import { task } from "hardhat/config"; import "hardhat-gas-reporter"; import 'hardhat-contract-sizer'; import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers"; import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle"; import "hardhat-typechain"; import "@typechain/ethers-v5"; import '@openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades'; import 'hardhat-spdx-license-identifier'; import '@nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan'; import 'dotenv/config'; // This is a sample Hardhat task. To learn how to create your own go to // task("accounts", "Prints the list of accounts", async (args, hre) => { const accounts = await hre.ethers.getSigners(); for (const account of accounts) { console.log(account.address); } }); // You need to export an object to set up your config // Go to to learn more /** * @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */ export default { networks: { mainnet: { chainId: 1, url: `${process.env.INFURAKEY}`, gasPrice: 65000000000, accounts: { mnemonic:process.env.MNEMONIC } }, ropsten: { chainId: 3, url: `${process.env.INFURAKEY}`, gasPrice: 65000000000, accounts: { mnemonic:process.env.MNEMONIC } }, rinkeby: { chainId: 4, url: `${process.env.INFURAKEY}`, gasPrice: 65000000000, accounts: { mnemonic:process.env.MNEMONIC, count:parseInt(`${process.env.ACCOUNTS}`) } }, bsc_mainnet: { chainId: 56, url: process.env.URL_BSC, gasPrice: 5000000000, accounts: { mnemonic:process.env.MNEMONIC } }, bsc_testnet: { chainId: 97, url: process.env.URL_TESTNET_BSC, gasPrice: 50000000000, accounts: { mnemonic:process.env.MNEMONIC, count:parseInt(`${process.env.ACCOUNTS}`) } }, moonbase: { // Need to go to Dicord channel and get DEV (coin in Moonbase Alphanet) // And Verify Procedure in // Faucet // And Explorer (Recommend this, is too early) chainId: 1287, url: process.env.URL_MOONBEAM_TESTNET, gasPrice: 50000000000, accounts: { mnemonic:process.env.MNEMONIC } }, localhost: { url: "", gasPrice: 35000000000, blockGasLimit: 149000000 }, hardhat: { gasPrice: 35000000000, blockGasLimit: 149000000, chainId: 31337, accounts: { mnemonic:process.env.MNEMONIC, count:parseInt(`${process.env.ACCOUNTS}`) } } }, solidity: { version: "0.8.4", settings: { optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 500 } } }, paths: { sources: "./contracts", tests: "./test", cache: "./cache", artifacts: "./artifacts" }, mocha: { timeout: 20000 }, gasReporter: { currency: 'USD', gasPrice: 35, coinmarketcap: process.env.COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY, maxMethodDiff: 10, excludeContracts: ['ERC20Token.sol', 'OmniTokenV1.sol', 'OmniTokenV2.sol'] }, contractSizer: { alphaSort: true, runOnCompile: true, disambiguatePaths: false, }, etherscan: { // Your API key for Etherscan // Obtain one at // apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY apiKey: process.env.BSCSCAN_API_KEY }, spdxLicenseIdentifier: { overwrite: true, runOnCompile: true, }, abiExporter: { path: './data/abi', clear: true, flat: true, only: [], spacing: 2 } };