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This is an example workflow to show how to deploy Exograph as an Azure function.


  • Docker
  • azure-cli
  • azure-functions-core-tools

Getting started

  1. cd into this directory on a shell. Make sure you are logged into Azure: az login.
  2. Run ./ to create a function app in Azure and follow the interactive instructions.
  3. If needed, create a database and set EXO_POSTGRES_URL as an application setting in the Azure dashboard for your created function app.
  4. Initialize the schema in your database:
    $ exo schema create example.exo | psql ...
  5. Deploy your app using ./
    $ ./ --appname <your function app's name> -c example.exo
  6. Visit the ExographApi invoke url printed in the console to access the playground:
    Deployment completed successfully.
    Syncing triggers...
    Functions in exographtest:
        ExographApi - [httpTrigger]
            Invoke url: https://<your function app's name>