sql cockroach database
multiple nodes
database schema
redis cache
golang rest api
gzip compression
performance monitor
cdn for photos and other resources
docker containers
load balancer
99.9% availability
This section is an overview of the database schema for the service. The schema includes types and tables for managing REST API data, following:
- Types
- Subscriptions
- Tenancies
- Accounts
- Referees
- Teams
- Players
- Games
- Locations
- Tournaments
- Statistics
- Categories
- Rosters
- Game Referees
- Logs
Type | Description |
Coordinates | (lat FLOAT, long FLOAT) |
Field | Type | Description |
id |
INT | Unique identifier for the subscription. |
name |
VARCHAR | Name of the subscription plan. |
has_key |
BOOLEAN | Indicates if the subscription has a key. |
price |
FLOAT | Price of the subscription. |
description |
VARCHAR | Description of the subscription. |
quota_tournaments |
SMALLINT | Quota for tournaments. |
quota_players |
SMALLINT | Quota for players. |
quota_teams |
SMALLINT | Quota for teams. |
Field | Type | Description |
id |
INT | Unique identifier for the tenancy. |
subscription_id |
INT | References the associated subscription. |
name |
VARCHAR | Name of the tenancy. |
key |
VARCHAR | Unique key for the tenancy. |
created |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of tenancy creation. |
Field | Type | Description |
id |
INT | Unique identifier for the account. |
email |
VARCHAR | Email of the account. |
login |
VARCHAR | Login username. |
password |
VARCHAR | Password for account authentication. |
type |
SMALLINT | Type of the account. |
is_activated |
BOOLEAN | Indicates if the account is activated. |
activated_timestamp |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of account activation. |
activation_key |
VARCHAR | Unique activation key for the account. |
created |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of account creation. |
last_logon_datetime |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of last login. |
last_logon_location |
COORDINATES | Last login location coordinates. |
Field | Type | Description |
id |
INT | Unique identifier for the referee. |
account_id |
INT | References the associated account. |
created |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of referee creation. |
Field | Type | Description |
id |
INT | Unique identifier for the team. |
tenancy_id |
INT | References the associated tenancy. |
owner_id |
INT | References the account owner. |
name |
VARCHAR | Name of the team. |
created |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of team creation. |
Field | Type | Description |
id |
INT | Unique identifier for the player. |
account_id |
INT | References the associated account. |
team_id |
INT | References the associated team. |
first_name |
VARCHAR | First name of the player. |
last_name |
VARCHAR | Last name of the player. |
full_name |
VARCHAR | Concatenation of first and last name. |
position |
SMALLINT | Player's position. |
height |
SMALLINT | Player's height. |
gender |
BOOLEAN | Player's gender. |
signed_agreement |
BOOLEAN | Indicates player agreement. |
Field | Type | Description |
id |
INT | Unique identifier for the game. |
arena_id |
INT | References the associated arena. |
tournament_id |
INT | References the associated tournament. |
home_id |
INT | References the home team's roster. |
opponent_id |
INT | References the opponent team's roster. |
Field | Type | Description |
id |
INT | Unique identifier for the location. |
city_id |
INT | References the associated city. |
coordinates |
COORDINATES | Latitude and longitude coordinates. |
Field | Type | Description |
id |
INT | Unique identifier for the tournament. |
arena_id |
INT | References the associated arena. |
category_id |
INT | References the associated category. |
tenancy_id |
INT | References the associated tenancy. |
name |
VARCHAR | Name of the tournament. |
starting |
TIMESTAMP | Date of the tournament. |
max_teams |
SMALLINT | Maximum number of teams allowed. |
created |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of tournament creation. |
Field | Type | Description |
id |
INT | Unique identifier for the category. |
gender |
BOOLEAN | Gender category of the tournament. |
type |
SMALLINT | Type of category. |
Field | Type | Description |
id |
INT | Unique identifier for the roster. |
team_id |
INT | References the associated team. |
Field | Type | Description |
game_id |
INT8 | References the associated game. |
referee_id |
INT8 | References the associated referee. |
Field | Type | Description |
id |
INT8 | Unique identifier for the log entry. |
game_id |
INT8 | References the associated game. |
timestamp |
TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the log entry. |
message |
VARCHAR | Log message. |