## Powercut
## The "swiss army knife" of file management
## Rsync, cp, bru + time machine with intelligent and persistent file checksumming
## This version intended mainly for my own use, and grew from 6 years
## of occasional weekend hacking -- it is a script, not an
## application. A major re-rewrite and cleanup is needed. Intended to
## be portable as a single file, so not as tidy as it should be.
## Run "pc help" for more information
## Contact Jeremy Gilbert - jgilbert20 at google mail
# "stable" version, no exotics
# this version has been tested to be fully mutli-processor able
# still funkyiness with multi-threaded internal copy, solution is now to use rsync for heavy file lifting
# read/write snapshots working
# powercut, version 0.002
# the swiss army knife of file management tools
# Powercut is now reasonably stable
## WIN32 Notes
## use ppm for activeperl
## ppm install MLDBM
# export PERL_SIGNALS=unsafe
my $MAINREPORTNAME = "zz__PC-main-report-$$.txt";
local $main::GUARD_SIZE = 200_000;
my $TOTAL_FILES_EXPECTED = 4_000_000;
# for reference, my main drobo system has 1.5M files.
use Time::HiRes qw( CLOCK_REALTIME gettimeofday tv_interval);
## A quick helper function intended to help setting up databases
sub ckstatus
my $status = shift;
if( $status )
die "Status $status on database! Bombing out: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
my $NOW = time();
my $FILESEP = "/";
## Trap control-c and trigger a graceful shutdown that closes
## filehandles, etc.
$SIG{INT} = sub { doshutdown(1); };
## Pull in our database modules
use BerkeleyDB;
use BerkeleyDB::Hash;
use BerkeleyDB::Btree;
use File::Basename;
use DB_File;
use File::Spec;
use Digest::MD5;
use Getopt::Long;
use FileHandle;
use POSIX;
use File::Find;
### Debugging Constants
my $GENERAL_DEBUG = 1;# Should general "debug" statments print anything out?
my $MDB_DEBUG = 0; # instrumentation for the master db: refreshAfn and discover
my $FCA_DEBUG = 0; # instrumentation for the file copy agent and fiends
my $IO_DEBUG = 1; # notify when full, partial or stats occur
my $RH_DEBUG = 0; # debug all reverse hash operations
my $EXPRESSTEST = 0; # cheat on all reads to make faster
# Depricated
my $bytesInQueue = 0;
my $bytesTotal = 0;
use strict;
#no strict 'refs';
#use MLDBM;
#use MLDBM qw( DB_File Storable );
use MLDBM qw( BerkeleyDB::Hash Storable );
# MLDBM handles serialization.. ok to use it without Storeable, but it makes the whole program much slower
my $assurePREFIX = "zz__" . POSIX::strftime( "%Y%m%d", gmtime($NOW) ) . "-$$";
### Global vars for command line
my $execute = 0;
my $fakeMode= 0;
my $FASTMODE = 0;
my $clearLock= 0;
my $recurse = 0;
my $includezerolen = 0;
my $fuzzyMode = 0;
my $noDB = 0;
my $nocopy_mode = 0;
my $PHOTO_MODE = 0;
my $VAULT_NAME = '';
### Global stats variables
my $count_fullreads = 0;
my $count_stat = 0;
my $count_fullreads = 0;
my $count_fastreads = 0;
my $byte_fullreads = 0;
my $byte_fastreads = 0;
my $count_dupfiles = 0;
my $count_dupbytes = 0;
my $count_targetFilesProcessed = 0;
local $main::count_dbread = 0;
local $main::count_dbwrite = 0;
### Define the "guard times", in seconds, for if we trust the file
### database -- the shorter this is, the more often powercut will hit
### the disk.
my $statWindow = (60*60*24)* 5;
my $fasthashWindow = (60*60*24)* 30 * 18;
my $fullhashWindow = (60*60*24)* 30 * 18;
my $hitdisk = 0;
my $maxSize;
&GetOptions( 'fake|F' => \$fakeMode,
'fuzzy' => \$fuzzyMode,
'priority=s' => \$PRIORITY_SETTING,
'fill' => \$FILLMODE,
'hitdisk|X+' => \$hitdisk,
'fast|f' => \$FASTMODE,
'fullpaths' => \$RELPATHMODE,
'photo|P' => \$PHOTO_MODE,
'vaultName|N=s' => \$VAULT_NAME,
'nodb' => \$noDB,
'nocopy' => \$nocopy_mode,
'spare|S=s' => \@SPARES, # look in this directory first for winkins
'recurse|R' => \$recurse,
'maxsize|s=s' => \$maxSize,
'auxilliarypath|A=s' => \@AUXPATH,
'include-snapshot|I=s' => \@SNAPSHOTS,
'orphanpath|O=s' => \@ORPHANPATH,
'database|D=s' => \$DOMAIN_NAME,
'execute|E' => \$execute,
'clearlock|C' => \$clearLock ) or die;
my $fastDriveAlt;
$fastDriveAlt = "/Volumes/140Data";
$fastDriveAlt = "/Volumes/TaliaRAID";
my $HOME = $ENV{HOME};
$HOME = $fastDriveAlt if -e $fastDriveAlt;
$DOMAIN_NAME = "default" if not defined $DOMAIN_NAME;
my $WDIR = "$HOME/.powercut";
$WDIR .= "-$DOMAIN_NAME" if defined $DOMAIN_NAME;
my $DBDIR = "$WDIR/db";
my $EDIR = "$ENV{HOME}/.pcrun/EXEC-$$";
my %numReports;
my %fnTofh;
# Start of the main function
sub debug($);
my $op = shift @ARGV;
debug "Operation = [$op]";
debug "Working directory = [$WDIR]";
## Reset - Clear out the database entirely, used for testing
if( $op eq "reset" )
my $NEW = "$WDIR-$$";
print "Renamed [$WDIR] to [$NEW]\n";
rename $WDIR, $NEW or die "Cannot rename\n";
# print "hitdisk=$hitdisk\n";
$statWindow = 0 if( $hitdisk > 0 );
$fasthashWindow = 0 if( $hitdisk > 1 );
$fullhashWindow = 0 if( $hitdisk > 2 );
sub debug ($)
return if not $GENERAL_DEBUG;
my $a = shift @_;
chomp $a;
print "DEBUG_LINE: " . $a . "\n";
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
sub mkdirs
my $dir = shift;
my $dirx = dirname $dir;
print "MKDIRS: $dirx\n";
eval{ mkpath($dirx,1) };
$@ and die "Couldn't create dir path: $@";
die "Did not find new path" if not -d $dirx;
# Check working directories
if( not -e $WDIR )
mkdir $WDIR or die "Error creating [$WDIR]: $!";
if( not -e $DBDIR )
mkdir $DBDIR or die "Error creating [$DBDIR]: $!";
if( not -e $EDIR )
mkdir $EDIR or die "Error creating [$EDIR]: $!";
die "Cannot create $WDIR" unless -w $WDIR;
die "Cannot create $DBDIR" unless -w $DBDIR;
# Primitive lock detections
# As of 12/24/2009, pc is ok for concurrent access, so this is disabled
# 12/26/2009 - tested quite a bit, looks stable. Flag for removal in future
# versions
if( 0 )
unlink "$WDIR/lockfile" if $clearLock;
# A hack to prevent multiple instances
if( not $clearLock )
die "Lockfile exists" if -e "$WDIR/lockfile";
system( 'touch', "$WDIR/lockfile");
die "Can't write lockfile" unless -e "$WDIR/lockfile";
## fixthis use of touch - be more robust about getting an exclusive lock
### Tie in Databases. MLDBM handles serialization automatically.
use BerkeleyDB;
debug "Starting db...\n";
my $bdb_env = new BerkeleyDB::Env
-Verbose => 1,
-Home => $DBDIR,
-ErrFile => "$DBDIR/Errors-$$",
-ErrPrefix => "PCJAG";
# my $s = $bdb_env->open();
# print "Opening $s\n";
# This database maps absolute filenames to an Asset Record Struct (hashs, sizes and dates last chcked, etc)
my %afnToAssetRecord;
if( 0 )
my $status = BerkeleyDB::db_verify
-Filename => "$DBDIR/afn-to-hash.db",
-Env => $bdb_env;
debug "Maping DB db...\n";
my $afnToAssetRecordBDB = new BerkeleyDB::Btree
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Filename => "$DBDIR/afn-to-hash.db",
-Env => $bdb_env;
debug "DB mapped ...\n";
die "$! $BerkeleyDB::Error " unless $afnToAssetRecordBDB;
my $afnToAssetRecordDB = tie %afnToAssetRecord, "MLDBM";
$afnToAssetRecordDB->UseDB( $afnToAssetRecordBDB );
die unless defined $afnToAssetRecordDB;
# A cache, not fully implemented, of hashes to a list of Afns
my %hashToAfn;
my $hashToAfnBDB = new BerkeleyDB::Hash
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Property => DB_DUP,
-Filename => "$DBDIR/hash-to-afn.db",
-Env => $bdb_env;
debug "Hash DB mapped ...\n";
die "$! $BerkeleyDB::Error " unless $hashToAfnBDB;
my $hashToAfnDB = tie %hashToAfn, "MLDBM";
$hashToAfnDB->UseDB( $hashToAfnBDB );
die unless defined $hashToAfnDB;
# A cache, not fully implemented, of sizes to a list of Afns
my %sizeToAfn;
my $sizeToAfnBDB = new BerkeleyDB::Hash
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Property => DB_DUP,
-Filename => "$DBDIR/size-to-afn.db",
-Env => $bdb_env;
debug "Size DB mapped ...\n";
die "$! $BerkeleyDB::Error " unless $sizeToAfnBDB;
my $sizeToAfnDB = tie %sizeToAfn, "MLDBM";
$sizeToAfnDB->UseDB( $sizeToAfnBDB );
die unless defined $sizeToAfnDB;
# A cache, not fully implemented, of fasthash to a list of Afns
my %fasthashToAfn;
my $fasthashToAfnBDB = new BerkeleyDB::Hash
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Property => DB_DUP,
-Filename => "$DBDIR/fasthash-to-afn.db",
-Env => $bdb_env;
debug "Fasthash DB mapped ...\n";
die "$! $BerkeleyDB::Error " unless $fasthashToAfnBDB;
my $fasthashToAfnDB = tie %fasthashToAfn, "MLDBM";
$fasthashToAfnDB->UseDB( $fasthashToAfnBDB );
die unless defined $fasthashToAfnDB;
# Create the reverse hash management objects
my $hashDB = ReverseHash->create( $hashToAfnBDB, $RH_DEBUG, "hash" );
my $fastDB = ReverseHash->create( $fasthashToAfnBDB, $RH_DEBUG, "fast" );
my $sizeDB = ReverseHash->create( $sizeToAfnBDB, $RH_DEBUG, "size" );
# Our directory management database
local %main::afnToDirent;
my $afnToDirentBDB = new BerkeleyDB::Btree
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Filename => "$DBDIR/afn-to-dirent.db",
# -Ffactor => ((4096-32)/(200 + 400 + 8)),
-Env => $bdb_env;
debug "Directory DB mapped ...\n";
die "$! $BerkeleyDB::Error " unless $afnToDirentBDB;
my $afnToDirentDB = tie %main::afnToDirent, "MLDBM";
$afnToDirentDB->UseDB( $afnToDirentBDB );
die unless defined $afnToDirentDB;
# Our file version database
# A fileversion is a directory of known versions of files that is used
# for computing work to be done note that it is NOT used for caching
# hashes. Its designed to hold contents of vaults or other files that
# are backed up in other locations
local %main::fileversion;
my $fileversionBDB = new BerkeleyDB::Hash
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Filename => "$DBDIR/fileversion.db",
# -Ffactor => (4096-32)/(200 + 1000 + 8),
-Env => $bdb_env;
# hhfactor: (pagesize - 32) / (average_key_size + average_data_size + 8)
# nelham - final size of hash
debug "Fileversion DB mapped ...\n";
die "$! $BerkeleyDB::Error " unless $fileversionBDB;
my $fileversionDB = tie %main::fileversion, "MLDBM";
$fileversionDB->UseDB( $fileversionBDB );
die unless defined $fileversionDB;
# Directory of hashes to a list of FVs
my %hashToFV;
my $hashToFVBDB = new BerkeleyDB::Hash
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Property => DB_DUP,
-Filename => "$DBDIR/hash-to-FV.db",
-Env => $bdb_env;
debug "Hash DB mapped ...\n";
die "$! $BerkeleyDB::Error " unless $hashToFVBDB;
my $hashToFVDB = tie %hashToFV, "MLDBM";
$hashToFVDB->UseDB( $hashToFVBDB );
die unless defined $hashToFVDB;
# A cache, not fully implemented, of sizes to a list of FVs
my %sizeToFV;
my $sizeToFVBDB = new BerkeleyDB::Hash
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Property => DB_DUP,
-Filename => "$DBDIR/size-to-FV.db",
-Env => $bdb_env;
debug "Size DB FV mapped ...\n";
die "$! $BerkeleyDB::Error " unless $sizeToFVBDB;
my $sizeToFVDB = tie %sizeToFV, "MLDBM";
$sizeToFVDB->UseDB( $sizeToFVBDB );
die unless defined $sizeToFVDB;
# A cache, not fully implemented, of fasthash to a list of FVs
my %fasthashToFV;
my $fasthashToFVBDB = new BerkeleyDB::Hash
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Property => DB_DUP,
-Filename => "$DBDIR/fasthash-to-FV.db",
-Env => $bdb_env;
debug "Fasthash DB FV mapped ...\n";
die "$! $BerkeleyDB::Error " unless $fasthashToFVBDB;
my $fasthashToFVDB = tie %fasthashToFV, "MLDBM";
$fasthashToFVDB->UseDB( $fasthashToFVBDB );
die unless defined $fasthashToFVDB;
# Create the reverse hash management objects for fileversions
my $FV_DEBUG = 0;
my $hashFVDB = ReverseHash->create( $hashToFVBDB, $FV_DEBUG, "hash-FV" );
my $fastFVDB = ReverseHash->create( $fasthashToFVBDB, $FV_DEBUG, "fast-FV" );
my $sizeFVDB = ReverseHash->create( $sizeToFVBDB, $FV_DEBUG, "size-FV" );
my $fvDB = FileVersionDB->create();
sub dbcheck
debug "-------------------";
my $db = $afnToAssetRecordBDB;
my $key = "SIZE-$$";
$key = undef;
my $status;
my $size = "TEST";
$status = $db->db_put($key,$size);
debug "Status = $status, Error: $BerkeleyDB::ERROR";
my $s;
$status = $db->db_get( $key, $s );
debug "Status = $status, Error: $BerkeleyDB::ERROR";
debug "Straight check: $s vs $size";
debug "-------------------";
die if $s ne $size;
sub getSizeHitDisk
my $fn = shift;
print "STAT: $fn\n" if $IO_DEBUG;
return -s $fn;
sub getHashHitDisk
my $fn = shift;
$byte_fullreads = -s $fn;
print "FULLREAD: $fn\n" if $IO_DEBUG;
return getHashFNReg( $fn );
sub getFastHashHitDisk
my $fn = shift;
my $depth = shift;
print "FASTREAD: $fn\n" if $IO_DEBUG;
return getFastHashFNReg( $fn, $depth );
sub reportmain;
sub report;
sub reportIOError ($)
my $msg = shift;
reportmain $msg;
return undef;
sub getHashFNReg($)
my $fn = shift;
return getFastHashFNReg( $fn, 1 );
my $fh = new FileHandle();
open $fh, "<", $fn or return reportIOError "Cannot open [$fn] for hash: $!";
my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new();
$ctx->addfile( *$fh );
my $digest = $ctx->hexdigest();
close $fh or return reportIOError "Cannot close [$fn] for hash: $!";
print "FULLHASH $digest FOR $fn\n";
return $digest;
sub getFastHashFNReg($$)
my $fn = shift;
my $depth = shift;
my $r = undef;
my $fh = new FileHandle();
open $fh, "<", $fn or return reportIOError "Cannot open [$fn] for fast hash: $!";
my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new();
my $data;
# Read the first X bit of the file from start
$r = sysread $fh, $data, 16000;
return reportIOError "Cannot read [$fn] for hash: $!" if not defined $r;
$main::byte_fastread += length $data;
# Jumpi in to 100K inside the file X from cur poisition;
$r = $fh->sysseek( 100000, 1);
return reportIOError "Cannot seek [$fn] for hash: $!" if not defined $r;
$r = sysread $fh, $data, 16000;
return reportIOError "Cannot sysread [$fn] for hash: $!" if not defined $r;
$main::byte_fastread += length $data;
# Jump to X before the end of the file, read more
$r = $fh->sysseek( 16000, 2);
return reportIOError "Cannot seek (2) [$fn] for hash: $!" if not defined $r;
$r = sysread $fh, $data, 16000;
return reportIOError "Cannot sysread (2) [$fn] for hash: $!" if not defined $r;
$main::byte_fastread += length $data;
my $digest = $ctx->hexdigest();
print "FASTHASH $digest FOR $fn\n";
close $fh or return reportIOError "Cannot close [$fn] for fasthash: $!";
return $digest;
sub isAFNinMasterDatabase
my $afn = shift;
my $r = $afnToAssetRecord{$afn};
return defined $r;
sub reportmain
my @a = @_;
report( "$WDIR/pcout-$$.txt", @a );
# report( $MAINREPORTNAME, @a );
print @a;
my @filearg = @ARGV;
my @fileargABS = map
#print $_;
"" . File::Spec->rel2abs( $_ );
} @filearg;
## Print Help Information
if( $op eq "help" )
print <<__HELP;
Welcome to Powercut, the swiss-army knife of file tools This tool
maintains a master database of checksums and locations for any file on
your computer. Powercut uses its master database as a caching
database -- nearly any operation can potentially update the master
database based on new discoveries. The database is trusted to be
accurate if its record timestamps fall within certain limits. Powercut
learns where files are stored on your drive over time and their
checksums, so that it can quickly resolve if a file has been
previously backed up or copied.
Syntax: pc [flags OPERATION [direct object(s)]
-R - Recurse
-N - Sets the name of a snapshot or a vault
-D - Alternative database name to use
-f - "Fast mode", will try to use fast-hashes instead of full hashes for comparisons.
only applies to certain modes
-A - Auxiliary paths to check for duplicates
-I - Auxiliary snapshots to check for duplicates
-X, --hitdisk = put in more of these to disable stat, fast and full caches
-X - disable stat
-X -X - disable stat and fasthash, etc
-s, --maxsize [bytes] -- for the fastbackup tool, sets the total number of bytes to fill on the destination drive
--priority=23 -- sets the priory threshold. files not meeting the
priorty set will be disregarded by certain tools (not universally
implemented) Note that anything about 50 is general purpose, and
anything 60 or above is a good candidate for multiple backups
50 - back up everything that is general purpose
40 - back up photos and other things not clearly rejects or deletes
30 - back up
scan - Updates the master database with the files listed
ls - Prints out information known about the listed files from the "assure" database
lsdup - Prints out all duplicates WITHIN a given path
lsdup-across - Looks for files in the named directory that are duplicated in the -A and -I areas
help - Print a useful help message
reset - Wipes the current database (moved, not deleted.)
snapshot - Creates a new snapshot file, with the listed files
read - Loads the snapshots, freshening the master DB with newer or more complete data
register - Registers the snapshot as a vault in the file version database
(does not touch the db)
compare - lists files that currently differ from those in the snapshot
note: the snapshot stores absolute paths, so this only works if nothings been moved
assure - updates the backup status of the listed files
print - translate a snapshot to a human readable files
clearpcip - remove .pcip_info files
fastbackup source1 [source2] destination [-s 10002] [-E] [-R] --priority=23 --fill
This is an expresslane backup tool that integrates with the file database. The tool
scans the source, looking for files that are not already registered file versions,
then performs an rsync to copy them over to the destination. Files are dropped into a
backup-200120312 style directory. The tool then performs a FULL scan of the
destination to create a snapshot file and simultaneously registers them into the
database, all in one go. --fill fills 98% of the destination drive;
backup target source1 [source2] [-A auxcopylocation] [-I snapshot1 [-I snapshot2..]]
Looks for files in in the source directories that are not already in the named
snapshots or auxiliary locations, and copies them over. Does not update assure
database. A great tool for making progressive, but lean backups
rsync [-R] source1 [source2] target [--fast] [--nocopy] [--spares=sparedir] [-E / --execute] [--fullpaths]
Rsync replacement that handles folder renames. Fairly
robust. -E is needed to execute --fast is highly
recommended and matches rsync(1)s exact level of
suspicon -- e.g. it does not rechecksum files if the
size and moddate are equivilent. This implementation
can deal with spare directories that overlap the
desintation. --spares provides one or more directories
that can be used for "wink in", e.g. if the file is
present in a spare, it will be moved rather than copied.
--nocopy only performes wink ins, and avoids copying
files, which is useful as a pre-processor to the real
rsync(1) command. All copies are performed using cp -av.
--fullpaths concats the full paths to the target,
somewhat like -R in the traditional rsync(1).
pc snapshot -R . -N name
Make a checksum of an entire directory starting here
pc compare snapshot-20080302333.pc
List all changes occured since the snapshot was taken. (DB is reconstructed automatically)
Multiple invocations
Perfectly ok for multiple powercut instances to be active at the same time. BerkeleyDB concurrent
data store is used so this is efficient and deadlock free.
The backup operation checks over the sources listed and marks any file not found in the target to
the target. Files are written into a special "backup-" directory at the root of the target, and the
name also contains the date/time. A copy is made based entirely on checksums -- if the file in
question happens to exist somewhere else under the target pathname, even if it has a different name,
etc, no copy will be made.
The script does not currently copy anything, it just creates a file with zero-delimited filenames
that need to be copied.
The backup operation can take listed snapshots and pathnames of existing backups and use those to
prune down the list further. Therefore, a file is only backed up if 1) it does not exist under the
target tree 2) it does not exist under the listed "auxiliary" paths 3) it does not exist under the
listed snapshots.
This code is working, but slow, as of 12/29. Its slow because a full decent to enumerate sizes is
needed for each listed path before the script can start generating output.
Assure is a new metaphor providing a faster way to mark files for
backup. In the assure operation does a recursive check of the
directory names and marks for backup any files not already marked as a
vault in the file version database. Example:
pc load -N vault01 snapshot-400234.pc
pc load -N vault02 snapshot-3242333.pc
pc assure
# writes to a file the paths needing backup.
The marked database of files to back up is also viewable using the "ls"
commend which also marks the percentage of each directory that is backed up.
Known Issues:
- no backups are done, only marked
- the "size" reverse hash slows down snapshoting considerably, so is disabled
- zero length files are always marked for backup
## Adds or refreshes the set of files in the master checksum database.
## Any file not inside the "tolerable" window of delay (or a new file)
## gets a refresh.
elsif( $op eq "scan" )
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $fn ) ;
next unless -f $afn;
## For each file, we have to decide if the file is new, or old
## if old, check our rules for refreshing data in the cache
reportmain( "Checking [$afn]\n" );
my $r = refreshAFN( $afn, $statWindow, $fasthashWindow, $fullhashWindow );
elsif( $op eq "symcache" )
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $fn ) ;
next unless -f $afn;
## For each file, we have to decide if the file is new, or old
## if old, check our rules for refreshing data in the cache
reportmain( "Checking [$afn]\n" );
my $r = refreshAFN( $afn, $statWindow, $fasthashWindow, $fullhashWindow );
print "$afn -> $r->{'HASH'}\n";
my $hash = $r->{'HASH'};
my $newPath = "./symcache/";
$newPath .= substr $hash, 0, 3;
$newPath .= "/";
$newPath .= substr $hash, 3, 3;
$newPath .= "/";
$newPath .= "$hash";
my $dirx = $newPath;
eval{ mkpath($dirx,1) };
$@ and die "Couldn't create dir path: $@";
die "Did not find new path" if not -d $dirx;
$newPath .= "/" . basename $afn;
print "SYMCACHE: $afn -> $newPath\n";
symlink( $afn, $newPath );
elsif( $op eq "clearpcip" )
my $cmd = "find . -name '.pcip_info' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 100 rm -v";
## Creates a permanent record of the listed files, their sizes and checksum
## for later comparison
elsif( $op eq "snapshot" )
handleMakeSnapshot( @filearg );
## Read -- slurps in a snapshot into the master database. This will freshen
## any data in the master DB more recent than what is already there
elsif( $op eq "read" )
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
my $START_GTOD_MAIN = [gettimeofday];
my $i;
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $fn ) ;
next unless -f $afn;
my $ssr = new SnapshotReader( $afn );
while( $ssr->hasNext() )
my $START_GTOD = [gettimeofday];
my $ar = $ssr->getNext();
my $afn = $ar->[0];
discover_file( @$ar );
my $tpi = tv_interval( $START_GTOD ) * 1000000;
my $tps = 1/(tv_interval( $START_GTOD_MAIN ) / $i);
debug sprintf "READ: $afn (%.0f usec) (%1.3f per second est)", $tpi, $tps;
elsif( $op eq "register" )
die "Must specify a vault name" unless $VAULT_NAME;
my $vaultName = $VAULT_NAME;
my $START_GTOD = [gettimeofday];
my $i;
my $tpi;
my $tps;
my $axe =1000;
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $fn ) ;
next unless -f $afn;
my $ssr = new SnapshotReader( $afn );
while( $ssr->hasNext() )
my $ar = $ssr->getNext();
my $hash = $ar->hash();
my $size = $ar->size();
my $fn = $ar->fn();
debug sprintf "REGISTER: $fn $hash $size (%.0f usec) (%1.3f per second est) (c=$i)", $tpi, $tps;
# print "Registration: $fn $hash $size ($tpi usec/entry) ($tps per sec) - $i total\n";
$fvDB->registerFileVersion( -Type => 'Vault',
-Afn => $ar->fn(),
-Size => $ar->size(),
-SizeDate => $ar->sizedate(),
-FastHash => $ar->fasthash(),
-FastHashDate => $ar->fasthashdate(),
-FastHashDepth => $ar->fasthashdepth(),
-Hash => $ar->hash(),
-HashDate => $ar->hashdate(),
-RegistrationDate => $NOW,
-VaultName => $vaultName,
-Source => $afn );
if( $i % $axe == 0)
$tpi = tv_interval( $START_GTOD )*1_000_000 / $axe;
$tps = 1/(tv_interval( $START_GTOD ) / $axe);
$START_GTOD = [gettimeofday];
elsif( $op eq "register-test" )
die "Must specify a vault name" unless $VAULT_NAME;
my $vaultName = $VAULT_NAME;
my $START_GTOD = [gettimeofday];
my $i;
my $tpi;
my $tps;
my $axe =1000;
my %tmp;
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $fn ) ;
next unless -f $afn;
my $ssr = new SnapshotReader( $afn );
while( $ssr->hasNext() )
my $ar = $ssr->getNext();
my $hash = $ar->hash();
my $size = $ar->size();
my $fn = $ar->fn();
$tmp{$hash} = $size;
# debug sprintf "REGISTER: $fn $hash $size (%.0f usec) (%1.3f per second est) (c=$i)", $tpi, $tps;
elsif( $op eq "print" )
my $vaultName = $VAULT_NAME;
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $fn ) ;
next unless -f $afn;
my $ssr = new SnapshotReader( $afn );
while( $ssr->hasNext() )
my $ar = $ssr->getNext();
my $afn = $ar->fn();
report( "$fn.txt", "$afn\n" );
## Compare - lists files that currently differ from those found in the snapshot
elsif( $op eq "compare" )
my $count = 0;
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $fn ) ;
next unless -f $afn;
my $ssr = new SnapshotReader( $afn );
while( $ssr->hasNext() )
my $ar = $ssr->getNext();
my $hash = $ar->hash();
my $afn = $ar->fn();
my $actualHash = getChecksum( $afn );
my $status;
if( $actualHash eq $hash )
$status = "OK ";
$status = "DIFF ";
print "$status$afn\n";
$count ++;
print "Read $count records from [$fn]\n";
## Test if the snapshot could be reconstructed by the listed files -- what would be missing?
elsif( $op eq "recon" )
my %seenHashes;
my %hashToAfn;
# First, scan over the entire snapshot
my $fn = shift @filearg;
die "Can't read file $fn: $!" unless -r $fn;
open FILE, "<$fn" or die "Cannot open [$fn]: $!";
my $count = 0;
while( not eof FILE )
my ($afn, $vec);
local $/ = "\0";
$afn = ;
chomp $afn;
$vec = ;
chomp $vec;
my ($size, $hash, $sizedate, $hashdate, $deldate ) = split ":", $vec;
# mark each hash in the snapshot as occuring zero times to start
$seenHashes{$hash} = 0;
# record each filename that matches this hash for later reporting
push @{$hashToAfn{$hash}}, $afn;
print "Found $count record in snapshot [$fn]\n";
print "[[[ Beginning scan of listed files\n";
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $fn ) ;
next unless -f $afn;
debug "Scanning $afn";
my $hash = getChecksum( $afn );
print "]]] Ending scan of listed files\n";
reportmain "The following files from the snapshot can not be reconstructed from the listed files\n";
foreach my $k (keys %seenHashes)
if( $seenHashes{$k} < 1 )
foreach my $afn (@{$hashToAfn{$k}})
reportmain "$afn\n";
reportmain "\n";
reportmain "The following files from the snapshot CAN reconstructed from the listed files:\n";
foreach my $k (keys %seenHashes)
if( $seenHashes{$k} >= 1 )
foreach my $afn (@{$hashToAfn{$k}})
reportmain "$afn\n";
### Testing only, oK to remove
## Note: rel2abs is VERY VERY SLOW, use sparingly. It is far slower that any parse, databse lookup or stat.
elsif( $op eq "perftest" )
find( { no_chdir => 1,
wanted =>
my $fn = $File::Find::name;
# my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $fn ) ;
print "$fn\n";
}}, @fileargABS );
elsif( $op eq "dbspeedtest" )
my $fn = "/Volumes/Drobo03/Pre-Jun20-2009/Photos/2007-B/boston-hsq-sloan-city-fall-2007/master-rejects/hsq-071210-00006.CR2";
my $r = refreshAFN( "/Volumes/Drobo03/Pre-Jun20-2009/Photos/2007-B/boston-hsq-sloan-city-fall-2007/master-rejects/hsq-071210-00006.CR2", 10,10,10);
my $i;
my $START_GTOD = [gettimeofday];
for( $i = 0; $i < 10000000 ; $i++ )
$afnToAssetRecord{$fn.$fn.$i} = $r x 2;
if( $i % 10000 == 0)
debug( "$i -- " . tv_interval( $START_GTOD )*1_000_000 );
$START_GTOD = [gettimeofday];
for( $i = 0; $i < 100000 ; $i++ )
$START_GTOD = [gettimeofday];
$r = $afnToAssetRecord{$fn.$i};
debug( "$i -- " . tv_interval( $START_GTOD )*1_000_000 );
debug( "TIME: After retrieval of dirent cache: " . tv_interval( $START_GTOD )*1_000_000 );
## countdup -- for each file selected, prints the number of instances of that exact file
## within the entire set. Uses FSE.
elsif( $op eq "countdup" )
my $fse = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$fse->setPaths( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fse->getNext() )
next unless -f $fn;
my @afns = $fse->getDuplicates( $fn );
my $count = scalar @afns;
printf "%-3d %s\n", $count, $fn;
elsif( $op eq "dbstress" )
for(my $i = 0 ; $i < 1_000_000 ; $i++ )
discover_file( "/this/is a very long/file $i with lots/$i/$i of randomness/$i/$i$/$i/sdkfj sdlkfj sldk jsdlkfj sdlkfjsd lkfjsdfsdlfkj sdlfkj sdf sdkflj/sdflsdkjflsdkjf / sldkhjflsdkjf /dsfkjsdflkjsdlfk/sdfkjsdfkljsdf/sdfljksdflkjsdfkj/sdfjkhsdfsdfjkd/$i/$i",
8121 );
if( $i % 100 == 0 )
printf( "Record $i %u\n", -s "$WDIR/afn-to-hash.db")
elsif( $op eq "queryhash" )
## Creates a simple text file, one line for each file in the named set, with the format size + tab + filename
elsif( $op eq "genstatfile" )
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
next unless -f $fn;
my $size = -s $fn;
report "statfile-$$.txt", "$size\t$fn\n";
elsif( $op eq "checkfree" )
my $fs = getFreeSpace( shift @filearg );
print "Free space: $fs\n\n";
elsif( $op eq "lspriorities" )
my %priorities;
my $tot = 0;
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
next unless -f $fn;
my $pri = prioritizeFN( $fn);
my $size = -s $fn;
$priorities{$pri} += $size;
my $l = sprintf( "%2dpri %8.1fmb %s\n", $pri, $size /1024/1024, $fn);
reportmain $l;
report "lspriority-$$-listing.txt", $l;
my $cum;
foreach my $k ( reverse sort {$a <=> $b} keys %priorities )
my $s = int($priorities{$k} / 1_000_000);
my $pct = $priorities{$k} / $tot * 100;
my $line = (sprintf ("%02d - %8d MB (%4.1f%%) %9d MB %s\n", $k, $s, $pct, $cum, "x" x ($pct/1)));
reportmain $line;
report "lspriority-$$-histogram.txt", $line;
elsif( $op eq "prioritize" )
while( <> )
my $p = prioritizeFN( $_ );
print "$p - $_\n";
elsif( $op eq "prioritizestatfile" )
my %priorities;
my $tot = 0;
while( <> )
my( $s, $fn) = split "\t";
my $p = prioritizeFN( $_ );
report "priority-by-file-$$.txt","$p - $_\n";
$tot+= $s;
$priorities{$p} += $s;
my $cum;
foreach my $k ( reverse sort {$a <=> $b} keys %priorities )
my $s = int($priorities{$k} / 1_000_000);
my $pct = $priorities{$k} / $tot * 100;
my $line = (sprintf ("%02d - %8d MB (%4.1f%%) %9d MB %s\n", $k, $s, $pct, $cum, "x" x ($pct/1)));
reportmain $line;
report "priority-histogram-$$.txt", $line;
# Writes out files in the listed directory not found in the assure database'
elsif( $op eq "fastbackup" )
my $targetDir = pop @filearg;
my %inCopy;
my $BACKUPZEROFILE = "zz-fastbackup-$$-zeroterm.txt";
my $targetFse = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$targetFse->setPaths( $targetDir );
my $bytes = 0;
my( $total, $used, $avail) = getFreeSpace($targetDir);
my $limit = int($total * 0.97);
$maxSize = 0 if( $used > $limit);
$maxSize = $limit - $used;
my %priorities;
my %priInclude; # not used yet
my %priExclude;
print "Maxsize setting: $maxSize\n";
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
next unless -f $fn;
next if $fn eq '.pcip_info';
if((defined $maxSize ) and ($bytes >= $maxSize ))
reportmain (" --- max size reached, stopping\n");
# reportmain ( "ity >= $PRIORITY_SETTING) - $fn\n");
my $avoid = 0;
my $hash = getChecksum( $fn );
my $size = getSize( $fn );
if ($inCopy{$hash})
reportmain ( "copies:[xx] pri:(xx >= $PRIORITY_SETTING) - $fn\n");
reportmain (" --- skipping, already copied this hash in this session\n");
my $priority;
if (defined $PRIORITY_SETTING)
$priority = prioritizeFN( $fn );
if( $priority < $PRIORITY_SETTING )
reportmain ( "copies:[xx] pri:($priority >= $PRIORITY_SETTING) - $fn\n");
report( "zz-fastbackup-$$-prioritytoolow.txt", "$fn\n" );
reportmain (" --- skipping, priority too low( $priority < $PRIORITY_SETTING )\n");
# debug " ";
# debug " Size: $size Hash: $hash";
my @fvs = $fvDB->getWithHash( $hash );
my $c= 0+@fvs;
my $l = sprintf( "c:[%2d] pri:(%2d>=%2d) %6.1fmb %7.1fmb %s\n",
$size / 1024 / 1024,
$bytes / 1204 / 1024,
reportmain ( $l );
if( $c == 0)
report( $BACKUPZEROFILE, "$fn\0" );
$bytes+= $size;
$priorities{$priority} += $size;
report( "zz-fastbackup-$$-fullreport.txt", $l);
reportmain ("DOne with scan\n");
my $cum;
foreach my $k ( reverse sort {$a <=> $b} keys %priorities )
my $s = int($priorities{$k} / 1_000_000);
my $pct = $priorities{$k} / $bytes * 100;
my $line = (sprintf ("%02d - %8d MB (%4.1f%%) %9d MB %s\n", $k, $s, $pct, $cum, "x" x ($pct/1)));
reportmain $line;
report "zz-fastbackup-$$-priority-histogram.txt", $line;
my $date = `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`;
chomp $date;
my $dest = "$targetDir/backup-$date";
main::mkdirs( $dest );
my @CMD = ('rsync', '-av0', '--files-from=' . $BACKUPZEROFILE, "/" , $dest . "/" );
reportmain @CMD;
print "I'd like to execute:" . ((join ' ', @CMD)) . "\n";
if( $execute )
my $res = system( @CMD );
if( $res != 0 )
print "EXECUTE FAILED:$!,$? @CMD\n";
my $fi = new FileIterator( $targetDir );
my $str = POSIX::strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime($NOW) );
my $name = "snapshot";
$name = "$VAULT_NAME" if( $VAULT_NAME );
my $snapFN = "$targetDir/$name-$str.pc";
my $START_GTOD_MAIN = [gettimeofday];
my $i;
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $START_GTOD = [gettimeofday];
my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $fn ) ;
my $t = -f $afn ? "FILE:" : " DIR:";
reportmain( "SNAPSHOT: $fn\n");
next unless -f $afn;
next if basename($fn) eq '.pcip_info';
my $ar = writeAFNtoSnapshot( $afn, $snapFN );
writeInPlace( $afn, $ar );
my $hash = $ar->hash();
my $size = $ar->size();
my $fn = $ar->fn();
my @fvs = $fvDB->getWithHash( $hash );
my $c= 0+@fvs;
reportmain ( "c[$c] - $fn\n");
if( $c == 0)
reportmain "Registration: $fn hash:$hash size:$size - $i total\n";
$fvDB->registerFileVersion( -Type => 'Vault',
-Afn => $ar->fn(),
-Size => $ar->size(),
-SizeDate => $ar->sizedate(),
-FastHash => $ar->fasthash(),
-FastHashDate => $ar->fasthashdate(),
-FastHashDepth => $ar->fasthashdepth(),
-Hash => $ar->hash(),
-HashDate => $ar->hashdate(),
-RegistrationDate => $NOW,
-VaultName => $name,
-Source => $afn );
reportmain( "Execute not set, no action taken.\n");
reportmain( "\n\n\n****************************\n");
reportmain ("Try: rsync -av0 --files-from=$BACKUPZEROFILE\n");
reportmain( "****************************\n");
# Ls is used to interrogate the main database to list out
# known data about files. This is working live code as of 12/25/2009
# Ls is intended to give "quick" results that won't press a lot of new computation
# on other files. In the worst case, it will require a checksum
# of the current listed files only.
elsif( $op eq "ls" )
my $source = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$source->setPaths( @filearg );
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
debug "ready!";
reportmain "# of files | total size M | files to back up | bytes to back up M | percent backed up | filename \n";
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $dirent = DirectoryEntry->retrieve( $fn );
if( $dirent )
my $oFileCount = $dirent->count();
my $oSize = $dirent->size() / 1000000;
my $bc = $dirent->bakCount();
my $bb = $dirent->bakBytes() / 1000000;
my $pbu = 100 - ($bb / $oSize*100);
printf "%-6d %10.2f %-5d %10.2f %4.0f%% %s\n", $oFileCount, $oSize, $bc, $bb, $pbu, $fn;
next unless -f $fn;
my $hash = getChecksum( $fn );
my $size = getSize( $fn );
debug " ";
# debug " Size: $size Hash: $hash";
my @fvs = $fvDB->getWithHash( $hash );
foreach my $fv (@fvs )
# debug( "FV= $fv" );
my $source = $fv->source();
my $type = $fv->type();
my $vaultName = $fv->vaultName();
my $id = $fv->id();
reportmain( " Match: $id" );
reportmain( " (vault:[$vaultName] source:[$source])" );
debug " ";
## backup -I
## copies files from source -> target that do not already exist somewhere in target
## this is in effect, a minimalist backup
## also, creates a snapshot of listed files that is copied into the target
## the "ignore" switch will not copy over anything in that is referenced by the listed snapshot
# my $targetfs = new fileset:frompath( $target)
# my $targetfse = new fse( $targetfs );
# my $sourcefs = new fileset::frompath( $source );
# my sourcefse = new fse( $sourcefs);
# while( $f = $sourcefsee->getNext() )
# print explrong file $f
# if( not $targetfs->hasHashInSet( $f->getHash() )
# if( not $ignorefse->hasSameFileInSet( $f );
# # copy it over
# $targetfs->makeBackup( $fn ); # finds a place somewhere to receive this copy
# # write snapshot out
elsif( $op eq "backup" )
my $targetDir = shift @filearg;
my $targetFse = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$targetFse->setPaths( $targetDir );
my $source = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$source->setPaths( @filearg );
# $source->loadSizeCache();
my $aux = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$aux->setPaths( @AUXPATH );
my $snaps = new FileSetExplorer::Snapshots();
$snaps->setPaths( @SNAPSHOTS );
my $date = `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`;
chomp $date;
my %agentForDev;
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
debug( "Starting run" );
my $BACKUPZEROFILENAME = "PC-backups-needed-zeroterm-$$.txt";
my $BACKUPZEROFILENAMEREL = "PC-backups-needed-zeroterm-rel-$$.txt";
my $filecount = 0;
my $onsnapshot = 0;
my $ondrive = 0;
my $backneedcount = 0;
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
next unless -f $fn;
next if $fn =~ /\.fseventsd/;
next if $fn =~ /\.Trashes/;
## getDuplicates() is going to force a tree descent to enumerate all sizes.
my @afns = $targetFse->getDuplicates( $fn );
my $count = scalar @afns;
# printf "%-3d %s\n", $count, $fn;
reportmain "----- $fn\n";
map {reportmain " atDestAlready > $_\n" } @afns;
my @auxFns = $aux->getDuplicates( $fn );
if( @auxFns > 0 )
# print "Auxiliary copy found, SKIPPING. Full list here:\n";
map {reportmain " atAuxAlready > $_\n" } @auxFns;
reportmain " Final action: Skip (present in auxiliary directory)\n";
my @snapsFns = $snaps->getDuplicates( $fn );
if( @snapsFns > 0 )
# print "Auxiliary copy found, SKIPPING. Full list here:\n";
map {reportmain " atSnapAlready > $_\n" } @snapsFns;
reportmain " Final action: Skip (present in listed snapshot)\n";
# check if a copy is needed and make one
if( $count < 1 )
my $src = $fn;
# Do a stat mainly to get the device ID
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
= stat($fn);
# pathtag lookup works, but shut off for now
my $pathtag = ""; # getPathTag( $src );
my $dest = "$targetDir/backup-$date$fn";
reportmain "COPY\n";
reportmain " SRC: $src\n";
reportmain " DEST: $dest\n";
# report( "PC-backups-needed-newline-$$", "$src\n" );
my $rel = File::Spec->abs2rel( $src );
report( $BACKUPZEROFILENAME, "$src\0" );
report( $BACKUPZEROFILENAMEREL, "./$rel\0" );
$dest =~ s/Volumes\//V-/;
$dest =~ s/EOS_DIGITAL([^\/]*)\//EOS-/;
$dest =~ s/CANON_DC\//CDC-/;
$dest =~ s/DCIM\///;
print "PHOTO MODE DEST NOW: [$dest]\n";
# my $fca = $agentForDev{$dev};
# if( not defined $fca )
# {
# $fca = new FileCopyAgent();
# $agentForDev{$dev} = $fca;
# }
# $fca->add( $src, $dest, $size );
# mkdirs( $dest );
# copy( $src, $dest ) or die "Copy failed: $!\n";
foreach my $fca (values %agentForDev)
foreach my $fca (values %agentForDev)
my $dest = "$targetDir/backup-$date";
main::mkdirs( $dest );
my @CMD = ('rsync', '-av0', '--files-from=' . $BACKUPZEROFILENAMEREL, "./" , $dest . "/" );
print ((join ' | ', @CMD), "\n");
if( $execute )
my $res = system( @CMD );
if( $res != 0 )
print "EXECUTE FAILED:$!,$? @CMD\n";
reportmain "Total files in set: $filecount\n";
reportmain "Files already at destinations: $ondrive\n";
reportmain "Files found in listed snapshots: $onsnapshot\n";
reportmain "Files needing backups: $backneedcount\n";
## rsync_old -I -A auxiliaryPath -O
#### NOTE: this works in a very very limited way to make "winkins". it is not efficient, and should be closely monitored
## The tool will look as much as possible for the best source to use in constructing the destination.
## If the source is available within the listed path, it will be copied from that location unless
## it is otherwise orphaned. Orphaned means that the file exists at the destination but no longer
## is placed the same way in the source. An orphaned file will be "winked in" from such a location through
## a move operation rather than a copy. The tool prefers first to copy from the source. However, if sources
## are not listed, the tool instead resorts to any file it can get its hands on based on its hash database.
## OK - Destination file is "OK" - a hash duplicate of the matching file at the source
## DESTMOVE - Destination file is some other file and needs to move out of the way
## IGNORE - On an ignore list - either the aux path, or the snapshot list
## WINKIN - A hash duplicate can be found, but not at the right place
## NOVO - File is truely "de novo" file not present anywhere at the destination
## This should be rewritten to make value right away on an rsync problem - hit low hanging fruit first
## Also, we need one big loop stuck around the outside to handle each source directory separately. seems to be the only
## good way to get the actual path we need.
## The UNUX Rsync's behavior is this: rsych /a/b/c /d/e/f is to create a /d/e/f/c directory, meaning we have to pull the "c" off of the source path.
## Scan all sources, just get the paths into a hash that don't seem to exist at all in the destination
## do a fast descent around the second tree, get the size only
## for each source in that list, getDuplicates() and screen out all those that don't have filenames for the final destination
## now i have a list of orphans, wink one of them in and mark it as a future exclude
## no second descent around the destination tree needed at all here.. let rsync take care of that
elsif( $op eq "rsync_OLD" )
my $targetDir = pop @filearg;
$targetDir =~ s/\/+$//;
my $targetFse = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$targetFse->setPaths( $targetDir );
my $sourceFse = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$sourceFse->setPaths( @filearg );
my $aux = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$aux->setPaths( @AUXPATH );
my $orphanFSE = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$orphanFSE->setPaths( @ORPHANPATH );
my $ignoreSnap = new FileSetExplorer::Snapshots();
$ignoreSnap->setPaths( @SNAPSHOTS );
my $date = `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`;
chomp $date;
my %agentForDev;
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
debug( "Starting run" );
my $BACKUPZEROFILENAME = "PC-backups-needed-zeroterm-$$.txt";
my $BACKUPZEROFILENAMEREL = "PC-backups-needed-zeroterm-rel-$$.txt";
my $filecount = 0;
my $onsnapshot = 0;
my $ondrive = 0;
my $backneedcount = 0;
my %orphan;
my %claim;
my %neededForWinkin;
my %srcStatus;
my %destStatus;
my %destPathForSource;
my @copyActions;
### First, we do a decent around the entire SOURCE. For each file we find,
### our goal is to find a match in the destination if at all possible.
### assign a source status, and a destination status based on what we find
## The orphan hash contains a list of all orphans with their intended new paths as the result of the hash
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
next unless -f $fn;
next if $fn =~ /\.fseventsd/;
next if $fn =~ /\.Trashes/;
reportmain "++++ ----- Considering SOURCE FILE for sync [$fn]\n";
## Calculate the source and destination paths
my $src = $fn;
my $rel = File::Spec->abs2rel( $src );
my $dest = "$targetDir/$rel";
print "SRC: $rel\n";
print "DEST: $dest\n";
my $srcAFN = File::Spec->rel2abs( $src );
my $destAFN = File::Spec->rel2abs( $dest );
$destPathForSource{$src} = $destAFN; # LAZY, could be recomputed later
## Decide if there is a file there already? If so, good idea to mark
## the orphan that needs to moved out
my $actionNeeded = 0;
$srcStatus{$src} = 0;
if( -e $dest )
# File exists at dest, is it the right one?
my $identical = testIdentical( $srcAFN, $destAFN );
if( $identical )
print "Existing file present, checksums match\n";
$actionNeeded = 0;
#$claim{$destAFN} = $srcAFN;
$srcStatus{$srcAFN} = "OK";
$destStatus{$destAFN} = "OK";
print "Potential future orphan detected: $dest\n";
$destStatus{$destAFN} = "DESTMOVE";
# Mark this newly found orphan as not being claimed
#$orphan{$dest} = undef;
$actionNeeded = 1;
$actionNeeded = 1;
my @auxFns = $aux->getDuplicates( $fn );
if( @auxFns > 0 )
# print "Auxiliary copy found, SKIPPING. Full list here:\n";
map {reportmain " atAuxAlready > $_\n" } @auxFns;
reportmain " Final action: Skip (present in auxiliary directory)\n";
$srcStatus{$srcAFN} = "IGNORE";
$destStatus{$destAFN} = "IGNORE";
my @snapsFns = $ignoreSnap->getDuplicates( $fn );
if( @snapsFns > 0 )
# print "Auxiliary copy via snapshot found, SKIPPING. Full list here:\n";
map {reportmain " atSnapAlready > $_\n" } @snapsFns;
reportmain " Final action: Skip (present in listed snapshot)\n";
$srcStatus{$srcAFN} = "IGNORE";
$destStatus{$destAFN} = "IGNORE";
### If we are here, we still need to decide if this is a NOVO or a WINKIN.
### First, check for things in the orphan path
if( $actionNeeded )
## Preference is an unclaimed file in an orphan path, because most
## likely that could be handled with a rename operation, the most efficient possible.
## The user can provide a path where orphans can be found.
reportmain "Checking for user specified orphans that could be a match\n";
my @orphanFns = $orphanFSE->getDuplicates( $srcAFN );
if( @orphanFns > 0 )
map {reportmain " Orphan > $_\n" } @orphanFns;
reportmain " Final action: Skip (present in listed snapshot)\n";
foreach my $p ( @orphanFns )
my $orphanTaken = defined $claim{$p};
print " - Orphan $p is a duplicate - taken=[$orphanTaken]\n";
if( not $orphanTaken )
$orphan{$p} = $dest;
$srcStatus{$srcAFN} = "WINKIN";
# is claiming needed now?
#print " - CLAIMING $p to $dest\n";
#$claim{$p} = $destAFN;
$actionNeeded = 0;
if( $actionNeeded)
### Now we need to decide if this is a NOVO or a WINKIN
## getDuplicates() is going to force a tree descent to enumerate all sizes.
my @afns = $targetFse->getDuplicates( $fn );
my $count = scalar @afns;
map {reportmain " atDestAlready > $_\n" } @afns;
if( @afns > 0 )
reportmain " copies at dest> $_\n";
} @afns;
$srcStatus{$srcAFN} = "WINKIN";
$srcStatus{$srcAFN} = "NOVO";
reportmain( "Final Status for source: $srcStatus{$srcAFN}\n");
die "assert error" unless (($srcStatus{$srcAFN} eq "OK") or
($srcStatus{$srcAFN} eq "NOVO") or
($srcStatus{$srcAFN} eq "WINKIN") or
($srcStatus{$srcAFN} eq "IGNORE"));
# Now we have to see if there homes for all files in the destination directory
# Ask the FSE to give us everything in there
# if a file in the FSE has not been claimed, we need to invent a new place for it to go.
# see if anything in the source needs it. Then assign it to move, and clear out the requirement for the copy.
my $fi = new FileIterator( $targetDir );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
reportmain "----- Checking DESTINATION paths [$fn]\n";
next unless -f $fn;
## A destination file needs to be either
## OK - fine as is
## USELESS - bits we no longer need anywhere in the destination tree
## ORPHAN - bits we need, but currently not in the right place
my $di = $destStatus{$fn};
if( $di eq "OK" )
reportmain " - file is in the right place already\n";
# This is either a destmove, or wasn't encountered originally.
# Classify as ORPHAN if needed
my $c=$neededForWinkin{$fn};
reportmain " - claims for winkins: $c\n";
if( $c > 0 )
$di = "ORPHAN";
$di = "USELESS";
$destStatus{$fn} = $di;
reportmain " - DEST STATUS: $di\n";
# At this point, we have status assigned to all sources and destinations, so we need to start taking
# action. Straightforward renames are by far the most useful thing to do. First, lets get rid of all
# of the "useless" guys.
foreach (keys %destStatus)
my $destAFN = $_;
# print "$destAFN -> $destStatus{$destAFN}\n";
if( $destStatus{$destAFN} eq 'USELESS' )
reportmain "useless: $destAFN\n";
######## NO ACTION
# Lets look for opportunist renames
# this next part is not the best way. Best way = coordiante by hash and make sure you
# do the exact minumum number of copies or moves as needed
my %markedForMove;
foreach (keys %srcStatus)
my $srcAFN = $_;
if( $srcStatus{$srcAFN} eq 'WINKIN' )
reportmain "HANDLE WINKIN: $srcAFN\n";
my @afns = $targetFse->getDuplicates( $srcAFN );
my $count = scalar @afns;
## Make sure we don't take the last orphan! This doesn't matter here b/c this is version 0.0001 and we just take one and then move on
my @matchesInPlace;
my @matchesOrphaned;
foreach my $destAFN (@afns)
my $destStatus = $destStatus{$destAFN};
reportmain " destCopy > $destAFN - $destStatus\n";
next if $markedForMove{$destAFN};
push @matchesInPlace, $destAFN if $destStatus eq 'OK';
push @matchesOrphaned, $destAFN if $destStatus eq 'ORPHAN';
# First, we prefer orphans
if( @matchesOrphaned > 0 )
my $destAFN = pop @matchesOrphaned;
$markedForMove{$destAFN} = 1;
my $newLoc = $destPathForSource{$srcAFN};
report( "ZZ-Winkins$$.txt", "[$destAFN] -> [$newLoc]\n" );
#mkdirs $newLoc;
#rename $destAFN, $newLoc;
######## NO ACTION
reportmain "Total files in set: $filecount\n";
reportmain "Files already at destinations: $ondrive\n";
reportmain "Files found in listed snapshots: $onsnapshot\n";
reportmain "Files needing backups: $backneedcount\n";
### implemented jan2012
### rsync Source1 source2 target --spares=foobar/directory --fast/-f --nocopy --execut
### This version is intended to be a well written replacement rsync -- rearranging the files
### anywhere in the target as an alternative to copying the file whenever possible. This
### implementation is the cleanest and most advanced of the "rsync replacements" in powercut, and
### has been tested fairly extensively. In fact, the program will print out an rsync statement at
### the end that the user can optionally invoke to verify its work. It is much more intelligent
### about using relative paths than the rest of powercut, and tries to mimic the exact semantics of
### the rsync command's use of relative paths. However, it does differ from rsync in that it will
### prefer "winkins" to actual copies if it can get away with making a local substitution. It also
### has "backup mode" permanently on, meaning that it never deletes files, it just moves them to a
### "backup-xxxx" directory rooted at the target.
### Note: Anything inside the target directory is considered "fair game" for winkin behavior, so for
### instance if you sync dira/dirb/ to dirz/, the contents of dirb/ will be placed at dirz/dirb,
### however wink-ins will be allowed from anywhere in the dirz/ subtree.
### You can specify additional paths called "spares" that winkins will be drawn from. This will
### become a preferred source for winkin behavior. This use of --spares is tested, but
### prioritization of multiple winkin candidates is not currently implemented.
### --nocopy means that only winkins and orphan removals are made.. useful if you wantto use as a
### preprocessor to rsync
### --execute is respected. If not present, no actual changes to the filesystem are made. Care has
### been taken so that the output without --execute will closely match that of the actual run,
### however there is one known exeception where there will be a mismatch. If there is an orphan in
### the destination tree (e.g. has no countepart in the source) that actually ends up being a
### valid wink-in, it will be queued to a new home during pass 1. If execute mode is off, this
### orphan will be incorrectly flagged for movement to a backup directory in pass 2 since pass 2
### does not check the actions proposed by pass 1.
### --fast is recommended. It will avoid the otherwise intensive effort of full checksuming as part
### of normal use, and is the best choice unless the user thinks there is a serious risk that
### winkins may have suffered bitrot or inplace edits that did not affect their sizes. If not
### applied, every file already in sync will get a full checksum request, and this will
### substantially drive up processing time if the checksum caches are not up to date. The --fast
### flag will influence two things when active: first, getDuplicates is universally affected when
### --fast is on, and this function is used to find candidates for winkins. In --fast,
### getDuplicates() will deem a duplicate exists, and thus a winkin is available, if sizes and
### fasthashes match. Secondly, for rsync mode only, special accelerating logic is applied to
### sidestep even a fasthash if a file otherwise appears in sync : if a file is in place already
### in the tree and its size and mtimes match, powercut will avoid doing any kind of checksumming
### -- this matches the behavior of the system command rsync(1). Note: If the mtimes do happen to
### mismatch, but the sizes are the same, powercut will insist on doing a full (all bytes)
### checksum so as to match the behavior of rsync, regardless of your choice of --fast. However,
### even in this "worst case" mtime mismatch where a full hash is requested, a fasthash will be
### used first in an attempt to quickly rule out need for a full hash. Powercut will not
### interfere with the correctness of a subsequent rsync(1) tool invcation, so it is pretty safe
### to use fast mode and then an actual /usr/bin/rsync to double check the copy.
### The process makes two passes
### Pass 1: "Source Traverse" - move invalid peers out of the way, make winkins, perform copies
### Pass 2: "Dest tranverse" - move anything that isn't in the source tree out into backup directory
# bugs:
# pass 2 not implemented
# zero length files seem to trigger rsync doing a full copy
### For the purposes of the code comments and var names I am using the following terminology
### rsync source1 source2 target1
### sourceDIR = a directory we are copying FROM
### target = the top-level directory we are copying TO
### destinationDIR = the matching directory in the target for a given source - usually target/sourceDIR
### invalid peer = a destination file peer that does not match the source file in size, modtime and contents.
### Note that this is different than an orphan in that the path is correct, just not contents.
### orphan = a file underneath the destinationDIR that is no longer supposed to be there - the path
### is not present in the sourceDIR so the file on the dest size should either be deleted or moved
### spare = other files sitting around at the target directory that are not source directories
### auxiliary = a tree that if the file is present in this tree means we don't need to copy it and can ignore (not implemented yet)
### included-snapshots = a snapshot - if the listed file is listed here, we can ignore it (not implemented yet)
elsif( $op eq "rsync" )
my $targetDIR = pop @filearg;
$targetDIR =~ s/\/+$//;
my $targetFse = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$targetFse->setPaths( $targetDIR );
# Not currently needed
# my $sourceFse = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
# $sourceFse->setPaths( @filearg );
# $sourceFse->loadSizeCache();
my $spareFse = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$spareFse->setPaths( @SPARES );
my $summaryReport = "zz_rsynclog-$$.txt";
my $date = `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`;
chomp $date;
my $filecount = 0;
my $onsnapshot = 0;
my $winkinCount = 0;
my $sourceToTargetCopyCount = 0;
my $ondrive = 0;
my $backneedcount = 0;
# hash of any duplicates in the dest tree we've already moved so
# we don't hit them up twice!
my %destDuplicatesClaimed;
reportmain "rsync - @filearg\n";
foreach my $sourceDIR (@filearg)
reportmain "rsync - $sourceDIR\n";
my $fi = new FileIterator( $sourceDIR );
# We need to compute the destinationTopDir - the parent that will be the head of
# the matching tree in our target directory for this source
my $sourceParent = $sourceDIR;
$sourceParent =~ s/\/+$//; # axe trailing slash
$sourceParent =~ /([^\/]+)$/; # takebasename
my $destinationTopDir = $1; # could be improved in case of multiple sourceDIRs specified where there is a common name
my $sourceDirAFN = File::Spec->rel2abs( $sourceDIR);
my $sourceOffset = length $sourceDirAFN;
my $targetDirAFN = File::Spec->rel2abs( $targetDIR);
my $targetOffset = length $targetDirAFN;
# Begin iterating over all source files first - our job here will either be to
# winkin or copy a file to match the source
while( my $srcFN = $fi->getNext() )
my $sourceStatus;
my $sourceHandled = 0;
## Compute source and destination paths
#print "SOURCE: $srcFN ($sourceOffset)\n";
next unless -f $srcFN;
my $srcAFN = File::Spec->rel2abs( $srcFN );
my $srcTailPart = $RELPATHMODE ? ($srcAFN) : (substr $srcAFN, $sourceOffset);
my $destFN = $RELPATHMODE ? "$targetDIR/$srcAFN" : "$targetDIR/$destinationTopDir/$srcTailPart";
my $destAFN = File::Spec->rel2abs( $destFN );
#reportmain "Considering: $srcFN -> $destFN\n";
reportmain "\n";
reportmain "Source Traverse: [$srcAFN] -> [$destAFN]\n";
my $destFilePresent = -f $destAFN ? 1 : 0;
# Two major cases here - the destination peer file already exists, or does not exist
# If it exists - check it is OK
# If it does not exist, look for available winkins
if( $destFilePresent)
# this is the case where some file is already sitting at the destination
# it could be the source file is already present, or it could be an older version
# we don't know.
reportmain " A file aready exists at destination, checking if its a match\n";
# should we use getSize instead? hmm...
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
= stat($srcAFN);
my ($ddev,$dino,$dmode,$dnlink,$duid,$dgid,$drdev,$dsize,
= stat($destAFN);
my $existingFileMustGo = 0;
# if we are not in fast mode, we are compelled to do the full shebang
# First, try to rule out on size
if( $size != $dsize )
reportmain " Sizes differ, must be relocated\n";
$existingFileMustGo = 1;
# Sizes are a match. If mtimes are also the same we are clear as long as
# fast mode is also on.
reportmain " Sizes match, performing more advanced check\n";
my $modTimesDiffer = ( $mtime != $dmtime );
if( $modTimesDiffer )
reportmain " Mod-times differ, checksumming this file\n";
my $isIdentical = testIdentical( $srcAFN, $destAFN );
if( $isIdentical )
reportmain " Good news - modtimes differ but file checksums are the same\n";
$existingFileMustGo = 0;
reportmain " Bad news - modtimes differ and checksums differ\n";
$existingFileMustGo = 1;
$existingFileMustGo = 0;
reportmain " Mod-times (and sizes) are the same, existing destination file is OK\n";
reportmain " Performing full checksum test (--fast not in use!)\n";
my $res = testIdentical( $srcAFN, $destAFN );
reportmain " Test identical? = $res\n";
$existingFileMustGo = $res ? 0 : 1;
if( $existingFileMustGo )
# Now handle invalid peer processing. Note: there is a small possibility that
# this file is actually an orphan that could be relocated. Therefore, a better
# way to react would be if we actually put it into the pool of orphans to be
# tested later.
# mark this file as no longer valid to avoid cache coherency issues later
$destDuplicatesClaimed{$destAFN} = 1;
# calculate new path
my $pathForInvalidPeerFile = $targetDIR . "/backup-$date/$destinationTopDir/$srcTailPart";
# check for colission
if( -e $pathForInvalidPeerFile )
$pathForInvalidPeerFile = "$pathForInvalidPeerFile-$filecount-$$";
die "could not avoid collision - wierd!!" if( -e $pathForInvalidPeerFile );
reportmain " Status=INVALID - Relocating invalid peer file to: $pathForInvalidPeerFile\n";
report $summaryReport, "MOVE: $destFN -> $pathForInvalidPeerFile\n";
if( $execute )
&main::mkdirs( $pathForInvalidPeerFile );
rename( $destAFN, $pathForInvalidPeerFile ) or die "failed rename of invalid dest file";
reportmain " Execute OFF - would have MV($destFN, $pathForInvalidPeerFile)\n";
reportmain " Status=OK - Existing file is acceptable match\n";
$sourceHandled = 1;
# The destination file is not present. That narrows our potential cases to
# WINKIN - e.g. we find some other file
# We now scan for winkins with getDuplicates, but we have to exclude the following
# from potential winkin candidates:
# 1) those we've already winked in previously
# 2) those that do appear to match some other part of the source tree - e.g have a "peer"
reportmain " No file exists at destination, checking for winkins\n";
# Check for hash duplicates in the destination
my @afns = $targetFse->getDuplicates( $srcFN );
push @afns, $spareFse->getDuplicates( $srcFN );
my $count = scalar @afns;
reportmain " Total of $count duplicates found in dest tree\n" ;
my $c = 1;
# Now, iterate over hash duplicates to find any that are orphans and could be
# winked in. Each hash duplicate is considered a "candidate"
foreach (@afns)
my $candidate = $_;
reportmain " ($c) Duplicate candidate already at destination> $candidate\n" ;
my $candidateAFN = File::Spec->rel2abs( $candidate );
# Verify that this duplicate candidate is not already used
# In general, we have to be careful about making changes to the filesystem in powercut -- getDuplicates relies on a cache that
# would get out date -- therefore we have to track things we've moved to know to ignore them later
if( $destDuplicatesClaimed{$candidateAFN} == 1 )
reportmain " -- Sorry, already claimed earlier for winkin\n";
# Next, lets see if the candidate hash duplicate in the target directory can
# be used for a winkin. We must distinguish three cases:
# A) The candidate has a PEER in the source directory - e.g., it is correctly
# placed already for some other source file, just not the one we are
# processing right now, this is a useful source for a dest-to-dest copy
# B) The candidate in an ORPHAN, e.g. it has a valid peer in the source directory
# does not exist. This is a valid and preferred wink-in.
# C) The candidate is a "spare" -- e.g. a file at the target that is not covered
# by the span of our copy, this has secondary preference to an ORPHAN
# This is equivilent to saying that there is no defined PEER for the file.
## note: we currently don't prioritize, we just take the first good match we find for a winkin
# First, We need to pair out the (C) "spare" case where there is no defined peer.
# So we need to decide if candidate falls underneath the destination subtree.
# stored in the variable $destinationTopDir
my $destinationTopDirAFN = $targetDirAFN ."/" . $destinationTopDir;
reportmain " Checking if candidate falls under subtree $destinationTopDirAFN\n";
my $prefix = substr $candidateAFN, 0, length $destinationTopDirAFN;
my $isSpare = ($prefix eq $destinationTopDirAFN) ? 0 : 1;
my $presentInSource = 0;
reportmain " Prefix: [$prefix] vs. [$destinationTopDirAFN]\n";
if( $isSpare )
reportmain " Candidate falls outside of target's destination directory, valid winkin\n";
$presentInSource = 0;
# Here, we are not a spare. So distinguish between A and B..
reportmain " Candidate falls INSIDE of target's destination directory, testing if it has peer\n";
my $candidateTail = substr $candidateAFN,($targetOffset + (length $destinationTopDir) + 1);
my $sourceProxy = $sourceDirAFN . "/" . $candidateTail;
reportmain " This candidate if it were in source> $sourceProxy\n";
## HARMLESS BUT IMPORTANT BUG - what if the file was found OUTSIDE the tree we are writing into: e.g. DEST/a.txt in the case of DEST/SOURCE/a.txt?
# in this case, this is a permisable winkin candidate that we ignore. we should be checking
# if candidateTail even falls under the true target directory
$presentInSource = -f $sourceProxy ? 1: 0;
# there is a flaw in this logic, because we only check the source directory
# we are working on. theoretically, this file could be needed for another
# source directory that is upcoming but the chances of that are probably
# pretty rare. Rsync probably has the same design challenge in its
# implementation, so might be good to check how it resolves if two inbound
# directories overlap in some way on the destination side
reportmain " Peer exists in source flag: $presentInSource (false = valid winkin), spare=$isSpare\n";
# At this point, we now know if we have the A,B or
# C case above. In B or C cases, this candidate could be a "wink
# in."
if( ($presentInSource == 0) or ($isSpare == 1))
# reportmain " HERE: $presentInSource, $isSpare\n";
if( $sourceHandled == 0 )
reportmain " WINKIN FOUND! MV($candidate,$destAFN)\n";
# Claim this candidate since we are moving it and want to sheild the
# loop for future uses of this file which will no longer be in the
# location that getDuplicates() says it will be in
$destDuplicatesClaimed{$candidate} = 1;
die "assert failed: candidate = destAFN - internal logic got screwed up somehow" if $candidate eq $destAFN;
report $summaryReport, "MOVE: $candidate -> $destFN\n";
if( $execute )
&main::mkdirs( $destAFN );
rename( $candidate, $destAFN ) or die "failed rename";
$sourceHandled = 1;
reportmain " Another valid winkin, but not needed - ($candidate,$destAFN)\n";
} # if-file-exists-already clause
# At this point, all winkins possible for this source file
# have now been executed. If the source still has not
# been handled, its time to actually make a copy
if( $sourceHandled == 1 )
reportmain " Final status: Either destination is already good, or winkin made (sourceHandled=$sourceHandled)\n" ;
elsif( $nocopy_mode )
reportmain " Final status: Copy needed but skipped due to --nocopy (sourceHandled=$sourceHandled)\n" ;
reportmain " Final status: Copy must be made (sourceHandled=$sourceHandled)\n" ;
reportmain " COPY: $srcAFN -> $destAFN\n";
my $START = [gettimeofday];
my $destDir = dirname $destAFN;
my @args;
if( 1)
@args = ('/bin/cp', '-av', $srcAFN, $destDir );
@args = ('/usr/bin/rsync', '-av', $srcAFN, $destAFN );
if( $execute )
die "assert failed - tried to copy to a location that already has a file" if -e $destAFN;
&main::mkdirs( $destAFN );
reportmain( " SYSTEM: [" . (join '],[', @args ) . "]\n");
system( @args ) ==0 or die "failed copy: $? $0 $!";
my $END = tv_interval( $START );
reportmain " COPY COMPLETE: $END seconds\n";
reportmain (" Execute mode OFF - FAKE ONLY\n");
reportmain( " Would have done this: [" . (join '],[', @args ) . "]\n");
report $summaryReport, "COPY: $srcFN -> $destFN\n";
} # source dir iterator
# Now move onto pass 2, where we clean out the destination directory of anything not in the
# source. Files are moved into the working backuo directory
my $fi = new FileIterator( "$targetDIR/$destinationTopDir" );
while( my $destFN = $fi->getNext() )
next if not -f $destFN;
my $destAFN = File::Spec->rel2abs( $destFN );
my $destTail = substr $destAFN, ($targetOffset + (length $destinationTopDir) + 1);
my $sourceProxy = $sourceDirAFN . "/" . $destTail;
reportmain "\n";
reportmain "Dest Traverse: pre - destTopDir:$destinationTopDir sourceDIR:$sourceDIR\n";
reportmain "Dest Traverse: [$sourceProxy] -> [$destFN]\n";
if( -e $sourceProxy )
reportmain " Source file does exist, no action needed\n";
reportmain " Source file does NOT exist, destination file must be removed\n";
my $pathForInvalidPeerFile = $targetDIR . "/backup-$date/$destinationTopDir/$destTail";
# check for colission
if( -e $pathForInvalidPeerFile )
$pathForInvalidPeerFile = "$pathForInvalidPeerFile-$filecount-$$";
die "could not avoid collision - wierd!!" if( -e $pathForInvalidPeerFile );
reportmain " Relocating destination orphan to: $pathForInvalidPeerFile\n";
report $summaryReport, "MOVE: $destFN -> $pathForInvalidPeerFile\n";
if( $execute )
reportmain " Execute ON - MV($destFN, $pathForInvalidPeerFile)\n";
&main::mkdirs( $pathForInvalidPeerFile );
rename( $destAFN, $pathForInvalidPeerFile ) or die "failed rename of invalid dest file:$!";
reportmain " Execute OFF - would have MV($destFN, $pathForInvalidPeerFile)\n";
}#iterator of all sources
## Foreach $sourcedir
## start a find
## for each file, calculate srcFN and destFN
## if dest file already exists with -e, then skip
## if dest file does not exist, see if a hash duplicate exists in dest tree
## for each potential hash duplicate, check if that hash duplicate is in the source tree
## for the first that is NOT in the source tree, move it into dest location
## optimization: look for other files at the same directory that ought to move in instead
sub test{print"hi"; }
reportmain "**************\n";
my @fileargQM = map { s/\ /\\\ /; $_; } @filearg;
my $targetDIRQM = $targetDIR ;
$targetDIRQM =~ s/\ /\\\ /;
reportmain "To verify, run the following command: rsync -av -ni @fileargQM $targetDIRQM\n";
reportmain "Look at the first column, should be all periods showing no action needed\n";
reportmain "************\n";
reportmain "Total files in source set: $filecount\n";
reportmain "Total full byte xfers from source-drive to dest-drive $sourceToTargetCopyCount\n";
reportmain "Total winkins made: $winkinCount\n";
reportmain "Files already at destinations: $ondrive\n";
reportmain "Files found in listed snapshots: $onsnapshot\n";
reportmain "Files needing backups: $backneedcount\n";
elsif( $op eq "lsdup-across" )
my $aux = new FileSetExplorer::RealFiles();
$aux->setPaths( @AUXPATH );
my $snaps = new FileSetExplorer::Snapshots();
$snaps->setPaths( @SNAPSHOTS );
my $date = `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`;
chomp $date;
my %agentForDev;
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
debug( "Starting run checking for dups" );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
next unless -f $fn;
reportmain "----- $fn\n";
my @auxFns = $aux->getDuplicates( $fn );
if( @auxFns > 0 )
# print "Auxiliary copy found, Full list here:\n";
map {reportmain " atAuxAlready > $_\n" } @auxFns;
reportmain " DUPLICATE";
report( "PC-duplicate-report-$$.txt", "DUP=YES $fn\n" );
report( "PC-has-duplicates-$$.txt", "$fn\n" );
report( "PC-has-duplicates-$$.zeroterm", "$fn\0" );
my @snapsFns = $snaps->getDuplicates( $fn );
if( @snapsFns > 0 )
# print "Listed snapshot found. Full list here:\n";
map {reportmain " atSnapAlready > $_\n" } @snapsFns;
reportmain " DUPLICATE";
report( "PC-has-duplicates-$$.txt", "$fn\n" );
report( "PC-duplicate-report-$$.txt", "DUP=YES $fn\n" );
report( "PC-duplicate-report-$$.txt", "DUP=NO $fn\n" );
report( "PC-not-duplicated-$$.txt", "$fn\n" );
## lsdup -- lists all duplicate files in the selected set
## judges the "primary" version of the file to be the most recently modified
## everything else is listed as the duplicate.
## Note: This code is working, but does not use FSE synta
# my $nfs = new FileSet::FSFromPathnames();
# $nextfn = $nfs->getNext();
# my $fse = new FileSetExplorer( $nfs );
# while( $f = $fse->getNext() )
# print explrong file $f
# @dups = $fse->getDuplicates($f)
# print them
# getDuplicates( f) does this:
# h = $fse->geHash( f ) # always use the fSE gethash, which knows its FSE's verification rules
# fse->filesWithHashInSet(f); -- will call "getHash" on those files to be sure records up to date
# de
# lsdup will go through conservativly looking just for duplicates.
# Files are only scanned if it appears there is a likely duplicate
# At the end of the scan, a full dump is made to the user
# a minimal number of stats and hashes are made, using the database as a cache
# for maximum confidence, reset the database or force a full-rescan before running this
elsif( $op eq "lsdup" )
my @flist;
my %sizes;
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $afn = $fn;
next unless -f $afn;
# push @flist, $afn;
my $size = getSize( $afn );
next if $size == 0 && $includezerolen == 0;
push @{$sizes{$size}}, $afn;
reportmain "\n\nScan Done\n";
foreach my $size (reverse sort {$a <=> $b } keys %sizes)
if( @{$sizes{$size}} > 1 )
my %fwh;
reportmain "--$size\n";
foreach my $fn (@{$sizes{$size}})
my $hash = getChecksum($fn);
push @{$fwh{$hash}}, $fn;
foreach my $hash ( keys %fwh )
if( @{$fwh{$hash}} > 1 )
reportmain "The following files are hash duplicates:\n";
reportmain "\n";
my $first = 0 ;
foreach (@{$fwh{$hash}})
reportmain " $_\n";
report( "zz__$$-all_dup.txt", "$_\n");
if( $first > 0 )
report( "zz__$$-randomly_chosen_dup.txt", "$_\n");
report( "zz__$$-randomly_chosen_dup.zero","$_\0");
$first ++;
reportmain "\n";
my $c = @{$fwh{$hash}} - 1;
my $wasted = $c * $size;
$count_dupbytes += $wasted ;
$count_dupfiles += $c;
reportmain sprintf( " Wasted Space=%d bytes (%d x %d) Cum:[%dK in %d]\n", $wasted, $c, $size, $count_dupbytes/1000, $count_dupfiles );
# printh "Here\n";
reportmain "LSDUP Done\n";
## addvol
## creates a volume of the given name
## add a pathtag to the
## lsvol - lists available volumes
## replicate target
## for each file, ensures there is at least 1 other copy on a different pathtag
## if not, the normal backup approach is used to put one there
## load target as $targetfse
## for each file in main FSE
## MDB->getPathtags( $f );
## if( count of pathtags < 2 ) and ( targetfse doesn't already have it)
## makebackup
# hasHashInSet
# calls fileWithHashInSet -- true if > 0 results
# filesWithHashInSet
# returns files that havethe given hash is available in the FSE. It can be anywhere in the set
# for the function to return true. Normal verification rules are in place -- the cache
# is trusted.
# to determine this, the hash is tested against the master database, and list of matches returned
# a filter is applied, only returning those matches "underneath" the listed files
# In the case of real directorys, path prefixes are used -- this could miss
# files added to target since the last scan
# In the case of snapshots, the snapshot must be enumerated
# next, each match is verified
# return this listE
# another approach?
# enumerate the entire set, storing a local hash table mapping CheckSum->Files
# this will be fast to generate, since master DB can help
# if you don't enumerate, you could miss things added to the database
# Data we keep
# FILE -> HASH (and validation info)
# HASH -> List of File Names
# HASH -> List of PathTags
# PATHTAG -> VolumeName
elsif( $op eq "skipcheck" )
my @counters;
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
next if not -f $fn;
next unless $fn =~ /\.JPG|\.CRW|.CR2/;
$fn =~ /\/([^\/]+)$/;
my $basename = $1;
$basename =~ /^(....)(....)\..+$/;
my $prefix = $1;
my $counter = $2;
print "Checking [$fn] $basename ($counter)\n";
push @counters, [$basename, $prefix , $counter];
@counters = (sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @counters);
my $t;
my $firstgood;
my $lastgood;
for( my $i = 0 ; $i < @counters ; $i++ )
my $prefix = $counters[$i]->[1];
my $count = $counters[$i]->[2];
if (not defined $t)
$t = $count;
print "Resetting $t to $count\n";
my $v = $prefix . $count;
my $status;
$status = $prefix.$t eq $v ? "GOOD" : "BAD";
if( $prefix.$t eq $v )
if( not defined $firstgood)
$firstgood = $v;
print "LASTGOOD\n";
$lastgood = $v;
print "Good Series: $firstgood -> $lastgood\n";
$t = undef;
$lastgood = undef;
$firstgood = undef;
print "Found: [$v] Golden Clock: [$t] -- $status\n";
$t++ if defined $t;;
elsif( $op eq "query" )
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
debug "Query [$fn]";
my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $fn ) ;
debug " -> Abs name=[$afn]";
next unless -f $afn;
my $hash = getHash( $afn );
die "hashToAfnDB is not implemented";
my @otherFiles = $hashToAfnDB->get_dup( $hash );
foreach my $f ( @otherFiles )
print " ALSO: $f\n";
elsif( $op eq "add-num" )
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $bn = basename $fn;
my $dn = dirname $fn;
my $newname = $bn;
$newname =~ s/[^A-Za-z0123456789\.\(\)\_]/\_/g;
$newname =~ s/\_+/\_/g;
my $new = $dn . "/" . $newname;
debug "Dealing with [$fn]";
queue_rename( $fn, $new );
elsif( $op eq "dbstat" )
elsif( $op eq "timertest" )
# The assure operation is the key to the managed backup functionality
# of the program. It spits out the current known # of bytes backed up
# and bytes needing backup. A full recursive decent is made to update
# stats, files, and backup data, but the decent will trust previous
# computations made within a certain time window.
elsif( $op eq "assure" )
my $d = shift @filearg;
my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $d ) ;
my $fw = FileWalker->create();
$fw->debugname( "M" );
my $dirent = $fw->assure( $afn, 800000,300000,-1,-1,undef,-1,3600*24*0 );
my $oFileCount = $dirent->count();
my $oSize = $dirent->size();
print "------> ASURE OUTPUT---- Files: $oFileCount Size: $oSize\n";
print "bad operation:$op\nTry: pc help\n";
### Note: This function was tweaked over the course of about 6 hours
### of reading and checking and is pretty stable. Be careful about edits!
### My assumption is that 40 is the threshold for off-site backups
sub prioritizeFN
# 100 - most critical
# 90 - things like bests, criticals
# 70-79 - stuff marked as PTP, good, etc
# 60-69 - things in my dropbox folder, zip files, email, PhotoFSX, mp3, music, keep, 2plus
# cutoff for geographic redundancy
# 50-59 - general purpose, things not otherwise marked, dmg, 1stars
# 40-49 - low priority - VMs, photos marked for archival, stuff marked private, videos
# cutoff for general purpose backups
# 30-39 - photo rejects, userdir library stuff
# 20-29 - generally useless - applications, stuff marked "no backup", lrpreview
# 10-19 - very very low priority crap (mobile backups, dotfiles, trashes, caches)
# 00-09 - actively exclude -- either very wasteful or dangerous to back up - caches, system files
my $fn = shift;
my $s = undef;
chomp $fn;
chomp $fn;
$_ = $fn;
my $basename = basename($fn);
study $_;
return 0 if( $fn =~ /\.pcip_info$/ );
return 0 if( $fn =~ /^\/.dbfseventsd/ );
return 0 if( $fn =~ /^\/.Trashes/ );
return 0 if( $fn =~ /^\/.vol/ );
return 0 if( $fn =~ /\.Spotlight-V100/ );
return 0 if( $fn =~ /^\/.MobileBackups/ );
return 0 if( $fn =~ /\TheVolumeSettingsFolder/ );
return 1 if( $fn =~ /.DS_Store$/ );
return 1 if( $fn =~ /.localized$/ );
return 1 if( $fn =~ /Adobe\/AdobePatchFiles/ );
return 1 if( $fn =~ /\/System/ );
return 1 if( $fn =~ /\/usr/ );
return 1 if( $fn =~ /\/private/ );
return 1 if( $fn =~ /\/var/ );
return 1 if( $fn =~ /\/etc/ );
return 4 if( $fn =~ /\.dropbox\.cache/ );
return 10 if( $fn =~ /^\\./ );
return 26 if( $fn =~ /\.sparsebundle/ );
return 11 if( $fn =~ /^\/Applications/ );
return 20 if( $fn =~ /\.app\// );
return 21 if( $fn =~ /\.lrprev$/ );
return 21 if( $fn =~ /\.lrmprev$/ );
if( /\.backupdb\// )
return 2 if /\/(Library|System|usr|private|var|etc)\//;
### Assume anything below this line is not automatically excluded
return 25 if /\/\.Trash\//;
return 90 if /CRIT|CRITICAL/;
return 66 if /\.(m4a|mp3|m4r|flac|m4p)$/;
return 67 if $basename =~ /iTunes Music Library.xml|iTunes Library/;
return 38 if (/\.aplibrary/);
## handling photos and photo like things
if( /\.(cr2|crw|raw|thm|jpg|tif|tiff|xmp|psd|psb|png|jpeg)$/i )
return 32 if /THM$/i;
return 74 if /3star/;
return 74 if /PTP/;
return 64 if /2star/;
return 65 if /2plus/;
return 56 if /1star/;
return 56 if /R1F/;
return 56 if /1\-star/;
return 55 if /1plus/;
return 56 if /onestar/;
return 28 if /No Backup|NoBackup|NoBak|OKTD/i;
return 54 if /keep/;
return 34 if /reject/i;
return 34 if /reject/i;
return 34 if /\/archive/i;
return 34 if /rej/i;
return 33 if /Deleted/i and not /\/deleted\-\d\d\d/;
return 31 if /DelME/i;
return 44 if /reviewed/i;
return 34 if /spare/i;
return 34 if /lens test/i;
# give up go to source
return 61 if /good/i and not /private/i;
return 65 if /best/i and not /private/i;
return 58 if /HTML/i;
return 59 if /LRM/ and not /Not LRM/i;
return 48 if /SPARES/;
return 40 if /temp|tmp/i;
return 43 if /APG/i;
return 41 if /Private|Privates|PRIVATE/i;
return 53;
return 35 if( /iTivo/ );
return 44 if( /TaliaMedia/ );
if( /VM/ )
return 44 if /.hdd\//;
if( /Video Prod|VideoProd/i )
return 37 if /Thumbnail|Stabilization|Analysis Files|Transcoded|Proxy|Cache|Conformed|Preview|Proxies|Render Files/i;
return 48;
return 41 if /Private|Privates|PRIVATE/i;
return 49 if /\.(mov|avi|mp4)$/;
# handling things that look like home directories
if( /\/Users\/\w+\/(.+$)/ )
my $u = $1;
return 3 if $u =~ /\.(dropbox|adobe|pcrun|powercut|Trash)/;
return 10 if( $u =~ /Album Artwork/i );
return 22 if( $u =~ /^Applications/ );
return 22 if /No Backup|NoBackup|NoBak|OKTD/;
if( $u =~ /^Library/ )
return 52 if /Evernote/i;
return 45 if /Mail/i;
return 14 if /MobileSync/i;
return 14 if /Caches/i;
return 14 if /PubSub/i;
return 33;
return 60 if( $u =~ /^Dropbox/ );
return 60 if( $u =~ /^1Password/ );
return 60 if( $u =~ /\.abcdp$/ );
return 70 if( $u =~ /1Password.agilekeychain/ );
return 40 if( $u =~ /^(private|jgpriv|priv|sex|latex)/i );
return 62 if( /.emlx$/ );
return 62 if( /.pst$/ );
return 51;
return 19 if /No Backup|NoBackup|NoBak|OKTD|No backups/i;
return 47 if /Mirror/i;
return 50;
sub handleMakeSnapshot
my @filearg = @_;
my $fi = new FileIterator( @filearg );
my $str = POSIX::strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime($NOW) );
my $name = "snapshot";
$name = "$VAULT_NAME" if( $VAULT_NAME );
my $snapFN = "$name-$str.pc";
my $START_GTOD_MAIN = [gettimeofday];
my $i;
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
my $START_GTOD = [gettimeofday];
my $afn = File::Spec->rel2abs( $fn ) ;
my $t = -f $afn ? "FILE:" : " DIR:";
next unless -f $afn;
my $ar = writeAFNtoSnapshot( $afn, $snapFN );
# print "$dn - $bn\n";
writeInPlace( $afn, $ar );
my $tpi = tv_interval( $START_GTOD ) * 1000000;
my $tps = 1/(tv_interval( $START_GTOD_MAIN ) / $i);
debug sprintf "$t$afn (%.0f usec) (%1.3f per second est)", $tpi, $tps;
sub getFreeSpace
my $path = shift;
my $res = `df -k $path`;
my @lines = split '\n', $res;
shift @lines;
my $l = shift @lines;
print "line: $l\n";
chomp $l;
my @e = split /\s+/, $l;
print join '/',@e;
print "\n\n";
return ((($e[1]) * 1024),
(($e[2]) * 1024),
(($e[3]) * 1024));
### Implemented June 2011
## PCIP is the functionality to keep an "in place" snappshot. PCIP = "Powercut Cache In Place"
## the ideas is that in the situation where the database cannot resolve a file's AFN (hash and other characteristics)
## then it will look for a dotfile that contains a mini snapshot. This snapshot is the same format as a normal
## snapshot (in fact, it uses the snapshot assetrecord structure to read and write itself), however all pathnames
## are forced to be directory local..
## this has several benefits:
## - preexisting snapshots can be recovered quickly without the central database
## - greater resiliance to renaming or moving directories, avoiding the need to recalculate hashes
## Current limitations
## - does not write out on discovery, only on snapshot
## - should write out more information about the other possible sources of a file, such as registered snapshots. this would be great!
## - not smart about invalidating the dotfiles or overwriting only when data is changed
## ideally would intercept appends and check if they are already in the file avoiding need to write already known information
## disk i/o is likely to be by far the most expensive part of this new feature
## - other optimizations: if moddate of an AFN without a database entry is > the pcinfo, don't bother with a load'
## - no human readable format
# contact here is that writeInPlace should only be called if the entire directory is being traversed. It cannot update
# the PCIP file onsie-twosie, only in bulk
sub writeInPlace()
my $afn = shift;
my $ar = shift;
my $bn = basename $afn;
# print "$afn\n";
my @REC = $ar->asArray();
shift @REC; # get rid of the AFN for backwards compatability
my $rec = join ":", @REC;
my $rawRecord = "$bn\0$rec\0";
my $inPlaceFN = getPCIPfilenameForAFN( $afn );
appendInPlaceFile( $inPlaceFN, $rawRecord );
sub getPCIPfilenameForAFN
my $afn = shift;
my $dn = dirname $afn;
my $inPlaceFN = $dn . "/.pcip_info";
return $inPlaceFN;
my $PCIP_FH;
sub appendInPlaceFile
my $inPlaceFN = shift;
my $rawRecord = shift;
if( $inPlaceFN ne $LAST_PCIP_FILE )
print "SOFT Writing in place file: $inPlaceFN -- $rawRecord\n";
sub flushPCIP
if( defined $LAST_PCIP_FILE and (0 < length $ONGOING_PCIP_RECORD ))
$PCIP_FH = new FileHandle;
open $PCIP_FH, ">$LAST_PCIP_FILE" or warn "Cannot write to $LAST_PCIP_FILE: $!";
close $PCIP_FH or warn "Cannot close PCIP: $!";
$PCIP_FH = undef;
sub loadPCIPforAFN
my $afn = shift;
my $pcipFN = getPCIPfilenameForAFN( $afn );
loadPCIP( $pcipFN );
sub loadPCIP
my $pcipFN = shift;
if($pcipFN eq $LASTPCIPREAD)
return if not -r $pcipFN;
my $fh = new FileHandle;
my $r = open $fh, "<$pcipFN";
if( not $r )
warn "Could not open PCIP file $pcipFN: $!";
print "----------------\n";
print "PCIP FILE: $pcipFN\n";
my $dirName = dirname( $pcipFN );
while( not eof($fh) )
my( $afn, $vec);
my $t = $/;
$/ = "\0";
$afn = $fh->getline();
chomp $afn;
$vec = $fh->getline();
chomp $vec;
$/ = $t;
print "PCIP Read record for $afn\n";
my @vec = split ":", $vec;
my $ar = new AssetRecord();
$ar->autoRefresh( 0 );
my $realAFN = $dirName . '/' . $afn;
# the standard for PCIP files is to NOT include the AFN in the asset record
# shift @vec; # get rid of the embedded afn
$ar->loadFromArray( $realAFN, @vec );
discover_file( @$ar );
print "PCIP: READ: $pcipFN for $afn -> $realAFN\n";
print "----------------\n";
close $fh;
$fh = undef;
sub do_dbstat()
printstats("File Version", $fileversionBDB);
printstats("Size to FV", $sizeToFVBDB);
printstats("Hash to FV", $hashToFVBDB);
printstats("AFN to AR", $afnToAssetRecordBDB);
printstats("Directory", $afnToDirentBDB );
sub do_timertest()
my $START = [gettimeofday];
my $i;
for( $i=0 ; $i < 1000 ; $i++ )
my $END = tv_interval( $START );
print "$i $END\n";
my $END = tv_interval( $START );
print "$i $END\n";
sub printstats()
my $dbname = shift;
my $db = shift;
print "------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "Dump of database: $dbname\n";
my $h = $db->db_stat();
foreach my $k (sort keys %$h )
print " $k: $h->{$k}\n";
# getPathTag - returns the "common name" applying to the file in question
# A pathtag is an alias for part of the path. For instance, MAILFILES could map to
# /Volumes/External150/Data/Mail.
# To identify a pathtag, the user places a .pathtag file in the relevant directory.
# Due to the expense of determining pathtags, the script caches it's discoveries.
sub getPathTag
my $fn = shift;
# First, strip down $fn to the directory
print "GPT: fn $fn\n";
my $basedir = $fn;
return getPathTagFromDir( $fn );
my %dirToPathTag;
# A recursive function that returns (and caches) the pathdag for the given pathname
sub getPathTagFromDir
my $dir = shift;
print "Checking $dir\n";
# First, strip off my name so that we are looking at the parent
$dir =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
# If already in the cache, return it
if( exists $dirToPathTag{$dir} )
return $dirToPathTag{$dir};
my $pathfile = "$dir/.pathtag";
my $pt;
# If pathtag file appears to exist, read the pathtag
if( -e $pathfile && -r $pathfile )
$pt = readPathTagFromFile( $pathfile );
# If we didn't find the pathtag already, and there is another parent to scan, scan it.
if( (not defined $pt) )
# If another parent, search it
# else, conclude no pathtag
if( (length $dir > 0 ))
$pt = getPathTagFromDir( $dir );
$pt = "___NONE___";
if( defined $pt )
$dirToPathTag{$dir} = $pt;
print "Discovered Pathtag [$pt] for [$dir]\n";
return $pt;
sub readPathTagFromFile
my $fn = shift;
print "reading: $fn\n";
my $fh = new FileHandle;
open $fh, "<$fn" or return "";
my $line = <$fh>;
close $fh;
chomp $line;
return $line;
sub invalidateAfn
# removes all existing records pointing to an AFN
# does not invalidate global reverse hashes (they are not fully implemented as of jan 2012)
# also does not invalidate records inside of fileset explorers
my $afn = shift;
delete $afnToAssetRecord{$afn};
my $p = getPCIPfilenameForAFN($afn);
if (-e $p)
unlink $p or die "failed to remove pcip file $p for $afn on invalidateAfn: $!";
# discover_file -- update the master database with new information discovered
# This function is called when ever new "truth" is discovered about a file on disk.
# Any value defined will be taken as true and updated in the master database.
# Any value not defined is assumed to have unknown status.
# discover_file handles some "common sense" logic. For instance, if the size reported
# is found to differe from the master database, the function also invalidates the hash even
# if the hash has not been recomputed.
# However, the function does not make any assumptions about how "stale" information is as long
# as the new information has a more recent date than the old informatiion.
sub discover_file
my ( $afn, $size, $hash, $sizedate, $hashdate, $deldate, $fasthash, $fasthashdate, $fasthashdepth ) = @_;
print "DISCOVER: $afn\n" if $MDB_DEBUG ;
print "DISCOVER: " . join "/", "Size: " . $size, $hash, $sizedate, $hashdate, $deldate, $fasthash, $fasthashdate, $fasthashdepth if $MDB_DEBUG;
print "\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
return if $noDB;
my $r;
$r = $afnToAssetRecord{$afn};
my $recordHadExistedBefore = 0 ;
if( not defined $r )
$r = +{};
$recordHadExistedBefore = 1;
## Check to make sure that new data is in fact better than old
## data. If the the incoming dates are less recent than
## existing dates, take no action. If stale data detected,
## eliminate updating anything in the record related to that
## figure, since its all likely to be bad.
my $origSizedate = $r->{'SIZEDT'};
my $origHashdate = $r->{'HASHDT'};
my $origFastHashdate = $r->{'FASTHASHDT'};
# Is new size information in fact newer?
if( defined $sizedate and
defined $origSizedate and
$sizedate < $origSizedate )
reportmain "Discover is being given stale data -- assert failed: size - OLD:$origSizedate NEW:$sizedate\n";
undef $size;
undef $sizedate;
# Is new fast checksum information in fact newer? If not, ignore it.
if( defined $fasthashdate and
defined $origFastHashdate and
$fasthashdate < $origFastHashdate )
reportmain "Discover is getting stale data-- assert failed: fasthash - OLD:$origFastHashdate NEW:$fasthashdate\n";
undef $size;
undef $sizedate;
undef $fasthash;
undef $fasthashdate;
undef $fasthashdepth;
# Is new full checksum information in fact newer?
if( defined $hashdate and
defined $origHashdate and
$hashdate < $origHashdate )
reportmain "Discover is getting stale data-- assert failed: hash - OLD:$origHashdate NEW:$hashdate\n";
undef $size;
undef $sizedate;
undef $fasthash;
undef $fasthashdate;
undef $fasthashdepth;
undef $hash;
undef $hashdate;
my $oldHash = $r->{'HASH'};
my $oldFasthash = $r->{'FASTHASH'};
my $oldSize = $r->{'SIZE'};
# debug "new size: $size, old size $oldSize";
# Update the database with our new information
$r->{'FN'} = $afn if defined $afn;
$r->{'SIZE'} = $size if defined $size;
$r->{'HASH'} = $hash if defined $hash;
$r->{'SIZEDT'} = $sizedate if defined $sizedate;
$r->{'HASHDT'} = $hashdate if defined $hashdate;
$r->{'DELDT'} = $deldate if defined $deldate;
$r->{'FASTHASH'} = $fasthash if defined $fasthash;
$r->{'FASTHASHDT'} = $fasthashdate if defined $fasthashdate;
$r->{'FASTHASHDEPTH'} = $fasthashdepth if defined $fasthashdepth;
# debug "Size now at: $r->{'SIZE'}";
# It is sometimes the case that certain updates invalidate other
# updates. For instance, if size changes, the old hashes are
# invalid. In the case that size changed, but the new hash data
# was not presented, make sure the old hash data is removed.
if( $oldSize != $size and
(defined $size) and
(defined $oldHash) and
(!( defined $hash )))
warn "Discovery Invalidated hash due to size change: old[$oldSize] != new[$size] \n";
# we know we have a bad hash if a size comes in changed without a new hash
$r->{'HASH'} = undef;
$r->{'HASHDT'} = undef;
# If size changed, but fasthash not updated, then automatically clear fasthash
if( $oldSize != $size and
(defined $size) and
(defined $oldFasthash) and
(!( defined $fasthash )))
warn "Discovery Invalidated fasthash due to size change: old[$oldSize] != new[$size] \n";
# we know we have a bad hash if a size comes in changed without a new hash
$r->{'FASTHASH'} = undef;
$r->{'FASTHASHDT'} = undef;
$r->{'FASTHASHDEPTH'} = undef;
# If sizes have changed, time to clean up the size -> FN and hash -> FN databases
if( $oldSize != $size and
(defined $size) and
(defined $oldSize ) )
$sizeDB->removeSingle( $oldSize, $afn );
$hashDB->removeSingle( $oldHash, $afn ) if defined $oldHash;
$fastDB->removeSingle( $oldFasthash, $afn ) if defined $oldFasthash;
# Now, update our database of HASH->[LIST OF FILES]
if( defined $hash and
defined $oldHash and
$oldHash ne $hash )
$hashDB->removeSingle( $oldHash, $afn ) if defined $oldHash;
$fastDB->removeSingle( $oldFasthash, $afn ) if defined $oldFasthash;
if( defined $fasthash and
defined $oldFasthash and
$oldFasthash ne $fasthash )
$hashDB->removeSingle( $oldHash, $afn ) if defined $oldHash;
$fastDB->removeSingle( $oldFasthash, $afn ) if defined $oldFasthash;
## At this point, old associations have been cleared.
## Update the rest of the record
$afnToAssetRecord{$afn} = $r;
### All of these caches work and are effective, but
### they are disabled right now b/c no one reads from them
# $sizeDB->store( $size, $afn ) if( defined $size );
# $hashDB->store( $hash, $afn ) if( defined $hash );
# $fastDB->store( $fasthash, $afn ) if (defined $fasthash );
## This code down here checks for database corruption by re-querying
## the size we just put in. If they come up different,
## we know there is bad mojo in the internals
my $newsizea = $r->{'SIZE'};
my $newsize = $afnToAssetRecord{$afn}->{'SIZE'};
# debug "After write- Size now at: $newsize vs $newsizea";
if( $newsizea != $newsize)
warn "Bad bad mojo, maybe ok for now...";
# Currently, hashes that change are not handled
if( defined $hash )
my $arr = $hashToAfn{$hash};
if( not defined $arr )
$arr = [];
my $found = 0;
foreach my $fn (@$arr)
if( $fn eq $afn )
if( not $found )
push @$arr, $afn;
$hashToAfn{$hash} = $arr;
sub reportClose
my $fn = shift;
if( exists $fnTofh{$fn} )
my $fh = $fnTofh{$fn};
close $fh;
delete $fnTofh{$fn};
sub reportFlush
my $fn = shift;
if( exists $fnTofh{$fn} )
my $fh = $fnTofh{$fn};
flush $fh;
sub writeAFNtoSnapshot
my $afn = shift;
my $snapFN = shift;
# my $size = getSize( $afn );
# if( $size == 0 && $includezerolen == 0)
# {
# debug "Skipping zero len: $afn";
# return;
# }
my $arAsHash = refreshAFN($afn,$statWindow, $fasthashWindow, $fullhashWindow);
my $ar = AssetRecord->newFromARHash( $arAsHash );
my @REC = $ar->asArray();
shift @REC; # take off the AFN
my $rec = join ":", @REC;
report( $snapFN, "$afn\0$rec\0" );
return $ar;
sub report(@)
my $fn = shift;
my @data = @_;
if( not exists $fnTofh{$fn} )
my $fh = new FileHandle;
my $xfn = $fn;
if( $xfn !~ /\./ )
$xfn .= ".out";
open $fh, ">$xfn";
$fnTofh{$fn} = $fh;
my $fh = $fnTofh{$fn};
print $fh @data;
sub ispathsubset
my $c = shift;
my @absbases = @_;
foreach my $basex (@absbases)
my $base = $basex; # . $FILESEP;
# print "Comparing [$base] to [$c]\n";
$c =~ /^$base/;
if( $& )
return 1;
return 0;
sub loadAssetRecordFromAFN
my $afn = shift;
my $arAsHash = refreshAFN($afn,$statWindow, $fasthashWindow, $fullhashWindow);
my $ar = AssetRecord->newFromARHash( $arAsHash );
### Performs a refresh on the file to make sure that its size, fast and full hashes are known
### and up to date within a specified time window. This may either just verifiy that data
### already in the checksum database is current enough to be used, or actually trigger
### the production and calculation of a new record
### If file is in the DB, normal
### caching rules apply. Function will decide if DB's hash is good enough.
### If DB is not recent enough, the file is checked to make sure.
### If the file is not in the DB, it is discovered. As a bonus, refreshAFN returns the latest record
### of the file.
### A -1 delay means that the parameter in question is not checked, no matter how recent or stale it is.
### A 0 delay forces a check
sub refreshAFN
my $afn = shift;
my $okStatDelay = shift;
my $okFastHashDelay = shift;
my $okHashDelay = shift;
my $fh_depth = shift || 1;
# do we have it in the db?
my $NOW = time();
# debug( "Starting refresh for $afn\n" );
my $rec;
my $r = $afnToAssetRecord{$afn};
## What recalcs are needed? Start with assumption nothing needs to be recalculated.
my $todoStat = 0;
my $todoHash = 0;
my $todoFastHash = 0;
## Case where we have the record
my $recordExisted = defined $r;
my $sizeOnly = 0;
$sizeOnly = 1 if $okFastHashDelay == -1 and $okHashDelay == -1;
if(( not $recordExisted) and (not $sizeOnly))
loadPCIPforAFN( $afn );
# now try again in the central database
$r = $afnToAssetRecord{$afn};
my $recordExisted = defined $r;
# Begin assuming the record is blank -- we know nothing
my $size;
my $hash;
my $lastStat;
my $lastChecksum;
my $fasthash;
my $fasthashdepth;
my $lastFasthash;
my $timeSinceChecksum = -1;
my $timeSinceFasthash = -1;
my $timeSinceStat = -1;
### If a record appears to exist in the persistent store, load our tmp working variables
### with whatever residual record is found there. It will then be up to the function later
### to decide if this is current enough.
if( defined $r )
$size = $r->{'SIZE'};
$hash = $r->{'HASH'};
$fasthash = $r->{'FASTHASH'};
$lastStat = $r->{'SIZEDT'};
$lastChecksum = $r->{'HASHDT'};
$lastFasthash = $r->{'FASTHASHDT'};
$timeSinceChecksum = $NOW - $lastChecksum;
$timeSinceFasthash = $NOW - $lastFasthash;
$timeSinceStat = $NOW - $lastStat;
### Read out to the user what we have found...
print "Refresh Check: FILE: [$afn]\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
print "Refresh Check: Previous record: $recordExisted\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
print "Refresh Check: desired stat delay: $okStatDelay desired FH delay: $okFastHashDelay desired hash delay: $okHashDelay\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
print "Refresh Check: known hash[$hash] known fasthash:[$fasthash] known size[$size] \n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
print "Refresh Check: lastStat[$lastStat] lastChecksum:[$lastChecksum] timeSinceCS:[$timeSinceChecksum] timeSinceStat:[$timeSinceStat]\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
print "Refresh Check: lastFasthash[$lastFasthash] timeSinceFH:[$timeSinceFasthash]\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
# Start with the worst case -- the full hash is wanted
if( $okHashDelay >= 0 )
# 0 = force check
if( $okHashDelay == 0 )
$todoHash =1;
elsif( $timeSinceChecksum <= -1 )
$todoHash = 1;
elsif($timeSinceChecksum > $okHashDelay)
print "Refresh Check: CHECKSUM EXPIRED: lastStat[$lastStat] lastFH:[$lastFasthash] lastChecksum:[$lastChecksum] timeSinceStat:[$timeSinceStat] timeSinceFH:[$timeSinceFasthash] timeSinceCS:[$timeSinceChecksum]\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
print "REFRESHING CHECKSUM: [$timeSinceChecksum] $afn\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
$todoHash =1;
elsif( not defined $hash )
$todoHash =1;
# otherwise, no need to force a hash, until later at least.
if( $okFastHashDelay >= 0 )
# 0 = force check
if( $okFastHashDelay == 0 )
$todoFastHash =1;
elsif( $timeSinceFasthash <= -1 )
$todoFastHash = 1;
elsif($timeSinceFasthash > $okFastHashDelay)
print "Refresh Check: FASTHASH EXPIRED: lastStat[$lastStat] lastFH:[$lastFasthash] lastChecksum:[$lastChecksum] timeSinceStat:[$timeSinceStat] timeSinceFH:[$timeSinceFasthash] timeSinceCS:[$timeSinceChecksum]\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
print "REFRESHING FASTHASH: [$timeSinceFasthash] $afn\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
$todoFastHash =1;
elsif( not defined $fasthash )
$todoFastHash =1;
# otherwise, no need to force a hash, until later at least.
if( $okStatDelay >= 0 )
#force check
if( $okStatDelay == 0 )
$todoStat = 1;
elsif( $timeSinceStat <= -1 )
$todoStat =1;
elsif($timeSinceStat > $okStatDelay)
$todoStat =1;
print "Refresh Check: STAT EXPIRED: lastStat[$lastStat] lastFH:[$lastFasthash] lastChecksum:[$lastChecksum] timeSinceStat:[$timeSinceStat] timeSinceFH:[$timeSinceFasthash] timeSinceCS:[$timeSinceChecksum]\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
print "REFRESHING STAT: [$timeSinceStat] $afn\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
# otherwise, no need to force a restat
print "Refresh Check: TODO: hash:$todoHash fast:$todoFastHash stat:$todoStat\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
## Start with the stat -- if either a hash or a stat is needed, do a stat
my $cursize;
my $curfasthash;
my $curhash;
my $sDate = undef;
my $fDate = undef;
my $hDate = undef;
if( $todoStat or $todoHash or $todoFastHash )
$cursize = getSizeHitDisk( $afn );
my $prevSize = $size;
$sDate = $NOW;
# If size has changed, discover_file will invalidate hashes unless a hash is provided
# force a hash recalc if one is needed. This is almost always the case
# unless caller has said hashes don't matter
if( $prevSize != $cursize )
print "RefreshAFN - Size has changed, checking if other actions needed\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
if( $okHashDelay > -1 )
print "RefreshAFN - Size has changed, forcing rehash\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
$todoHash = 1;
if( $okFastHashDelay > -1 )
print "RefreshAFN - Size has changed, forcing refasthash\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
$todoFastHash = 1;
if( $todoFastHash or $todoHash )
$curfasthash = getFastHashHitDisk( $afn, $fh_depth );
$fDate = $NOW;
if( $curfasthash ne $fasthash )
print "RefreshAFN - Fasthash has changed, checking if further action needed\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
if( $okHashDelay > -1 )
print "RefreshAFN - Fasthash has changed, forcing rehash\n" if $MDB_DEBUG;
$todoHash = 1;
if( $todoHash )
$curhash = getHashHitDisk( $afn );
$hDate = $NOW;
my $r = discover_file( $afn, $cursize, $curhash, $sDate, $hDate, undef, $curfasthash, $fDate, $fh_depth );
return $r;
# Returns the checksum, only if available in the DB already
sub getChecksumPassive
my $afn = shift;
my $r = $afnToAssetRecord{$afn};
return undef if not ref $r;
my $hash = $r->{'HASH'};
return $hash;
sub testIdentical
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
if( getSize( $a ) != getSize( $b ) )
return 0;
if( getFasthash( $a ) ne getFasthash( $b ) )
return 0;
if( getChecksum( $a ) ne getChecksum( $b ) )
return 0;
return 1;
## Returns the MD5 Hash of the AFN.
## This may trigger reads depending on recency rules.
sub getChecksum
my $afn = shift;
my $r = refreshAFN( $afn, $statWindow, $fasthashWindow, $fullhashWindow );
my $hash = $r->{'HASH'};
return $hash;
## Query database for the size, or recheck size if needed
## The hash is never computed for this call
## However, if the size is checked on disk, and happens differs from the last check, the hash
## in the database will be recalculated.
sub getSize
my $afn = shift;
my $r = refreshAFN( $afn, $statWindow, -1, -1 );
my $res = $r->{'SIZE'};
return $res;
sub getFasthash
my $afn = shift;
my $r = refreshAFN( $afn, $statWindow, $fasthashWindow, -1 );
my $hash = $r->{'FASTHASH'};
return $hash;
sub printStatus
print " Full Reads: ($count_fullreads), Fast Read: ($count_fastreads) Full Stats: ($count_stat)\n";
print " Full Reads (bytes): ($byte_fullreads), Fast Read (bytes): ($byte_fastreads)\n";
print " Target Files: ($count_targetFilesProcessed)\n";
print " DB reads/writes: ($main::count_dbread)/($main::count_dbwrite)\n";
print "\n";
sub doshutdown
my $abnormal = shift;
print "\n";
print " -- SHUTDOWN -- \n";
untie %afnToAssetRecord;
untie %hashToAfn;
unlink "$WDIR/lockfile";
foreach my $fn (keys %fnTofh )
print "Wrote File: $fn\n";
if( $abnormal )
rename $fn, "$fn-incomplete";
my %targets;
my @queue;
sub queue_rename
my $from = shift;
my $to = shift;
debug( "Queue rename: [$from] -> [$to]");
die "Collision" if exists $targets{$to};
push @queue, [ "RENAME", $from, $to ];
package ReverseHash;
use BerkeleyDB;
use Class::Struct;
use Class::Struct ReverseHash =>
db => '$',
debugmode => '$',
debugname => '$',
sub debug
my $self = shift;
if( $self->debugmode() )
&main::debug( " RH:" . $self->debugname() . ": ". shift );
sub create
my $class = shift;
my $db = shift;
my $debugmode = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $self = $class->new();
$self->db( $db );
$self->debugmode( $debugmode );
$self->debugname( $name );
$self->debug( "Created new object obn $db" );
return $self;
sub store
my $self = shift;
my $db = $self->db();
my $key = shift;
my $afn = shift;
my $value = $afn;
$self->debug( "Storing $key -> $value" );
my $status = $db->db_get($key, $value, DB_GET_BOTH);
if( $status == 0 )
$self->debug( " !! Association already exists in db, no action taken" );
my $status = $db->db_put( $key, $value );
&main::ckstatus( $status );
sub retrieveAll
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $db = $self->db();
my $value;
my @r;
my $cursor = $db->db_cursor();
my $flag = DB_SET;
my $k = $key;
while( $cursor->c_get($k, $value, $flag ) == 0)
$self->debug( "pulled $k -> $value" );
push @r, $value;
$flag = DB_NEXT_DUP;
$k = $key;
return @r;
sub removeSingle
my $self = shift;
my $db = $self->db();
my $key = shift;
my $afn = shift;
my $value = $afn;
# my @values;
my ($k, $v) = ($key, $value );
my $cursor = $db->db_cursor();
$self->debug( "Removal checking $key -> $value" );
# $cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_GET_BOTH);
if($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_GET_BOTH) == 0)
if( $v eq $value )
$self->debug( "...Found association in db, now removing" );
$self->debug( "...Association not found.." );
undef $cursor;
package FileVersion;
use Class::Struct;
use Class::Struct FileVersion =>
fn => '$',
size => '$',
hash => '$',
sizedate => '$',
hashdate => '$',
deldate => '$',
fasthash => '$',
fasthashdate => '$',
fasthashdepth => '$',
type => '$',
registrationdate => '$',
vaultName => '$',
source => '$',
id => '$',
package AssetRecord;
use Class::Struct;
#my ( $afn, $size, $hash, $sizedate, $hashdate, $deldate, $fasthash, $fasthashdate, $fasthashdepth
use Class::Struct AssetRecord =>
fn => '$',
size => '$',
hash => '$',
sizedate => '$',
hashdate => '$',
deldate => '$',
fasthash => '$',
fasthashdate => '$',
fasthashdepth => '$',
# add new stuff here
autoRefresh => '$'
sub newFromARHash
my $c = shift;
my $self = $c->new();
my $r = shift;
return $self;
sub loadFromArray
my $self = shift;
$self->fn( shift );
$self->size( shift );
$self->hash( shift );
$self->sizedate( shift );
$self->hashdate( shift );
$self->deldate( shift );
$self->fasthash( shift );
$self->fasthashdate( shift );
$self->fasthashdepth( shift );
sub asArray
my $self = shift;
return (
$self->fasthashdepth() );
sub loadFromLiveFN
my $self = shift;
my $fn = shift;
$self->fn( $fn );
$self->autoRefresh( 1 );
return $self;
sub lookupChecksum
my $self = shift;
my $fn = $self->fn();
if( $self->autoRefresh() )
return &main::getChecksum( $fn );
return $self->hash();
sub lookupSize
my $self = shift;
my $fn = $self->fn();
if( $self->autoRefresh() )
return &main::getSize( $fn );
return $self->size();
# An FSE is used to encapsulate a set of files,
# allowing them to be queried for duplicates, hash codes, etc.
# An FSE based on a list of named files uses the master DB as a cache whenever possible
# An FSE based on a snapshot builds an in-memory database based on the snapshot
package FileSetExplorer;
use Carp;
use base qw(Class::Accessor);
FileSetExplorer->mk_accessors( qw( ) );
package FileSetExplorer::Snapshots;
use base qw(FileSetExplorer);
FileSetExplorer::Snapshots->mk_accessors( qw( iterator paths sizeToAfn hashToAfn afnToHash) );
sub setPaths
my $self = shift;
$self->paths( [@_] );
sub loadSizeCache
my $self = shift;
return if defined $self->sizeToAfn();
print "FSE-S: Load Size Cache Starting\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
if( @{$self->paths()} < 1 )
my @paths = @{$self->paths()};
my %sizeToAfn;
my %hashToAfn;
my %afnToHash;
while( my $fn = shift @paths )
next unless -f $fn;
print "Examining included snapshot: $fn\n";
my $ssr = new SnapshotReader( $fn );
while( $ssr->hasNext() )
my $ar = $ssr->getNext();
my $fn = $ar->fn();
my $size = $ar->size();
my $hash;
$hash = $ar->fasthash();
$hash = $ar->hash();
print "Snapshot read: Found $fn with size $size and hash $hash\n";
push @{$sizeToAfn{$size}}, $fn;
push @{$hashToAfn{$hash}}, $fn;
$afnToHash{$fn} = $hash;
$self->sizeToAfn( \%sizeToAfn );
$self->hashToAfn( \%hashToAfn );
$self->afnToHash( \%afnToHash );
sub getAcceptableChecksumReal
my $self = shift;
my $fn = shift;
return $self->getFasthashReal($fn);
return $self->getChecksumReal($fn);
sub getChecksumReal
my $self = shift;
my $afn = shift;
return &main::getChecksum( $afn );
sub getFasthashReal
my $self = shift;
my $afn = shift;
return &main::getFasthash( $afn );
sub getSizeReal
my $self = shift;
my $afn = shift;
return &main::getSize( $afn );
sub getAcceptableChecksumSnapshot()
my $self = shift;
my $afn = shift;
# $candidate = $self->afnToHash()->{$afn};
return $self->afnToHash()->{$afn};
sub getDuplicates
my $self = shift;
my $fn = shift;
my $sizeToAfn = $self->sizeToAfn();
my $size = $self->getSizeReal( $fn );
print "getDuplicates (snapshot): Testing size:$size of file:$fn to see if duplicate exists\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
if( not exists $sizeToAfn->{$size})
# We cannot find a file in the fileset that matches this size, therefore, no duplicate!
print " FSE: No duplicates found in fileset $self...\n";
my @afns = @{$sizeToAfn->{$size}};
my @results;
# typically there are no duplicates, therefore if @afns < 1, exit right away
# big speedup from this step
if ( @afns < 1 )
print "getDuplicates: 1 or less found, skipping\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
return @afns;
# At this point, @afns contains all files in this set that have size = the file in question
# We have to make sure the checksums actually match
my $checksum = $self->getAcceptableChecksumReal($fn);
# Now, see if any candidate duplicate actually shares this checksum
foreach my $c (@afns)
print "Sizes match, checking file [$c] as checksum-based duplicate\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
my $candidate = $self->getAcceptableChecksumSnapshot( $c );
$candidate = $self->afnToHash()->{$c};
print "Compare: candidate hash [$candidate] to target hash [$checksum]\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
if( $checksum eq $candidate)
push @results, $c;
return @results;
package FileSetExplorer::RealFiles;
my $FCA_DEBUG =0;
use base qw(FileSetExplorer
FileSetExplorer::RealFiles->mk_accessors( qw( iterator paths sizeToAfn) );
sub setPaths
my $self = shift;
$self->paths( [@_] );
# Returns the next file in the set
sub getNext
my $self = shift;
my $fi = $self->iterator();
if( @{$self->paths()} < 1 )
return undef;
if( not defined $fi )
$fi = new FileIterator( @{$self->paths()} );
$self->iterator( $fi );
my $fn = $fi->getNext();
return $fn;
sub getAcceptableChecksum
my $self = shift;
my $fn = shift;
return $self->getFasthash($fn);
return $self->getChecksum($fn);
sub getChecksum
my $self = shift;
my $afn = shift;
return &main::getChecksum( $afn );
sub getFasthash
my $self = shift;
my $afn = shift;
return &main::getFasthash( $afn );
sub getSize
my $self = shift;
my $afn = shift;
return &main::getSize( $afn );
sub loadSizeCache
my $self = shift;
return if defined $self->sizeToAfn();
print "Load Size Cache Starting.\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
if( @{$self->paths()} < 1 )
my $fi = new FileIterator( @{$self->paths()} );
my %sizeToAfn;
my $count = 0;
while( my $fn = $fi->getNext() )
if( $count % 2000 == 0)
print "Read sizes for $count files from database into RAM...\n";
next unless -f $fn;
my $size = $self->getSize( $fn );
push @{$sizeToAfn{$size}}, $fn;
print "Load Size Cache-DONE - Read sizes for $count files from database into RAM...\n";
$self->sizeToAfn( \%sizeToAfn );
# getDuplicates returns matches of the listed file.
# It starts by getting all of the sizes in the directory, using
# a full recursive decent. It forces a checksum to be calcuated
# or pulled from the database to check if the two really match.
# Because of the multiple layers of caching, it is quite likely
# that no actual disk hits are required to determine a match.
sub getDuplicates
my $self = shift;
my $fn = shift;
my $sizeToAfn = $self->sizeToAfn();
my $size = $self->getSize( $fn );
print "getDuplicates: Testing size:$size of file:$fn to see if duplicate exists\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
if( not exists $sizeToAfn->{$size})
# We cannot find a file in the fileset that matches this size, therefore, no duplicate!
my @afns = @{$sizeToAfn->{$size}};
my @results;
# typically there are no duplicates, therefore if @afns < 1, exit right away
# big speedup from this step
if ( @afns < 1 )
print "getDuplicates: 1 or less found, skipping\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
return @afns;
# At this point, @afns contains all files in this set that have size = the file in question
# We have to make sure the checksums actually match
my $checksum = $self->getAcceptableChecksum($fn);
# Now, see if any candidate duplicate actually shares this checksum
foreach my $c (@afns)
print "Checking [$c] as duplicate\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
if( $checksum eq $self->getAcceptableChecksum( $c ) )
if( $c =~ /\.inProgress$/ )
print "Disregarding duplicate [$c] due to .inProgress indicator\n";
push @results, $c;
return @results;
package SnapshotReader;
use FileHandle;
use base qw(Class::Accessor);
BEGIN { SnapshotReader->mk_accessors( qw( fn fh count) ); }
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $fn = shift;
my $kid = Class::Accessor::new( $class );
$kid->{'fn'} = $fn;
my $fh = new FileHandle;
$kid->{'fh'} = $fh;
if( $fn =~ /.bz2$/ )
open $fh, "bzip2 -dc $fn" or die "Cannot open [$fn]: $!";
open $fh, "<$fn" or die "Cannot open [$fn]: $!";
$kid->{'count'} = 0;
return $kid;
sub hasNext
my $self = shift;
my $fh = $self->fh();
return (not (eof $fh));
sub getNext
my $self = shift;
my $fh = $self->{'fh'};
my( $afn, $vec);
my $t = $/;
$/ = "\0";
$afn = $fh->getline();
chomp $afn;
$vec = $fh->getline();
chomp $vec;
$/ = $t;
# print "Read: [$afn], [$vec]\n";
my $count = $self->count();
# print "Handling record $count\n";
$self->count( $self->count() +1 );
my ($size, $hash, $sizedate, $hashdate, $deldate ) = split ":", $vec;
my @vec = split ":", $vec;
my $ar = new AssetRecord();
$ar->autoRefresh( 0 );
$ar->loadFromArray( $afn, @vec );
# print "VEC:", join (';', @vec), "\n";
# print "AR $ar: ", join (';', @{$ar}), "\n";
return( $ar );
sub close
my $self = shift;
my $fh = $self->fh();
my $fn = $self->fn;
my $count = $self->count;
close $fh;
print "Read $count records from snapshot [$fn]\n";
package FileCopyAgent;
#use threads;
#use threads::shared;
#use Thread::Queue;
use File::Copy;
sub wait
$self = shift;
print "FCA: Entering wait state\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
print "FCA: Worker threads done!\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
sub closeQueue
$self = shift;
print "FCA:Closing Queue by adding undefs\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
$self->{QUEUE}->enqueue( undef );
print "FCA:Undef marker added\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
sub add
my $self = shift;
my $s = shift;
my $d = shift;
my $z = shift;
print( "Adding $s -> $d (size = $z)\n" );
print "C:". $self->{QUEUE} . "\n";
die unless defined $s;
die unless defined $d;
die unless defined $z;
$self->{QUEUE}->enqueue( $s );
$self->{QUEUE}->enqueue( $d );
$self->{QUEUE}->enqueue( $z );
$bytesTotal += $z;
lock( $bytesInQueue );
$bytesInQueue += $z;
# no unlock -- var has to go out of scope
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $kid = bless +{}, $class;
print "FileCopyAgent: Starting - NEW \n";
my $DataQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
my $thr;
$kid->{QUEUE} = $DataQueue;
$thr = threads->new(sub {
print "Thread - COPY AGENT Start\n";
$kid->{THREAD} = $thr;
return $kid;
sub runAgent
my $self = shift;
my $DataQueue= shift;
print "FCA($self): STARTING AGENT\n";
while( 1 )
my $next = $DataQueue->dequeue();
print "FCA: Dequeue [$next]\n";
my $a = $bytesInQueue;
my $b = $bytesTotal;
my $p = $b > 0 ? $a/$b : -1;
my $bytesCopied = $bytesTotal - $bytesInQueue;
my $timeElapsed = time() - $NOW; #not totally accurate, but close enough
my $rate = $timeElapsed > 0 ? $bytesCopied / $timeElapsed : 0;
my $rateMB = $rate / 1_000_000;
my $remain = $rate > 0 ? $bytesInQueue / $rate : 0;
printf( ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> COPY STATUS: %2.2f/%2.2f pct=(%2.2f) rate=(%2.2f) elapsed=%d remain=%2d >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n",
$p * 100,
$remain );
if( not defined $next )
print( "$self:Reader: Signal for finish reached, joining\n" ) if $FCA_DEBUG;
print "FCA:getNext = [$next]\n" if $FCA_DEBUG;
my $src = $next;
my $dest = $DataQueue->dequeue();
my $size = $DataQueue->dequeue();
if( $FCA_DEBUG )
print "FCA $self: Dequeue\n";
print "FCA $self: SRC: $src\n";
print "FCA $self: DEST: $dest\n";
print "FCA $self: SIZE: $size\n";
my $tfile = $dest . ".inProgress";
main::mkdirs( $dest );
# touchFile( $dest );
copy( $src, $tfile ) or die "Copy failed: $!\n";
unlink $dest;
rename $tfile, $dest;
lock ( $bytesInQueue );
$bytesInQueue -= $size;
## Todo, figure how to handle partial copies
## - how can they be removed best? .isPartial should not count as a "good" copy of the file
## send warning if one is found
## make a counter of all bytes left to copy
## make directories flatter when copying camera cards -P --photo option
## implement "ignore" dir set, and test after a lightroom rename and input
## spawn new thread for each actual device
## Write a marker indicating the device has been copied properly
## Add a "threshhold" marker
## - progress meter
## Fast death if checksums differ after copy?
## Clean, reportlike output for backup
## each file in the consideration set list action taken, # total copies outstanding
## Use cases:
## 1) COme in with five different cards, want to copy them over and double check
## 2) come in with five cards, also stuff on the hyperdrive
## - only should copy NEW files
## 3) make sure I have 2 copies of all images. I connext a hard drive --
## copy over everything that has less than 2 copies total (including this drive)
sub touchFile
my $tfile = shift;
my $fh = new FileHandle();
print "TOUCH: $tfile\n";
open $fh, ">$tfile" or die "Cannot touch: $tfile: $!";
close $fh;
package FileVersionDB;
use strict;
sub create
my $class = shift;
my @ifn = @_;
my $kid = $class->new();
$kid->idCacheHash({} );
$kid->countCacheHash({} );
return $kid;
use Class::Struct FileVersionDB =>
debugmode => '$',
debugname => '$',
idCacheHash => '$',
countCacheHash => '$',
sub debug
my $self = shift;
if( $self->debugmode() )
&main::debug( "FileVersionDB:" . $self->debugname() . ": ". shift );
sub getIDsMatchingHash
my $self = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my $c = $self->idCacheHash();
my $hit = $c->{$hash};
if( defined $hit )
$self->debug( "Cache hit: $hash" );
return @$hit;
my @id = $hashFVDB->retrieveAll( $hash );
if( @id > 5 )
$c->{$hash} = [@id];
return @id;
sub getCountMatchingHash
my $self = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my $c = $self->countCacheHash();
my $hit = $c->{$hash};
if( defined $hit )
$self->debug( "Cache hit: $hash" );
return $hit;
my @id = $hashFVDB->retrieveAll( $hash );
if( @id > 5 )
$c->{$hash} = scalar @id;
return scalar @id;
sub getWithHash
my $self = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my @id = $hashFVDB->retrieveAll( $hash );
return $self->mapToObjects( @id );
sub getWithSize
my $self = shift;
my $size = shift;
my @id = $sizeFVDB->retrieveAll( $size );
return $self->mapToObjects( @id );
sub mapToObjects
my $self = shift;
my @id = @_;
my @result = map
my $id = $_;
#$self->debug( "Iterating over $id" );
my $fv = $self->loadID( $id );
die "Cannot find entry with id: $_" unless defined $fv;
} @id;
return @result;
sub loadID
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $obj = $main::fileversion{$id};
#$self->debug( "Loaded object with id $id" );
return $obj;
sub registerFileVersion
my $class = shift;
my %PARAM = @_;
my $fv = FileVersion->new();
die "No Hash!" unless defined $PARAM{-Hash};
$fv->fn( $PARAM{-Afn} );
$fv->size( $PARAM{-Size} );
$fv->sizedate( $PARAM{-SizeDate} );
$fv->fasthash( $PARAM{-FastHash} );
$fv->fasthashdate( $PARAM{-FastHashDate} );
$fv->fasthashdepth( $PARAM{-FastHashDepth} );
$fv->hash( $PARAM{-Hash} );
$fv->hashdate( $PARAM{-HashDate} );
# $fv->registrationdate( $PARAM{-RegistrationDate} );
# $fv->source( $PARAM{-Source} );
$fv->vaultName( $PARAM{-VaultName} );
my $id = $fv->vaultName() . "@@" . $fv->fn();
$fv->id( $id );
$main::fileversion{$id} = $fv;
$hashFVDB->store( $fv->hash(), $id );
# not used right now
# $fastFVDB->store( $fv->fasthash(), $id );
if( $fv->size() >= $main::GUARD_SIZE )
# print "Storing size -- $main::GUARD_SIZE\n";
$sizeFVDB->store( $fv->size(), $id );
return $fv;
sub getNextFVID
return "FV-$NOW"."-".$$.'-'. $FILEVERSEQ++;
package FileWalker;
use strict;
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval);
sub create
my $class = shift;
my @ifn = @_;
my $kid = $class->new();
return $kid;
# my $fw = new FileWalker( "/" );
# assure("/", -1, -1, -100)
# filecount, filesize, fasthash, hash
use Class::Struct FileWalker =>
debugmode => '$',
debugname => '$',
indent => '$',
sub debug
my $self = shift;
my $indent = $self->indent();
die if not ref $self;
if( $self->debugmode() )
&main::debug( (" " x $indent) . "FW:" . $self->debugname() . ": ". shift );
sub max
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
return $a if $a > $b;
return $b;
sub min
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
return $a if $a < $b;
return $b;
# Assure is an all-purpose directory decent mechanism that goes
# through and checks that recently needed things have been computed
# within the specified time limits. In a sense, it is much like
# "refreshAFN", except that it works on both files and directories,
# and handles both dealing with cached "actuals" as well as inferred
# information (such as byte totals, # of files needing backup, etc.)
# As assure works, it updates a tree of "DirectoryEntry" files which
# can refer to both files or directories.
# No mechanism currently exists to invalidate directory entry
# records. For instance, if a checksum on a file changes, that would
# ideally force a recaclulation of the entire tree containing the
# file. However, assure does guarentee that within the delays that are
# set out, its answer will be correct for the time period and
# consistent from the last time it was run. Hypothesis: this will be
# good enough in most cases.
# my $dirent = $fw->assure( $afn, 800000,300000,-1,-1,undef,-1,3600*24*1 );
sub assure
my $self = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $okCountDelay = shift;
my $okStatDelay = shift;
my $okFastHashDelay = shift;
my $okHashDelay = shift;
my $fastHashDepth = shift;
my $okDupDelay = shift;
my $okBakDelay = shift;
my $NOW = time();
my $START_GTOD = [gettimeofday];
$self->debug( "Assure:--------------------------" );
$self->debug( "Assure: dir:[$dir]" );
$self->debug( "Assure: desired count delay $okCountDelay desired stat delay: $okStatDelay desired FH delay: $okFastHashDelay desired hash delay: $okHashDelay" );
$self->debug( "Assure: desired dup delay: $okDupDelay desired bak delay: $okBakDelay" );
# Check the database first
$self->debug( "TIME: before retrieval of dirent cache: " . tv_interval( $START_GTOD )*1_000_000 ) if $DETAILEDPERF;
my $dirent = DirectoryEntry->retrieve( $dir );
$self->debug( "TIME: After retrieval of dirent cache: " . tv_interval( $START_GTOD )*1_000_000 ) if $DETAILEDPERF;
my $sinceCount = 0;
my $sinceStat = 0;
my $sinceFHash = 0;
my $sinceHash = 0;
my $sinceDup = 0;
my $sinceBak = 0;
my $todoCount = 0;
my $todoStat = 0;
my $todoFHash = 0;
my $todoHash = 0;
my $todoDup = 0;
my $todoBak = 0;
if( $dirent )
$sinceCount = $NOW - $dirent->lastCount();
$sinceStat = $NOW - $dirent->lastStat();
$sinceFHash = $NOW - $dirent->lastFastHash();
$sinceHash = $NOW - $dirent->lastHash();
$sinceDup = $NOW - $dirent->lastDup();
$sinceBak = $NOW - $dirent->lastBak();
$self->debug( "Assure: Database says time since last count:$sinceCount stat:$sinceStat fast:$sinceFHash full:$sinceHash dup:$sinceDup bak:$sinceBak" );
my $tCount = $dirent->count();
my $tSize = $dirent->size();
my $tFHash = $dirent->fastHash();
my $tHash = $dirent->hash();
my $tDup = $dirent->dupState();
my $tBak = $dirent->bakState();
$self->debug( "Assure: Database cached VALUES are: count:[$tCount] size:[$tSize] fhash:[$tFHash] hash:[$tHash] dupState=$tDup bakState=$tBak" );
# First, check if things are stale or if we don't have something we were asked for
$todoCount = 1 if( ($okCountDelay > -1) && (($okCountDelay < $sinceCount ) || (not defined $dirent->count() )));
$todoStat = 1 if( ($okStatDelay > -1) && (($okStatDelay < $sinceStat ) || (not defined $dirent->size() )));
$todoFHash = 1 if( ($okFastHashDelay > -1) && (($okFastHashDelay < $sinceFHash ) || (not defined $dirent->fastHash() )));
$todoHash = 1 if( ($okHashDelay > -1) && (($okHashDelay < $sinceHash ) || (not defined $dirent->hash() )));
$todoDup = 1 if( ($okDupDelay > -1) && (($okDupDelay < $sinceDup ) || (not defined $dirent->dupState() )));
$todoBak = 1 if( ($okBakDelay > -1) && (($okBakDelay < $sinceBak ) || (not defined $dirent->bakState() )));
if( $todoCount == 0 and
$todoStat == 0 and
$todoFHash == 0 and
$todoHash == 0 and
$todoDup == 0 and
$todoBak == 0 )
$self->debug( "Assure: Using database cached..." );
my $totalSize = $dirent->size();
my $totalFileCount = $dirent->count();
my $lastCount = $dirent->lastCount();
my $lastStat = $dirent->lastStat();
my $fastHashCount = $dirent->fastHashCount();
my $hashCount = $dirent->hashCount();
$self->debug( "CACHE: Finished, final tally: size:$totalSize" );
$self->debug( "CACHE: Count:$totalFileCount Hashcount:$hashCount fastHashCount:$fastHashCount" );
return( $dirent );
$self->debug( "No previous entry found for [$dir]" );
$dirent = DirectoryEntry->create( $dir );
# We need to set our todo's assuming that no previous entry is present.
# The first four are technically not necessary and aren't used:
# Count = becuase its implicit
# Size = because refresh AFN is ALWAYS called
# Fast = ditto
# Hash = ditto
$todoCount = 1 if $okCountDelay > -1;
# etc
$todoDup = 1 if $okDupDelay > -1;
$todoBak = 1 if $okBakDelay > -1;
$self->debug( "Cache miss: todoCount[$todoCount] todoStat[$todoStat] todoFHash[$todoFHash] todoHash:[$todoHash] todoDup:[$todoDup] todoBak:[$todoBak]" );
# If we are still here, we need to go do the actual work, since
# our cache was no good. There are two cases -- we are either
# handling a single file, or a full directory. To condense the
# recursion logic, both are handled with the same set of
# variables.
my $afn = $dir;
my $totalSize = 0;
my $totalFileCount = 0;
my $fastHashCount = 0;
my $hashCount = 0;
my $dupCount = 0;
my $bakCount = 0;
my $dupBytes = 0;
my $bakBytes = 0;
my $lastCount = undef;
my $lastStat = undef;
my $lastFastHash = undef;
my $lastHash = undef;
my $lastDup = undef;
my $lastBak = undef;
my $dupState = undef;
my $bakState = undef;
my $kind;
if( -f $afn )
$kind = 'FILE';
if( $todoDup )
die "Duplicate detection not implemented-- yet";
if( $todoBak )
# Start with the basic presumption that the file needs to
# be backed up and try to disprove.
my $hasSizeMatch = 0;
my $needsBackup = 1;
my $hash = &main::getChecksumPassive( $afn );
$self->debug( "TIME: After cs passive: " . tv_interval( $START_GTOD )*1_000_000 ) if $DETAILEDPERF;
my $size = &main::getSize( $afn );
$self->debug( "TIME: After size: " . (tv_interval( $START_GTOD )*1_000_000) ) if $DETAILEDPERF;
# Two different strategies may be used to check for a
# backup based on the file size and hash status: For small
# files or files that already have a computed hash, go
# right to computing the hashes using the hash reverse
# database. However, if the file size is big, the strategy
# first checks if a given size is even in the database,
# and if it is, then check the hashes (forcing a hash test
# if needed).
if( $size < $main::GUARD_SIZE or defined $hash )
# Skip right to the hash strategy
$self->debug( "[BEGIN] Strategy 1 - Checking for backups with the same HASH ($hash) [size=$size, guard=$main::GUARD_SIZE]" );
$hash = &main::getChecksum($afn);
$self->debug( "TIME: After retrieval of forced checksum: " . tv_interval( $START_GTOD )*1_000_000 )
my $c = $fvDB->getCountMatchingHash( $hash );
$self->debug( "TIME: After retrieval of count matching hash " . tv_interval( $START_GTOD )*1_000_000 )
if( $c > 0 )
$self->debug( " ++ Found $c entries matching..." );
$needsBackup = 0;
$self->debug( "[BEGIN] Strategy 2 - Checking for backups with the same SIZE ($size):" );
my @fvs = $fvDB->getWithSize( $size );
foreach my $fv (@fvs )
my $source = $fv->source();
my $type = $fv->type();
my $vaultName = $fv->vaultName();
my $id = $fv->id();
$self->debug( " ++ ID: $id" );
$self->debug( " (vault:[$vaultName] source:[$source])" );
## At this point, we need to force a full checksum
$hash = &main::getChecksum( $afn ) if( not defined $hash );
if( $hash eq $fv->hash() )
$self->debug( " !! Hashes match, backup found" );
$needsBackup = 0;
$self->debug( " !! Hashes do not match" );
$hasSizeMatch = 1;
if( $needsBackup == 1 )
$self->debug( "[END] Backup is needed" );
$bakBytes += $size;
$bakState = 1;
&main::report( "$assurePREFIX-backups-full-report.txt", "BAK?=YES $afn\n");
&main::report( "$assurePREFIX-backups-needed-newline.txt", "$afn\n" );
&main::report( "$assurePREFIX-backups-needed-zeroterm.txt", "$afn\0" );
if( not ( $afn =~ /\.DS_Store$/ or
$afn =~ /.xmp$/ or
$afn =~ /.picasa.ini$/ ))
&main::report( "$assurePREFIX-backups-needed-human.txt", "$afn\n" );
&main::report( "$assurePREFIX-backups-full-report.txt", "BAK?=NO $afn\n");
$self->debug( "[END] Backup is not needed" );
$bakState = 1;
$lastBak = $NOW;
## Make sure other parameters requested by the assure() are met
my $r = &main::refreshAFN( $afn, $okStatDelay, $okFastHashDelay, $okHashDelay );
$lastCount = $NOW;
$lastStat = $r->{'SIZEDT'};
$lastFastHash = $r->{'FASTHASHDT'};
$lastHash = $r->{'HASHDT'};
$totalSize = $r->{'SIZE'};
$totalFileCount = 1;
$hashCount = $r->{'HASH'} ? 1 : 0;
$fastHashCount = $r->{'FASTHASH'} ? 1 : 0 ;
# This is the directory handling case
elsif( (-d $afn) and (not -l $afn ))
$kind = 'DIR';
$lastCount = $NOW;
$lastStat = $NOW;
$lastFastHash = $NOW;
$lastHash = $NOW;
$lastDup = $NOW;
$lastBak = $NOW;
$bakState = 1;
opendir DIR, $dir;
my @contents;
@contents = readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
# print "I have " . (scalar @contents ) . " files.\n";
foreach my $entry (@contents )
# print "Found - $entry\n";
my $afn = $dir . "/" . $entry;
my $totalCount;
next if $entry eq "..";
next if $entry eq ".";
next if $entry eq ".pcip_info";
next if $entry eq ".DS_Store";
$self->indent( $self->indent() + 5 );
my $subdirent = $self->assure( $afn, $okCountDelay, $okStatDelay, $okFastHashDelay, $okHashDelay, $fastHashDepth, $okDupDelay, $okBakDelay );
$self->indent( $self->indent() - 5 );
$totalFileCount += $subdirent->count();
$totalSize += $subdirent->size();
$lastStat = min( $lastStat, $subdirent->lastStat() );
$lastFastHash = min( $lastFastHash, $subdirent->lastFastHash() );
$lastHash = min( $lastHash, $subdirent->lastHash() );
$lastDup = min( $lastDup, $subdirent->lastDup() );
$lastBak = min( $lastBak, $subdirent->lastBak() );
$hashCount += $subdirent->hashCount();
$fastHashCount += $subdirent->fastHashCount();
$dupCount += $subdirent->dupCount();
$dupBytes += $subdirent->dupBytes();
$bakCount += $subdirent->bakCount();
$bakBytes += $subdirent->bakBytes();
$bakState = 0 if $subdirent->bakState() == 0;
# Neither a directory or a file.. hmmm
$bakState = 1;
$lastBak = $NOW;
$self->debug( "" );
$self->debug( "" );
$self->debug( "" );
$self->debug( " XXX XXX XXX Corner case - symlink?" );
$self->debug( " XXX XXX XXX Corner case - symlink?" );
$self->debug( " XXX XXX XXX Corner case - symlink?" );
$self->debug( "" );
$self->debug( "" );
$self->debug( "" );
&main::report( "$assurePREFIX-unhandled-by-assure-$$.txt", "$afn\n" );
$dirent->count( $totalFileCount );
$dirent->size( $totalSize );
$dirent->lastCount( $NOW );
$dirent->lastStat( $lastStat );
$dirent->lastFastHash( $lastFastHash );
$dirent->lastHash( $lastHash );
$dirent->lastDup( $lastDup );
$dirent->lastBak( $lastBak );
$dirent->hashCount( $hashCount );
$dirent->fastHashCount( $fastHashCount );
$dirent->hash( 'OK' ) if $okHashDelay > -1;
$dirent->fastHash( 'OK' ) if $okFastHashDelay > -1;
$dirent->dupCount( $dupCount ) if $todoDup;
$dirent->dupBytes( $dupBytes ) if $todoDup;
$dirent->dupState ( $dupState ) if $todoDup;
$dirent->bakCount( $bakCount ) if $todoBak;
$dirent->bakBytes( $bakBytes ) if $todoBak;
$dirent->bakState( $bakState ) if $todoBak;
$self->debug( "Finished, final tally: size:$totalSize lastStat:$lastStat lastFastHash:$lastFastHash lastHash:$lastHash lastBak:$lastBak" );
$self->debug( "Count:$totalFileCount Hashcount:$hashCount fastHashCount:$fastHashCount" );
$self->debug( "DupCount:$dupCount DupBytes:$dupBytes BakCount:$bakCount BakBytes:$bakBytes bakState=$bakState" );
my $elapsed = tv_interval( $START_GTOD )*1_000_000;
$self->debug( "TIME: Prior to DB write $elapsed" );
$elapsed = tv_interval( $START_GTOD )*1_000_000;
$totalFileCount = 1 if( $totalFileCount < 1 );
my $perCount = $elapsed / ($totalFileCount);
$self->debug( "Total time in assure after write DB: $elapsed microseconds $perCount/entry" );
if( $kind eq 'DIR' )
&main::report( "$assurePREFIX-dir-timings.txt", "$perCount $elapsed $dir\n" );
return( $dirent );
package FileIterator;
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
use File::Find;
my $FI_DEBUG : shared = 1;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my @ifn = @_;
my $kid = bless +{}, $class;
$kid->{"ARGS"} = [@ifn];
my @fn = map
"" . File::Spec->rel2abs( $_ );
} @ifn;
$kid->start( @fn );
sub newRelative
my $class = shift;
my @ifn = @_;
my $kid = bless +{}, $class;
$kid->{"ARGS"} = [@ifn];
$kid->start( @ifn );
sub start
my $kid = shift;
my @fn = @_;
# reportmain "FileIterator: Starting\n";
my $DataQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
my $thr;
if( not $recurse )
$thr = threads->new(sub {
my @files = @fn;
print "Thread FileIterator: Starting: @fn\n" if $FI_DEBUG;
while( @files > 0 )
$DataQueue->enqueue( shift @files );
# print "Thread found: $found\n" if $FI_DEBUG;
$DataQueue->enqueue( undef );
$thr = threads->new(sub {
my @files = @fn;
print "Thread FileIterator: Starting: @files\n";
find( { no_chdir => 1,
wanted =>
my $found = $File::Find::name;
print "Thread found: $found\n" if $FI_DEBUG;
$DataQueue->enqueue( $found );
@files );
$DataQueue->enqueue( undef );
$kid->{QUEUE} = $DataQueue;
$kid->{THREAD} = $thr;
return $kid;
## Contract: always return absolute paths!!
sub getNext
my $self = shift;
print( "fi:getNext() - GET NEXT\n" ) if $FI_DEBUG;
my $DataQueue= $self->{QUEUE};
my $thr = $self->{THREAD};
my $next = $DataQueue->dequeue();
if( not defined $next )
print( "Reader: Queue empty, joining\n" ) if $FI_DEBUG;
print "FI:getNext = [$next]\n" if $FI_DEBUG;
if( ($next =~ /.pcip_info$/) or
($next =~ /\/.fseventsd\//) or
($next =~ /\/.Spotlight-V100\//) or
($next =~ /\/Desktop DB$/) or
($next =~ /\/Desktop DF$/)
return $self->getNext();
return $next;
package DirectoryEntry;
use strict;
use Class::Struct;
use Class::Struct DirectoryEntry =>
'afn' => '$',
'count' => '$',
'size' => '$',
'fastHash' => '$',
'hash' => '$',
'lastCount' => '$',
'lastStat' => '$',
'lastFastHash' => '$',
'lastHash' => '$',
'lastDup' => '$',
'lastBak' => '$',
'hashCount' => '$',
'fastHashCount' => '$',
'dupState' => '$',
'dupBytes' => '$',
'dupCount' => '$',
'bakState' => '$',
'bakBytes' => '$',
'bakCount' => '$',
sub retrieve
my $class = shift;
my $afn = shift;
# &main::debug( "Checking databaes for: $afn" );
my $e = $main::afnToDirent{$afn};
$main::count_dbread += 1;
# die "cons check failed" if $e->afn() ne $afn;
return $e;
sub store
my $self = shift;
my $afn = $self->afn();
die "store failed due to blank afn" if not $afn;
$main::afnToDirent{$afn} = $self;
# &main::debug( "Writing out dirent: $afn" );
sub create
my $class = shift;
my $afn = shift;
my $kid = $class->new();
$kid->afn( $afn );
return $kid;
### why I switched on the concurrent db, even though we are not using transactions.
### was getting deadlocks frequently that were unlockable with db_deadlock
### but didn't make sense to me
## deadlocks are natural parts of berkeley db:
## "Even when Berkeley DB automatically handles database locking, it
## is normally possible for deadlock to occur. Because the underlying
## database access methods may update multiple pages during a single
## Berkeley DB API call, deadlock is possible even when threads of
## control are making only single update calls into the database. The
## exception to this rule is when all the threads of control accessing
## the database are read-only or when the Berkeley DB Concurrent Data
## Store product is used; the Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store
## product guarantees deadlock-free operation at the expense of
## reduced concurrency."
## http://pybsddb.sourceforge.net/ref/transapp/deadlock.html
## It is often desirable to have concurrent read-write access to a
## database when there is no need for full recoverability or
## transaction semantics. For this class of applications, Berkeley DB
## provides an interface supporting deadlock-free,
## multiple-reader/single writer access to the database. This means
## that at any instant in time, there may be either multiple readers
## accessing data or a single writer modifying data. The application
## is entirely unaware of which is happening, and Berkeley DB
## implements the necessary locking and blocking to ensure this
## behavior.
## To create Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store applications, you must
## first initialize an environment by calling DB_ENV->open. You must
## specify the DB_INIT_CDB and DB_INIT_MPOOL flags to that
## interface. It is an error to specify any of the other DB_ENV->open
## subsystem or recovery configuration flags, for example,
## DB_INIT_LOCK, DB_INIT_TXN, or DB_RECOVER. All databases must, of
## course, be created in this environment by using the db_create
## interface or Db constructor, and specifying the environment as an
## argument.