# docker-traefik [![CI](https://github.com/macbre/docker-traefik/actions/workflows/docker.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/macbre/docker-traefik/actions/workflows/docker.yml) Dockerized `traefik v3` with auto-discovery of other containers on the same Docker network. The **`traefik` container runs as nobody** and uses proxy to get restricted and limited access to the Docker socket. ## Installing 1. Clone this repo. 2. Then run: ``` sudo chown nobody:nogroup letsencrypt/ echo "HOSTNAME=$(hostname)" > .env docker network create public-network docker-compose pull docker-compose up -d ``` ## Making Docker containers auto-discoverable 1. This Traefik instance runs on `public-network` network. Your containers should also use it: ```yaml # make your ... container discoverable by traefik # https://docs.docker.com/compose/networking/#configure-the-default-network # # docker network create public-network networks: default: name: public-network external: true ``` 2. Add labels to your container. ```yaml # https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/user-guides/docker-compose/basic-example/ labels: traefik.enable: true traefik.http.routers..rule: Host(``) traefik.http.services..loadbalancer.server.port: "< port where your service is bound too >" # or rely on ports defined via EXPOSE ``` 3. Make sure that your container own healthcheck also passes. Traefik filters out containers that do not pass Docker healthchecks: ```yaml $ DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:2375 docker ps --format json | jq -c "[ .Names,.Status ]" -r ["socks5","Up 11 minutes (healthy)"] ["docker_socket_proxy","Up 21 hours (healthy)"] ["whoami","Up 21 hours"] ["traefik","Up 21 hours (healthy)"] ``` ## Notes This container exposes both http (80) and https (443) ports. It **supports both http/2 and http/3**. There's also **the dashboard exposed on a local 58888 port** (this port is bound to the local interface only!). You can use the 5888 port to get some information from the API about your running services and routers: ``` $ curl -s | jq -r '.[] | .service' | sort acme-http@internal api@internal dashboard@internal noop@internal ping@internal prometheus@internal ``` ``` $ curl -s | jq '.[] | .serverStatus' { "http://172.x.x.x:8080": "UP" } ``` Responses from HTTP services are getting the `x-served-by` header added automatically (via the `x-served-by@file` middleware), e.g. ``` $ curl https://localhost/whoami --insecure -H 'Host: macbre.local' -v 2>&1 | grep x-served-by < x-served-by: macbre.local ``` > The response header's value is taken from the `HOSTNAME` env variable.