This is derived from a quiz posted on see:
Secret Santa is a game played by friends around the world to add a little mystery into seasonal gift giving.
To play secret santa:
- All the participants names are placed in a hat
- Names are drawn and allocated to other players
- Gifts are bought and shared anonymously
Obviously, the problem with a random hat draw is you can get yourself - so lets solve this problem with software!
Here are some sample names:
Luke Skywalker [[email protected]] Leia Skywalker [[email protected]] Toula Portokalos [[email protected]] Gus Portokalos [[email protected]] Bruce Wayne [[email protected]] Virgil Brigman [[email protected]] Lindsey Brigman [[email protected]]
Allocating secret santas
As a user
When I pass a list of names in a file
Secret santas are allocated
Families must be split up
As a user
When I allocate secret santas
Santas are not paired when they are related
Email the santas
As a user
When I allocate secret santas
The santas are emailed, so nobody can cheat