An in-console game of 2048. Play as single player and see what the heuristics do, or run with an AI at multiple search tree depths and see the highest score it can get.
For a machine that has g++ installed, getting this running is as easy as
git clone
cd 2048-Expectimax
You don't have to use make
, any OpenMP-compatible C++ compiler should work.
Runs with an AI. Specify a number for the search tree depth. For example, 4 is a moderate speed, decent accuracy search to start at.
Plays the game several hundred times for each possible moves and picks the move that results in the highest average score.
Just plays it randomly once. No idea why I added this.
View the heuristic score of any possible board state.
Just play 2048! Provides heuristic scores and before/after compacting of columns and rows for debug purposes.