Oh My Neovim is an open source toolkit for managing your Neovim configurations, plugins and dependencies for it.
One of the big problems of Neovim is to find right plugins, if you want more features for your text editor. In addition you have to install all dependencies and configure plugins correctly.
For example deoplete is great project, but you do not know whether your desired programming language supported and if you want use it you need to understand how to install and configure it. Of course you can find everything on the Internet, but that costs your time. And you just want to use your text editor.
Another issue is if you lost your configuration, you have to search again the plugins, install the dependencies and configure it.
One more thing can be that you do not even know that you can improve your text editor.
Oh My Neovim is a project that has the following goals:
- Simplify the installation process of plugins and its dependencies (e.g. the default extension will install all Neovim dependencies)
- Simplify the configuration overhead
- Build a big extensions library that helps users to get batch of features for the Neovim with just one command
- Unix-like operating system (macOS or Linux)
should be installedgit
should be installed
Oh My Neovim is installed by running one of the following commands in your terminal. You can install this via the command-line with curl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oh-my-neovim/oh-my-neovim/master/tools/install.sh)"
Do not forget to set the Nerd font in your terminal
Select Extensions
If you'd like to select extensions at any point in time you just need to run:
extension set example:
export OH_MY_NEOVIM_EXTENSIONS="default ansible clang code_style coffee denite eslint git go icons java javascript json motion nodejs python react ruby search session snippet spell sublime test themes typescript undo vim web xml yaml mouse"
If you'd like to upgrade at any point in time you just need to run:
The installation process will create ~/.config/nvim/custom.plug.vim
and ~/.config/nvim/custom.init.vim
files which you can use to add your own plugins and configurations accordingly.
For example to set another colorscheme:
echo "\ncolorscheme monokai" >> ~/.config/nvim/custom.init.vim
Get oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
brew install fzf && /usr/local/opt/fzf/install
If you want to uninstall oh-my-neovim
, just run uninstall_oh_my_neovim
from the command-line. It will remove itself and revert your previous Neovim configuration.
Like Oh My Neovim? Follow the repository on https://github.com/oh-my-neovim/oh-my-neovim and vote for it.
I would like to thank oh-my-zsh project, from which I borrowed install/upgrade/uninstall processes and another good ideas.
Oh My Neovim is released under the MIT license.