Greetings, all!
I know a lot of you are wondering about the status of this project and are perhaps (and understandably) annoyed about turn around time and status of issues.
First, I still feel the use cases and implementation pattern of this module (and ng-idle) are distinct and useful from other solutions out there. However, I have an admission to make: I've been cheating on you (the Angular community). Most of my work in the past year and a half has been with React. This means that I'm just not invested into Angular like I might have been in the past, which I suppose makes me a bit of a liability to the project. So, in the short term, it's a good idea for the project to be handled over to a new lead contributor that can keep it maintained and grow it alongside Angular.
Second, I mentioned my interest in the architecture. So much so that I've replicated it a few times now (original was jQuery, then AngularJS, and then Angular... I've even got a stripped down version for React). I'm still interested in it! However, I'm thinking that maybe we can create a new org (IdleJS or something like that) where the core functionality is defined as vanilla JS, and we have framework-specific adapter modules for things like Angular and React. That way the entire community can enjoy a consistent implementation pattern for these use cases, and fans of a particular framework can concentrate on adapting it for their environment. I suppose the biggest hitch would be whether or not we can make a consistent core that works for popular frameworks that isn't encumbered, dependency-heavy, or too large.
Anyways, I'm interested to hear what you think. Also, those that are interested in helming the current project, definitely speak up.