order TODO
pip install depthai-sdk[record]
To record: https://discuss.luxonis.com/d/1572-process-recorded-data-from-oak-d-without-access-to-oak-d/12 Go to depthai-sdk examples, the depthai -experiment example doesn't work
Doc: https://docs.luxonis.com/projects/hardware/en/latest/pages/guides/raspberrypi/ Use the image with pre-installed depthai.
Download from this google drive
File: RPi_64bit_OS.xz
sudo umount /dev/sXXnb
xzcat RPi_64bit_OS.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sde status=progress bs=4M
Set up the wifi access:
in the rootfs partition,
sudo vi /media/$USER/rootfs/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
Add WLAN name and pwd.
Eject boot and rootfs, put the card in the pi, fire raspi-config, change the locals (keyboard, I used US international), update, upgrade.
sudo curl -fL https://docs.luxonis.com/install_dependencies.sh | bash
Install the python API.
Create a virtualenvironment.
then: python3 -m pip install --extra-index-url https://artifacts.luxonis.com/artifactory/luxonis-python-snapshot-local/ depthai
Note that the depthai_sdk from pip will uninstall the current depthai (2.25 for me) and install 2.22 instead.
Install depthai_sdk from source may work.
Clone depthai and cd inside.
(For example to a path at othersgitrepos/ComputerVision/Luxonis_DepthAI/depthai
Then add the submodule, info here by running:
git submodule update --init
Some info on the process here, see also this.
In particular, If you want to re-run the calibration process on the captured images, use the -m process argument: Command Line
python3 calibrate.py -s [SQUARE_SIZE_IN_CM] --board [BOARD] -nx [squaresX] -ny [squaresY] -m process
Calibration results are stored inside the resources/ folder and can be used later for testing/debugging purposes. You can also load/flash this local calibration file to the device - see example for more details.
Tested 20092024
cd /$HOME/Programs/othersgitrepos/ComputerVision/Luxonis_DepthAI/depthai-python
py utilities/cam_test.py
Enabled cameras: camb : mono camc : mono CAM: camb CAM: camc Connected cameras: -socket CAM_B : OV9282 1280 x 800 focus:fixed - MONO COLOR -socket CAM_C : OV9282 1280 x 800 focus:fixed - MONO COLOR USB speed: SUPER IR drivers: []
Plug 2 mono on CAMB2L and CAMC 2L The 2L means 2 lanes, it's for mono camera. If plug a mono cam on 4L port it will show in color but single color, red for the test I did.
https://docs.luxonis.com/hardware/platform/deploy/ffc/ https://discuss.luxonis.com/d/2664-getting-started-with-oak-ffc-4p