import time from dataclasses import dataclass from subprocess import check_call from typing import Dict, List import click import psutil @dataclass(frozen=True) class Counters: user_time: int system_time: int @click.command() @click.argument("pid", type=int, required=True) @click.option( "--output", type=str, default="cpu-usage.log", help="the file to print CPU usage stats to", ) @click.option( "--threads", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Also capture threads counters", ) def main(pid: int, output: str, threads: bool) -> None: process = psutil.Process(pid) stats: Dict[int, Dict[int, Counters]] = {pid: {}} timestamps: List[float] = [] try: step = 0 while process.is_running(): timestamps.append(time.perf_counter()) ps = process.cpu_times() stats[pid][step] = Counters(ps.user, ps.system) for p in process.children(recursive=True): try: ps = p.cpu_times() if not in stats: stats[] = {} stats[][step] = Counters(ps.user, ps.system) except Exception: pass if threads: for t in process.threads(): try: if not in stats: stats[] = {} stats[][step] = Counters(t.user_time, t.system_time) except Exception: pass time.sleep(0.05) step += 1 except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass cols = sorted(stats.items()) start_time = timestamps[0] with open(output, "w+") as out: out.write("timestamp ") for col_id, _ in cols: out.write(f"{col_id:5d}-user {col_id:6d}-sys ") out.write("\n") for row, ts in enumerate(timestamps): if row == 0: continue time_delta = ts - timestamps[row - 1] out.write(f"{ts-start_time:10f} ") for _, c in cols: if row in c and (row - 1) in c: out.write(f" {(c[row].user_time - c[row - 1].user_time)*100/time_delta:6.2f}% ") out.write(f" {(c[row].system_time - c[row - 1].system_time)*100/time_delta:6.2f}% ") else: out.write(" 0.00% 0.00% ") row += 1 out.write("\n") with open("plot-cpu.gnuplot", "w+") as out: out.write( f""" set term png small size 1500, {120*len(cols)} set output "cpu.png" set yrange [0:100] unset xtics set multiplot layout {len(cols)},1 """ ) for idx, c2 in enumerate(cols): if c2[0] == pid: title = f"pid {c2[0]} (main)" else: title = f"pid {c2[0]}" out.write(f'set ylabel "CPU (%)\\n{title}"\n') if idx == len(cols) - 1: out.write('set xlabel "time (s)"\n') out.write( f'plot "{output}" using 1:(${idx*2+2}+${idx*2+3}) title "User" with filledcurves y=0, ' f'"{output}" using 1:{idx*2+3} title "System" with filledcurves y=0\n' ) print('running "gnuplot plot-cpu.gnuplot"') check_call(["gnuplot", "plot-cpu.gnuplot"]) if __name__ == "__main__": # pylint: disable = no-value-for-parameter main()