A bot that plays Kanye's entire music catalog in your voice channel 24/7
Kanye has officially been shutdown since 9/18/2021. The source code will serve the purpose of preservation.
How do you start the bot?
- This bot is not made to be self-hosted, but if you absolutely want to for some reason, open the bot.js file, and replace the "token here" text with your bot token. You will need to have a folder titled "songs" with preferably every Kanye song produced. The dependencies are
discord.js, discord.js-reaction-menus, humanize-duration
Why did Kanye shutdown?
- I didn't really feel like maintaining the bot anymore due to the behind-the-scenes things going on at Discord with the future of bots and whatnot.
I want to fork this code and use it for my own project!
- Go for it! Make sure you follow the license I have in the repo.