cargo install cargo-fel4
cargo fel4 build
cargo fel4 simulate
qemu-system-aarch64 -machine raspi3 -nographic -s -serial null -serial mon:stdio -m size=1024M -kernel debug/kernel -initrd debug/feL4img
ELF-loader started on CPU: ARM Ltd. Cortex-A53 r0p4
ELF-loading image 'kernel'
ELF-loading image 'root-task'
Enabling MMU and paging
Jumping to kernel-image entry point...
Bootstrapping kernel
Booting all finished, dropped to user space
------------- bootinfo -------------
bootinfo.empty.start = 131
bootinfo.empty.end = 524288
bootinfo.userImageFrames.start = 15
bootinfo.userImageFrames.end = 96
bootinfo.untyped.start = 96
bootinfo.untyped.end = 131
length = 35
[0 | 96] paddr = 0x1000000 - size_bits = 16 - is_device = 0
[1 | 97] paddr = 0x1282000 - size_bits = 13 - is_device = 0
[2 | 98] paddr = 0x1284000 - size_bits = 14 - is_device = 0
[3 | 99] paddr = 0x1288000 - size_bits = 15 - is_device = 0
[4 | 100] paddr = 0x1290000 - size_bits = 16 - is_device = 0
[5 | 101] paddr = 0x12A0000 - size_bits = 17 - is_device = 0
[6 | 102] paddr = 0x12C0000 - size_bits = 18 - is_device = 0
[7 | 103] paddr = 0x1300000 - size_bits = 20 - is_device = 0
[8 | 104] paddr = 0x1400000 - size_bits = 22 - is_device = 0
[9 | 105] paddr = 0x1800000 - size_bits = 23 - is_device = 0
[10 | 106] paddr = 0x2000000 - size_bits = 24 - is_device = 0
[11 | 107] paddr = 0x3000000 - size_bits = 25 - is_device = 0
[12 | 108] paddr = 0x5000000 - size_bits = 24 - is_device = 0
[13 | 109] paddr = 0x6000000 - size_bits = 23 - is_device = 0
[14 | 110] paddr = 0x6800000 - size_bits = 22 - is_device = 0
[15 | 111] paddr = 0x6C00000 - size_bits = 21 - is_device = 0
[16 | 112] paddr = 0x6E00000 - size_bits = 20 - is_device = 0
[17 | 113] paddr = 0x6F00000 - size_bits = 19 - is_device = 0
[18 | 114] paddr = 0x6F80000 - size_bits = 18 - is_device = 0
[19 | 115] paddr = 0x6FC0000 - size_bits = 17 - is_device = 0
[20 | 116] paddr = 0x6FE0000 - size_bits = 16 - is_device = 0
[21 | 117] paddr = 0x6FF0000 - size_bits = 14 - is_device = 0
[22 | 118] paddr = 0x6FF4000 - size_bits = 13 - is_device = 0
[23 | 119] paddr = 0x3C000000 - size_bits = 24 - is_device = 1
[24 | 120] paddr = 0x3D000000 - size_bits = 25 - is_device = 1
[25 | 121] paddr = 0x3F00B000 - size_bits = 12 - is_device = 1
[26 | 122] paddr = 0x3F100000 - size_bits = 12 - is_device = 1
[27 | 123] paddr = 0x3F104000 - size_bits = 12 - is_device = 1
[28 | 124] paddr = 0x3F200000 - size_bits = 12 - is_device = 1
[29 | 125] paddr = 0x3F201000 - size_bits = 12 - is_device = 1
[30 | 126] paddr = 0x3F300000 - size_bits = 12 - is_device = 1
[31 | 127] paddr = 0x3F980000 - size_bits = 12 - is_device = 1
[32 | 128] paddr = 0x3F215000 - size_bits = 12 - is_device = 1
[33 | 129] paddr = 0x3F00B000 - size_bits = 12 - is_device = 1
[34 | 130] paddr = 0x3F007000 - size_bits = 12 - is_device = 1
Hello from custom init fn
Mapped VideoCore Mailbox device region
vaddr = 0x10000880 paddr = 0x3F00B880
base vaddr = 0x10000000 base_paddr 0x3F00B000
Mapped GPIO device region
vaddr = 0x10001000 paddr = 0x3F200000
Mapped UART1 device region
vaddr = 0x10002000 paddr = 0x3F215000
This is output from a Serial<UART1>
Allocated pmem page
vaddr = 0x10003000 paddr = 0x1264000
Mailbox send GetSerialNumCmd
Response = GetSerialNumResp(
GetSerialNumResp {
serial_number: 3112636479
Mailbox send GetTemperatureCmd
Response = GetTemperatureResp(
GetTemperatureResp {
id: 0,
value: 42932
Mailbox send GetArmMemCmd
Response = GetArmMemResp(
GetArmMemResp {
addr: 0,
size: 994050048 (0x3B40_0000)
Mailbox send GetVcMemCmd
Response = GetVcMemResp(
GetVcMemResp {
addr: 994050048 (0x3B40_0000),
size: 79691776 (0x4C0_0000)
top: 0x4000_0000
Mailbox send FramebufferCmd
Response = FramebufferResp(
FramebufferResp {
phy_width: 240,
phy_height: 240,
pitch: 960,
pixels_ptr: 0x000000003c100000
QEMU: Terminated