{ "ohloh": { "id": "719790", "description": "Designed primarily for the Beaglebone Black, but also capable of running on any system with Debian Jessie installed, the FreedomBone allows you to self-host a variety of useful web services with a reasonable degree of security and privacy.\n\nServices include encrypted email, social networking via Red Matrix, Owncloud, encrypted IRC, wiki and blog.", "tags": [ "wiki", "emailserver", "decentralization", "privacy", "bashscript", "redmatrix", "arm7", "blogging", "ircserver", "socialnetworking", "selfhosting", "owncloud", "xmpp", "servers", "beaglebone", "encrypted", "cloud", "privateserver", "indieweb", "gpg" ], "analysis": "22748238", "name": "FreedomBone", "main_language": "shell script", "min_month": "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z", "max_month": "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z", "twelve_month_contributor_count": 1, "total_contributor_count": 1, "twelve_month_commit_count": 1125, "total_code_lines": 10146, "total_commit_count": 1136, "updated_at": "2015-03-29T11:27:50Z", "factoids": [ "Young, but established codebase", "Only a single active developer", "Very few source code comments" ] }, "description": "[FreedomBone](https://github.com/bashrc/freedombone) Designed primarily for the Beaglebone Black, but also capable of running on any system with Debian Jessie installed, the FreedomBone allows you to self-host a variety of useful web services with a reasonable degree of security and privacy.", "name": "FreedomBone" }