- Sign in with Facebook and Google
- Link your social media accounts and create one account
- User avatar made with React avatar editor
- users can upload/edit images to their profile
- cache user avatar images for 3 days
- user can edit their nickname through the use of reusable and editable input component
- users nickname updates concurrently inside firebase storage
- Create a new chat room
- Like messages
- user online / offline
- see messages
- send a new message
- send files to chat rooms
- send audio files and play audio files
- see room information
- admin can edit room information
- broadcast message to send notification to other members
- notifications for subscribing or unsubscribing from notifications
- real-time notifications from browser
- even if the app is offline, user can get notifications
- validate user room form info with RSuite by comparing against our model Schema
- React Context API with
hook to get the username for signin and registration - Firebase Realtime database to store profile and room info
- Firebase Authentication with Facebook and Google
- Firebase Storage to store profile info
hook to access Canvas element for avatar image- React Portals/Modals.