A list of cool/useful Android studio plugins (linked from my blog post here)
Description | Link |
Parcelable Class Generator | https://github.com/mcharmas/android-parcelable-intellij-plugin |
Butter knife code gen | https://github.com/avast/android-butterknife-zelezny |
Butter knife removal!? | https://github.com/u3shadow/RemoveButterKnife |
Json2Java4Ide (convert json to model objects) | https://github.com/t28hub/json2java4idea |
GSON formatter (convert json to model objects - better ui) | https://github.com/zzz40500/GsonFormat |
Awesome POJO Generator (convert json to model objects) | https://github.com/jineshfrancs/AwesomePojoGenerator |
RoboPOJOGenerator (convert json to model objects) | https://github.com/robohorse/RoboPOJOGenerator |
OTTO class/method links in side bar | https://github.com/square/otto-intellij-plugin |
M Permissions code generator | https://github.com/shiraji/permissions-dispatcher-plugin |
Auto Value Generator | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8091?pr=idea |
Selector Chapek (auto gen of drawable selectors) | https://github.com/inmite/android-selector-chapek |
Android Studio Prettify (auto gen findViewById) | https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-android-studio-plugin |
Activity CreateIntent Inspection (auto gen Activity create method) | https://github.com/shiraji/create-intent-inspection |
Fragment newInstance Inspection (auto gen Fragment newInstatce method) | https://github.com/shiraji/new-instance-inspection |
Android Studio Super Plugin (7 useful plugins combined) | https://github.com/b2b2244424/AndroidStudioSuperPlugin |
Exynap (generate lots of different code examples) | http://exynap.com/ |
JSON to POJO Converter (Plain Old Java Object) | https://github.com/robohorse/RoboPOJOGenerator |
DTOnator (another POJO creator with static inner classes) | https://github.com/nvinayshetty/DTOnator |
Data Binding Support (XML code gen) | https://github.com/shiraji/databinding-support |
Thesaurus (help to generate var names) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/androidstudio/plugin/7199-thesaurus |
Advanced Code Folding (generates more readable code) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9320-advanced-java-folding |
OkHttpParamsGet (generates OKHttp params) | https://github.com/kingwang666/OkHttpParamsGet |
RxJava postfix completion (generates RxJava with AS postfix feature) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9455-rxjava-postfix-plugin |
Generate MVP code (generates MVP with Dagger2/Rx2/Retrofit) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9784-generate-m-v-p-code |
Droid-Snippet (inserts useful util methods) | https://github.com/KingsMentor/Droid-Snippet |
Clean Architecture Plugin (generates app structure from template) | https://github.com/alvaromarco/CleanArchitecturePlugin |
Name that colour (pastes in colour in clipboard in color.xml) | http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10422-name-that-color |
Kotlin Data Class to SharedPreferences (generates code for SharedPreferences from a Kotlin data class) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/14970-kotlin-data-class-to-sharedpreferences/ |
Description | Link |
Android Icons | https://github.com/jgilfelt/androidicons-adt-template |
Material Icons | https://github.com/intrications/material-design-icons-adt-template |
Android drawable resources | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7658?pr=idea |
Svg converter 2 vectors | https://github.com/Ashung/svg2vectordrawable |
Drawable optimiser | https://github.com/fabiomsr/drawable-optimizer |
Tiny Png (png optimiser) | https://github.com/lsjwzh/TinyPngPlugin |
Color Manager (color info in xml window) | https://github.com/shiraji/color-manager |
Dr Vector (correct float numbers) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9937-dr-vector-android |
Android Drawable Importer (import image into different densities) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7658-android-drawable-importer |
Vector drawable thumbnails (lists all vectors in project) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10741-vector-drawable-thumbnails |
Drawable preview (tree view previews) | https://github.com/mistamek/Android-drawable-preview-plugin |
Description | Link |
Gradle View (show dependancy hierarchy) | https://github.com/rholder/gradle-view |
Gradle Dependancies Method counts | http://www.methodscount.com/plugins |
Gradle Dependancies Helper (Auto complete) | https://github.com/ligi/GradleDependenciesHelperPlugin |
Gradle Build Time Tracker | https://github.com/passy/build-time-tracker-plugin |
OK Gradle (dependancy lookup) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10102-ok-gradle |
Clear Gradle cache | https://github.com/harisudhan7889/ClearCachePlugin |
Description | Link |
Edu tools (kotlin koans) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10081-edutools |
Kotlin variable completion (autocomplete) | https://github.com/bassaer/kotlin-variable-completion-plugin |
JsonToKotlinClass (generates models in kotlin from json) | https://github.com/wuseal/JsonToKotlinClass |
Multiple Korlin converter (convert multiple files) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/12183-multiple-file-kotlin-converter |
Protien (kotlin code gen for retrofit via swagger) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10206-protein--kotlin-code-generator-for-retrofit2-and-rxjava2-based-on-swagger |
Description | Link |
Nyan progress bar (give progress some colour!) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8575-nyan-progress-bar |
Rainbow brackets (colourful brackets) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10080-rainbow-brackets |
Emoji support (add to commits and markdown :-) | https://github.com/shiraji/emoji |
Power Mode 2 (fire & sparks when you type!) | https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8251-power-mode-ii |