open source data platform for data teams
- data portal
- generic CRUD application to edit database tables
- adhoc tool to executes predefined SQL queries
- ... and more to come
A CRUD application is defined as code. Following syntax is possible:
"name":"<Page name>",
"update", "create", "delete", "duplicate"
"pk_columns":["<primary_key_column>, ..."],
"versioned": "true",
"parent_page": {"alias":"<alias_of_parent_page>","name":"<Label of parent page>"},
"column_label":"<Label to show>",
"tooltip":"<just a tooltip>",
"name":"<Page name 2>",
Just any numerical value: 1,2,3,...
Has to be unique for all pages.
A nice label for the page :)
A alias (without spaces and special characters) that is mainly used to identify the page and also used in the URL, so the page can also be adressed directly
Treats a table as a versioned table (SCD2) and is able to generate appropriate records.
Following fields are required in such a table:
last_changed_by varchar(100)
valid_from_dt datetime
invalid_from_dt datetime
last_changed_dt datetime
is_deleted char(1) -- Y/N
is_latest_period char(1) -- Y/N
is_current_and_active char(1) -- Y/N
The last_changed_by
field is filled with the username. So you can track who creates, edits or deletes a record.
leave empty array if no actions allowed or select between these options (in any combination)
(same ascreate
, but prefills the form with the data of the selected row)
Used for editing and deleting a record - composite key possible: ["primary_key_column1", "primary_key_column2", ...]
The most important option. Defines the table to be used for all CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete).
Has to be the fully qualified name: <database>.schema.tablename>
optional: used as an alternative only for the tabular view of a page - can be a different table or a view e.g. with labels for ID columns etc.
optional: sequence to use for the primary key column when adding a new record
optional: hides the page in the side navigation
- show_breadcrumb: shows a breadcrumb above the page
- parent_page: refers to the parent page (used for the breadcrumb to show a navigation e.g. "parent page" > "current page") - array of "alias" and "name" of the parent page
optional: defines which column contains the username and tells plainbi to write the username of the logged in user into this column, when creating or editing a record (insert / update)
Array of one or more table columns.
Here following options are possible:
- column_name: just the technical column name
- column_label: a nice label to show
- datatype: allowed values:
- ui: allowed values
(only allows numerical values)textarea
(good for boolean values of 1/0)label
(only shows the value - not editable)lookup
(refers to a lookup and shows a dropdown with autocompletion)lookupn
(same, but also allows entering new values)hidden
(a text field but with asterisks)password_nomem
(same, but does not allow the browser to memorize/cache the entered value)html
(only used in tabular view e.g. to represent anly html code)modal_json_to_table
(only used in tabular view)textarea_base64
(textarea that displays a base64 encoded string underneath. can be used for images.)
- lookup: refers to a lookup with its alias - only used for "ui":"lookup"
- editable: allowed values
- required: allowed values
- multiple: optional: allows multiple values to be selected - only used for "ui":"lookup"
- tooltip: optional: shows a question icon next to the field name and shows a tooltip when hovering - good to use for explanations
- showdetailsonly: allowed value
: optional: show this field only in detail view (modal dialog) - showsummaryonly: allowed value
: optional: show this field only in tabular view
Every application and page can be adressed by a well formed and human friendly URL. This is defined by the aliases.
Page within application:
Also by using parameters you can achieve following...
Directly edit a record within a page:
https://<server>/apps/<app_alias>/<page_alias>/<id_of_a_record> # if record has 1 pk (primary key field) ... # todo: composite key
Filter the tabular view:
https://<server>/apps/<app_alias>/<page_alias>?<field>=<value> # field = technical column name
https://<server>/apps/<app_alias>/<page_alias>?<field>=<value>&<field>:<value>&... # also more than 1 field is possible