This is a short introduction of using different stuff to handle Visual Studio. The DeveloperPad is a mechanical number keyboard where i remap some keys to another shortcuts to handle Visual Studio.
I use a Rottay mechanical keyboard, the Microsoft Segoe MDL2 font and the very old HIDMacros to remap the keys to shortcuts.
I've decided to switch from HID Macros to the (paid) software named MultiKeyboard Macros. This software is easier to handle multiple Keyboards and works more stable as HID Macros which is not under developing.
HIDMacros is very old but works if the compatibility mode and the admin mode is activated. This small tool allows remapping keys from different devices which is agreat way because windows inteprets multiple keyboards as one.
The font is very clean and the symbols are good to distinguish the keys.
This keyboard use mechanical keys which has a good press point.
Key on pad | Function |
= | New branch |
/ | Commit |
* | Pull |
<<< | Push |
7 | Rebuild |
8 | Cancel build |
9 | Clean solution |
- | Search in solution |
4 | Debug |
5 | Pause debug |
6 | Cancel debug |
+ | Go to code reference |
1 | Debug single step (F11) |
2 | Debug next step (F10) |
3 | Switch breakpoint |
ENTER | Start Visual Studio |
0 | Create new file |
, | Clean current document |
It is a very cheap alternative to solutions like Elgato Stream Deck or software like Touch Portal.