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Folders and files

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parent directory


design notes

some files on are actually virtual, like storing all gems inside a single directory may or may not the right thing. the nexus-ruby-tools decided it is not a good thing to do because of past inode on the filesystem with such huge directories.

directory layout - local vs. remote

this is the main idea of having storage-path and the remote-path in a RubygemsFile object. for each file type of the rubygems repo there is special implementation for this type, with storage andremote path, type and name.

together with the RubygemsFileFactory interface all those sub-classes of RubygemsFile allow to define the storage directory layout vs. the remote layout.

the remote layout is used to access a rubygems repository via any ruby tools.

converting a path into a RubygemsFile object

the pattern matching follows the some ideas of a cuba gem from the ruby-world - to explain the name of the package used. so basically each directory knows its content and either creates the right RubygemsFile or delegates to the sub-directory. each directory has its own cuba class.

so the implementations of Cuba and the DefaultRubygemsFileFactory define the directory layout.

the remote directory layout

├── api
│   └── v1
│       └── dependencies
├── gems
│   ├── _-0.1.gem
│   ├── yaml-1.2.0.gem
│   └── zip-2.0.2.gem
├── latest_specs.4.8.gz
├── prerelease_specs.4.8.gz
├── quick
|   └── Marshal.4.8
|       ├── _-.0.1.gemspec.rz
|       ├── yaml-1.1.0.gem
|       ├── yaml-1.2.0.gem
|       └── zip-2.0.2.gem
└── specs.4.8.gz

the storage directory layout

├── api
│   └── v1
│       └── dependencies
|           ├── _.json.rz
|           ├── yaml.json.rz
|           └── zip.json.rz
├── gems
│   ├── _
|   │   └── _-0.1.gem
|   ├── y
|   │   ├── yaml-1.1.0.gem
|   │   └── yaml-1.2.0.gem
|   └── z
|       └── zip-2.0.2.gem
├── latest_specs.4.8.gz
├── prerelease_specs.4.8.gz
├── quick
|   └── Marshal.4.8
|       ├── _
|       │   └── _-0.1.gemspec.rz
|       ├── y
|       │   ├── yaml-1.1.0.gemspec.rz
|       │   └── yaml-1.2.0.gemspec.rz
|       └── z
|           └── zip-2.0.2.gemspec.rz
└── specs.4.8.gz

rubygems repositories - hosted and proxied

on hosted rubygems repositories you can add gems, maybe you can delete gems and you can retrieve gems. on proxied rubygems repository there is only retrieve, maybe an additional delete is possible.

the add and delete on hosted one is only allowed on gem files since these actions need to update some metadata (specs.4.8.gz, latest_specs.4.8.gz, prerelease_specs.4.8.gz). other files can be derieved from the gem file, like quick/Marshal.4.8/zip-2.0.2.gemspec.rz or api/v1/dependencies/zip.json.rz

the hosted repository uses some kind of local storage and the proxied repository will get the data from remote http server.

some request will be generated on the fly like the ones used by a very popular gem dependency manager (bundler gem):

looking at this example from the "bundler API" http://some.rubygems.repo/api/v1/dependencies?gems=maven-tools,zip,bundler. the response will be generated from the files api/v1/dependencies/maven-tools.json.rz, api/v1/dependencies/zip.json.rz and api/v1/dependencies/bundler.json.rz. in the hosted case these files can be again generated from the stored gem files. in the proxied case for example api/v1/dependencies/bundler.json.rz is just the response of

layout concept

the layout is almost like the RubygemsFileFactory but adds another aspect to RubygemsFile a payload and a state. the payload can be anything or an Exception. the latter goes allong with state ERROR


a layout implementation is associated with a Storage and modelled to serve one http method: GET, POST, DELETE. it knows where and how to store the different RubygemsFiles or how to generate others content from the stored ones.

layouts for hosted repo

  • HostedGETLayout
  • HostedPOSTLayout
  • HostedDELETELayout

layouts for proxied/grouped repo

  • ProxiedGETLayout
  • DeleteLayout

there is not POST-layout since nothing can be posted onto a proxy.

the DeleteLayout allows to delete all "stored" content but the generated content returns a RubygemsFile with state FORBIDDEN

assemble everything into a RubygemsFileSystem

a RubygemsFileSystem has methods to return a plain RubygemsFile (with state NEW_INSTANCE)

  • file( String path )
  • file( String path, String query )

or the get methods:

  • get( String path )
  • get( String path, String query )

the post methods

  • post( InputStream is, String path )
  • post( InputStream is, RubygemsFile file )

the delete method

  • delete( String path )

tests with using SimpleStorage and CachingStorage

the SimpleStorage uses the hard disk to store files and uses InputStreams as payload for RubygemsFile. the CachingStorage is ProxyStoarge again caching the files on hard disk and using an URL for the 'remote' rubygems repository.

these are used to run a big part of the unit tests with.

sample using the test storages

just to illustrate how to use a ProxiedRubygemsFileSystem or a HostedRubygemsFileSystem using the SimpleStorage or CachingStorage respectively. not that the difference between the hosted and proxied case is how the instance variable fileSystem get set with either a ProxiedRubygemsFileSystem or a HostedRubygemsFileSystem.

 protected void doGet( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp )
        throws ServletException, IOException
    RubygemsFile file = fileSystem.get( getPathInfo( req ), req.getQueryString() );
    switch( file.state() )
    case FORBIDDEN:
        resp.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN );
    case NOT_EXISTS:
        resp.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND );
    case NO_PAYLOAD:
	    // do something
    case ERROR:
        throw new ServletException( file.getException() );
        resp.setHeader("Retry-After", "120");//seconds
        resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE );
    case PAYLOAD:
        resp.setContentType( file.type().mime() );
        if ( file.type().encoding() != null )
            resp.setCharacterEncoding( file.type().encoding() );
        if( file.type().isVaryAccept() )
            resp.setHeader("Vary", "Accept");
        IOUtil.copy( (InputStream) file.get(), resp.getOutputStream() );
    case NEW_INSTANCE:
        throw new ServletException( "BUG: should never reach here" );

the code for using a RubygemsFileSystem in a nexus plugin is very similar, it just needs to deal with a different payload and exceptions.

Storage and ProxyStorage

these interfaces are the main ones to integrate with the nexus-2.x plugins. the ProxyStorage has some extra methods to allow to deal with Bundler API of rubygems repositories. those Bundler API responses are volatile but to allow some short lifed cache they have to treated differently from the hosted case.

the nexus-2.x ruby plugin has three implementation of the Storage and ProxyStorage for hosted, proxied and grouped case but uses the RubygemsFileSystem from here.