A simple node app to help you monitor and analyse your server logs
git clone [email protected]:jjcosgrove/beatbox.git .
npm start
These should already be installed either locally, or via Docker so that you can integrate with BeatBox using the appropriate configurations.
Let's say you wish to run BeatBox locally on your main machine and that you already have an instance of MongoDB running on, along with Filebeat and Logstash running on and
The various configs may look something like:
- "/var/log/nginx/access.log"
document_type: nginx
tail_files: true
- "/var/log/php/php7-fpm.log"
document_type: php-fpm
tail_files: true
- "/var/log/system.log"
document_type: system
tail_files: true
hosts: [""]
input {
beats {
type => beats
port => 9300
output {
http {
codec => "json"
http_method => "put"
format => "json"
url => [""]
# main BeatBox settings
bb_host :
bb_port : 9999
# filebeat/logstash timestamp field. must be ISO8601/moment() friendly
# i suggest you leave this as it, during initial testing. it is used
# to calculate 'epoch' which is in turn used for all UI timescaling/queries...
bb_beat_timestamp_field : @timestamp
# front-end/ui
bb_ui_date_format : DD-MMM-Y # via moment()
bb_ui_available_range : 30 # days (or all available, whichever is smallest)
bb_ui_initial_range : 3 # days (or all available, whichever is smallest)
bb_ui_beat_direction : -1 # -1 = age ascending (newest at top), 1 = age descending (oldest at top)
# mongodb
bb_mongo_host :
bb_mongo_port : 27017
bb_mongo_db : beatbox
bb_mongo_db_collection : beats
Following the installation steps, you should then start seeing your logs come through. There is a small delay (3-5 seconds), presumably due to the chain: Filebeat > Logstash > BeatBox > UI. This may be simple to reduce but depends on your configuration/setup.
There is an 'auto-build' Docker image based on this repo, which can be found at:
Alternatively, there are also docker-compose.yml files in the 'extras' folder of this repo. For e.g: simply running the following in the project root:
docker-compose --file extras/docker/docker-compose-build.yml --project-name beatbox up
Should be sufficient to give you a full stack (except Filebeat of course which should be pushing logs to the resulting Logstash instance, which in turn feeds BeatBox via the API endpoint: /api/beats)
Bugs or feature requests/contributions can be done via: https://github.com/jjcosgrove/beatbox/issues
- Just me for now