import { AbiContract, AbiFunction, AbiParam, TonClient, } from "@eversdk/core"; export function contractCodeHeader(options: { hasDeploy: boolean }): string { return ` import { Account, AccountOptions } from "@eversdk/appkit"; import { AbiContract, } from "@eversdk/core"; import { ${options.hasDeploy ? "deployHelper," : ""} RunHelperOptions, RunHelperResult, RunLocalHelperResult, runHelper, runLocalHelper, Transaction, ContractPackageEx, Log, } from "../helpers"; `; } export async function genContractCode(web3: TonClient, options: { name: string, abi: AbiContract, tvc: string, }): Promise<{ code: string, hasDeploy: boolean, }> { const { name, abi, tvc, } = options; const contractCode = (await web3.boc.decode_tvc({ tvc })).code ?? ""; const contractCodeHash = (await web3.boc.get_boc_hash({ boc: contractCode })).hash; let code = ""; for (const fn of abi.functions || []) { if ( !== "constructor") { code += fnTypesCode(name, fn); } } code += ` export class ${name}Account extends Account { static package: ContractPackageEx = { abi: ${JSON.stringify(abi)} as unknown as AbiContract, tvc: "${tvc}", code: "${contractCode}", codeHash: "${contractCodeHash}", }; log: Log; constructor( options: AccountOptions & { log?: Log } ) { super(${name}Account.package, options); this.log = options.log ?? Log.default; } `; code += deployFnCode(abi); for (const fn of abi.functions || []) { if ( !== "constructor") { code += fnCode(name, fn); } } code += `}\n\n`; return { code, hasDeploy: true, }; } const RESERVED_FN_NAMES = new Set([ "contract", "client", "abi", "signer", "initData", "useCachedState", "address", "syncLastTransLt", "cachedBoc", "subscriptions", "getAddress", "getParamsOfDeployMessage", "calcDeployFees", "deploy", "deployLocal", "calcRunFees", "run", "runLocal", "boc", "refresh", "getAccount", "subscribeAccount", "subscribeTransactions", "subscribeMessages", "decodeMessage", "decodeMessageBody", "getBalance", "subscribe", "free", ]); function fnName(fn: AbiFunction, prefix: string, suffix: string = ""): string { const middle = prefix !== "" ? `${[0].toUpperCase()}${}` :; const name = `${prefix}${middle}${suffix || ""}`; return RESERVED_FN_NAMES.has(name) ? `${name}_` : name; } function fnTypeDecl(contractName: string, fn: AbiFunction, isInput: boolean): string { const params = isInput ? fn.inputs : fn.outputs; if (params.length === 0) { return ""; } const typeName = fnName(fn, contractName, isInput ? "Input" : "Output"); const decl = paramsDecl( params, "", isInput, ); return `export type ${typeName} = ${decl};\n\n`; } function fnTypesCode(contractName: string, fn: AbiFunction): string { return fnTypeDecl(contractName, fn, true) + fnTypeDecl(contractName, fn, false); } function fnHeader(contractName: string, fn: AbiFunction, isRun: boolean): string { const name = fnName(fn, isRun ? "run" : ""); let header = ` async ${name}(`; if (fn.inputs.length > 0) { header += `input: ${fnName(fn, contractName, "Input")}`; } if (isRun) { if (fn.inputs.length > 0) { header += ", "; } header += `options?: RunHelperOptions`; } const returnType = `${isRun ? "RunHelperResult" : "RunLocalHelperResult"}`; const outputType = fn.outputs.length > 0 ? fnName(fn, contractName, "Output") : "void"; return header + `): Promise<${returnType}<${outputType}>> {\n`; } function fnCode(contractName: string, fn: AbiFunction): string { const input = fn.inputs.length > 0 ? "input" : "{}"; let code = fnHeader(contractName, fn, true); code += ` return await runHelper(this, "${}", ${input}, options);\n`; code += ` }\n\n`; code += fnHeader(contractName, fn, false); code += ` return await runLocalHelper(this, "${}", ${input});\n`; code += ` }\n\n`; return code; } function deployFnCode(abi: AbiContract): string { const ctor = abi.functions?.find(x => === "constructor") ?? { name: "", inputs: [], outputs: [], }; let code = ` async deployContract(`; if (ctor.inputs.length > 0) { code += `input: ${paramsDecl(ctor.inputs, " ", true)}`; } code += "): Promise<{\n"; code += " transaction: Transaction,\n"; code += " }> {\n"; const input = ctor.inputs.length > 0 ? "input" : "{}"; code += ` return await deployHelper(this, "${}", ${input});\n`; code += ` }\n\n`; return code; } function paramsDecl(params: AbiParam[], indent: string, isInput: boolean): string { let decl = `{\n`; for (const p of params) { decl += `${indent} ${paramDecl(p, indent + " ", isInput)},\n`; } decl += `${indent}}`; return decl; } function paramTypeDecl( type: TypeInfo, indent: string, isInput: boolean, components?: AbiParam[], ): string { let decl = ""; switch ( { case "uint128": case "uint256": case "uint64": decl += isInput ? "string | number | bigint" : "string"; break; case "int8": case "uint8": case "uint16": case "uint32": decl += "number"; break; case "bool": decl += "boolean"; break; case "string": case "address": case "cell": case "bytes": decl += "string"; break; case "tuple": decl += "{\n"; for (const field of components ?? []) { decl += `${indent} ${paramDecl(field, indent + " ", isInput)},\n`; } decl += `${indent}}`; break; case "map": break; default: if ("map")) { const mapTypes =, -1).split(","); const keyType = parseType(mapTypes[0]); const valueType = parseType(mapTypes.slice(1).join(",")); decl += "{\n"; decl += `${indent}[key: ${paramTypeDecl(keyType, indent, isInput)}]: ${paramTypeDecl( valueType, indent + " ", isInput, components, )}`; decl += `${indent}}`; } else { throw "Unknown ABI type"; } break; } if (type.array) { decl += "[]"; } return decl; } function paramDecl(param: AbiParam, indent: string, isInput: boolean): string { const type = parseType(param.type); let decl = `${}${type.optional ? "?" : ""}: `; decl += paramTypeDecl(type, indent, isInput, param.components); decl += ` /* ${param.type} */`; return decl; } type TypeInfo = { name: string, optional: boolean, array: boolean, } function parseType(source: string): TypeInfo { const type: TypeInfo = { name: source, array: source.endsWith("[]"), optional: source.startsWith("optional("), }; if (type.array) { =, -2); } if (type.optional) { =, -1); } return type; }