{ "ohloh": { "main_language": "PHP", "max_month": "2015-03-01T00:00:00Z", "description": "MOVIM (My Open Virtual Identity Manager) is a XMPP based social network software project. It is Free Software under AGPLv3 license and decentralised. End users may either join the network from a remote node or install their own Movim node.", "tags": [ "socialnetworking", "xmpp", "socialnetwork", "decentral" ], "total_code_lines": 37452, "total_contributor_count": 18, "twelve_month_contributor_count": 4, "updated_at": "2015-04-30T22:19:27Z", "analysis": "19878020", "min_month": "2010-11-01T00:00:00Z", "factoids": [ "Well-established codebase", "Average size development team", "Stable Y-O-Y development activity", "Very few source code comments" ], "twelve_month_commit_count": 654, "total_commit_count": 2077, "id": "535966", "name": "MOVIM" }, "description": "[Movim](http://movim.eu/) is a decentralized open source social network based on XMPP.", "name": "Movim" }