MakernetSimple is a family of cool knobs, buttons, displays and other gizmos that have been designed to make it dead-simple to incorporate great interfaces into your cool maker projects. Ready to add a neat capactive slider, D-Pad or joystick to your next project? MakernetSimple products have clean C++/Python API interfaces, can be easily daisy-chained, and give you a clear strategy for mounting into cases.
Right now, there is one MakernetSimple device (with more to come!)
- Makernet Knob (GM1200PTH) - an intuitive "infinite" knob with RGB backlighting
Head over to the link above to learn how to use the Makernet Knob, download the libraries, and get your new hardware woring!
This github repository serves both as central documentation site for Makernet as well as a downloadable software library.
To buy MakernetSimple products, head over to my Tindie store.