{ "description": "[Cozy](http://cozy.io) is a personal cloud you can host, hack and delete. With Cozy, you manage your web apps like you were on your smartphone. It provides an open market place from where you can install the web app you made yourself (Cozy is a [personal PaaS](http://cozy.io/hack/getting-started/architecture-overview.html)). Today, the most successful applications are Contact and Calendar managers that you can synchronize with any device. Check the [demo](https://demo.cozycloud.cc) to discover more applications.", "name": "Cozy", "ohloh": { "main_language": "CoffeeScript", "max_month": "2015-03-01T00:00:00Z", "description": "Data Layer for Cozy Cloud platform", "total_contributor_count": 13, "total_code_lines": 8180, "tags": [], "twelve_month_contributor_count": 8, "updated_at": "2015-05-05T02:39:53Z", "analysis": "19840629", "min_month": "2012-07-01T00:00:00Z", "factoids": [ "Large, active development team", "Young, but established codebase", "Average number of code comments", "Decreasing Y-O-Y development activity" ], "twelve_month_commit_count": 225, "total_commit_count": 854, "id": "703533", "name": "cozy-data-system" } }