{ "ohloh": { "main_language": "Scheme", "max_month": "2008-12-01T00:00:00Z", "description": "Askemos is an autonomous, distributed operating system,which significantly raises thelevel of abstraction in comparison with todays operating systems.An alternativ, equally valid view is thatof an XML object store with procedures in XSLT.", "tags": [], "total_code_lines": 78730, "total_contributor_count": 1, "twelve_month_contributor_count": 0, "updated_at": "2015-04-15T01:54:35Z", "analysis": "19491280", "min_month": "2001-10-01T00:00:00Z", "factoids": [ "Mature, well-established codebase", "Very well-commented source code", "Stable Y-O-Y development activity", "No recent development activity" ], "twelve_month_commit_count": 0, "total_commit_count": 100, "id": "131631", "name": "Askemos" }, "description": "A fast and trustworthy foundation on which to build applications: Byzantine fault-tolerant P2P computation and storage.[Askemos](http://askemos.org) creates an \"autonomous virtual execution environment for applications\" - designed to be tamper-proof and fault tolerant. Users share not only static files but dynamic objects too. Code is taken as equivalent to contracts (\"smart contracts\") and hosts check each others compliance.It executes the code on several different machines, runtime libraries, compilers, operating systems etc. in parallel. Signed cryptographic hash are compared/stored for every transaction. Thus, this counters subversion of various components, eliminating the need to trust.", "name": "Askemos" }