- portainer docker 容器管理 UI
- thumbor 是一个非常强大的图片处理服务,可以实现图片裁剪、缩放、滤镜,甚至是人脸识别。
- ide-theia 运行在浏览器里的开发环境
- Dejavu ElasticSearch Web UI
- Graylog 开源的日志聚合、分析、审计、展现和预警工具。功能上和ELK类似,但比 ELK 要简单
- ICEcoder WebIDE
- Grafana 跨平台的开源的度量分析和可视化工具
- Solr 独立的企业级搜索应用服务器
- mosquitto Eclipse Mosquitto 是一个开源消息代理
- Kibana 日志分析平台 为 Logstash 和 ElasticSearch 提供的日志分析的 Web 接口。可对日志进行搜索、可视化、分析
- minio 分布式存储对象存储方案
- percona 数据库 类似 Mariadb 兼容 mysql
- traefik 反向代理工具 类似 nginx
- sqs ElasticMQ server + web UI
- Cassandra 开源分布式NoSQL数据库系统
- Manticore database designed specifically for search, including full-text search
- rethinkdb 存储 JSON 文档的分布式数据库
- couthdb 面向文档的数据库管理系统
- mailcatcher 抓取和查看邮件
- jupyterhub Jupyter notebook 的多用户服务器
- Truffle 以太坊的Solidity语言的一套开发框架
- ganache 以太坊节点仿真环境
- ldap LDAP容器
- nginx-stream 支持4层转发的nginx官方版本
- openresty 支持lua脚本的nginx容器
- tengine 阿里开源nginx版本,支持lua
- Buildbot Archlinux aur Build Bot
- golang go language support environment
- h5ai online file view
- java java(8) language support environment.
- nextcloud an open source, self-hosted file share and communication platform, like owncloud.
- owncloud an open source, self-hosted file sync and share app platform.
- php7 php(7) language support environment running in alpine include nginx php7!
- rsync an open source utility that provides fast incremental file transfer.
- sshd support remote access via ssh ,running in debian buster
- ttyd Share your terminal over the web
Name | Comments |
ALinux | Aliyun Linux |
Alpine | A minimal Linux |
Almalinux | An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, compatible with rhel && CentOS |
Altlinux | based on RPM Package Manager (RPM) |
amazonlinux | Amazon Distribution,Base RHEL |
Archlinux | A simple, lightweight distribution |
Cirros | |
Clearlinux | open source, rolling release Linux distribution |
Debian | Debian is a Linux distribution that's composed entirely of free and open-source software. |
Deepin | a beautiful open source GNU/Linux, Base Debian |
Centos | Community Enterprise Operating System |
Fedora | like RHEL |
Gentoo | a highly flexible, source-based Linux distribution. |
Kali | Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It is maintained and funded by Offensive Security. |
Manjaro | based on the Arch Linux |
Megaia | community-based Linux distribution |
Openeuler | debian-like |
opensuse | openSUSE is a project that serves to promote the use of free and open-source software. openSUSE is well known for its Linux distributions |
Oraclelinux | based on the rhel |
Photon | an open-source minimalist Linux operating system from VMware that is optimized for cloud computing platforms |
Rockylinux | based on the rhel |
rhel | Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system |
Scientific Linux | based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux |
Ubuntu | Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system based on free software. |
- Archlinux
- Alpine Edge
- Debian testing
- Gentoo
- kali kali-rolling (default)
- Manjaro (Base Archlinux)
- opensuse tumbleweed
- solus
- voidlinux
- inotify-tools
- phpRedisAdmin
- aerospike key-value
- chromedriver
- geckodriver
- shadowsocks
- tengine
- Canddy2
- mount to local volume for data log etc...
- varnish
- haproxy
- selenium
- mailhog
- Web Server
- Mysql Manager
- Message Queue (Broker)
- full-text search engine
- Editor
- Git Version Repo
- Daemon
- superviosr