❤️ You can download the docset in your Dash App directly. Current version 6.2.2 ❤️
It may take about 1 hour. You can change --wait=0.5
but better don't do this.
wget --execute robots=off --wait=0.5 --force-directories --no-parent --page-requisites --mirror --convert-links --tries=3 https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/
Here is my example running result.
FINISHED --2020-04-27 15:31:39--
Total wall clock time: 1h 6m 16s
Downloaded: 4449 files, 105M in 3m 45s (477 KB/s)
You need install python3 and pip install -r requirements.txt
python pyside2dash.py
Manually download/copy this to your docset folder.
- icon-16px to icon.png
- icon-32px to [email protected]
tar --exclude='.DS_Store' -cvzf Qt_for_Python.tgz Qt_for_Python.docset