We'll manage a collection of games.
- We should have a Game that has a name, ranking and category.
- Category is a separate model. It has a name.
- a Category has many games
- a Game belongs to a Category
- initialize a new category
2.times do
initialize a new game
associate the game should be linked to the category end
store the games into a list
display the category name of the first game of the list
display the name of all the games of the category
- create the category repository
- we should be able to:
- fetch all categories
- find one category based on its id
- save a category
comment out the previous code
manually add 3 categories inside the CSV file
using the repository, find all the categories and display their names
initialize 2 categories
save them with the repository
using the repository, find the second category (id 2) and display its name
- create the game repository
- we should be able to:
- fetch all categories
- find one category based on its id
- save a category
[Tricky part]
- we should store the id of the category
- when loading the CSV file:
- we read the category id
- we have to find the corresponding instance
- then we initialize the game
- and link back the category instance to the game
comment out the lines that create new categories
manually add 2 games inside the CSV file
they should be linked to one of the existing (already saved) categories
using the repository, find all the games and display their names and category name
initialize 1 game
link it to an existing category (we should always link with existing categories)
save it with the repository
using the repository, find the second game (id 2) and display its name and category name