bisma Joyosumarto BismaBRJ
A regular student who occasionally goes on GitHub to publish his code for everyone else to see.

South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
John Siratt jvsiratt
Logician working in formal methods. This is my personal account with non-work stuff.


John Mercer mercicle
Hacker. Maker. Doer.

Cambridge, MA

Vishal Lama vishallama
Software Engineer (Scala/ZIO/Rust), building distributed/concurrent applications. Interested in using formal verification methods in business applications.


Chun Tian binghe
Common Lisp programmer and HOL proof engineer

Australian National University Canberra, Australia

Jonathan D Moore jonathanlyonmoore
46, UVa Alumni in Computer Science, ACM Vice President, Patent Licensee, Windows Internals Certified, MSFT SI & Gold Partner and INTJ-T. Former MSDN Blogger

Microsoft 365 Partner Johnson City, TN

Vasiliy Kharlov w1jtoo
Software engineer at @skbkontur. Ex-student of Ural Federal University.

@skbkontur Russia, Yekaterinburg

Altriasjy Pendragon altriasjy31
bioinformatics & comp bio; generative biology.
