[tool:pytest] testpaths = tests addopts = -p no:hypothesispytest filterwarnings = error ignore::DeprecationWarning:distutils ignore::DeprecationWarning:Cython # for python 3.10+: mypy still relies on distutils on windows. We hence ignore those warnings ignore:The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12:DeprecationWarning ignore:The distutils.sysconfig module is deprecated, use sysconfig instead:DeprecationWarning [flake8] max-line-length = 120 max-complexity = 14 inline-quotes = single multiline-quotes = double ignore = E203, W503 per-file-ignores = docs/examples/schema_unenforced_constraints.py: F811 docs/examples/validation_decorator_async.py: E402 docs/examples/types_constrained.py: F722 [coverage:run] source = pydantic branch = True context = ${CONTEXT} [coverage:report] precision = 2 exclude_lines = pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError raise NotImplemented if TYPE_CHECKING: @overload [coverage:paths] source = pydantic/ /Users/runner/work/pydantic/pydantic/pydantic/ D:\a\pydantic\pydantic\pydantic [isort] line_length=120 known_first_party=pydantic multi_line_output=3 include_trailing_comma=True force_grid_wrap=0 combine_as_imports=True [mypy] python_version = 3.9 show_error_codes = True follow_imports = silent strict_optional = True warn_redundant_casts = True warn_unused_ignores = True disallow_any_generics = True check_untyped_defs = True no_implicit_reexport = True warn_unused_configs = True disallow_subclassing_any = True disallow_incomplete_defs = True disallow_untyped_decorators = True disallow_untyped_calls = True # for strict mypy: (this is the tricky one :-)) disallow_untyped_defs = True # remaining arguments from `mypy --strict` which cause errors ;no_implicit_optional = True ;warn_return_any = True [mypy-email_validator] ignore_missing_imports = true [mypy-dotenv] ignore_missing_imports = true [mypy-toml] ignore_missing_imports = true