Version: 0.56
Author: TheScriptGuy
With the growing usage of certificates within an organization, it's really easy to lose track of when a certificate will expire.
This python script will get the certificate from a supplied hostname and return the properties of the certificate(s) in JSON format.
Displays the certificate metadata in JSON format
python3 --hostname --displayCertificateJSON
Displays the certificate metadata and device performing the query metadata.
python3 --hostname --displayScriptDataJSON
Only display time left when querying a certificate
python3 --hostname --displayTimeLeft
usage: [-h] [--hostname HOSTNAME] [--displayCertificate] [--displayCertificateJSON] [--displayScriptDataJSON] [--displayTimeLeft] [--queryFile QUERYFILE] [--uploadJsonData UPLOADJSONDATA] [--mongoDB]
[--sendEmail] [--retryAmount RETRYAMOUNT] [--timeBetweenRetries TIMEBETWEENRETRIES] [--contextVariables] [--environmentVariables] [--setTag SETTAG] [--delTag] [--getTag] [--renewDeviceId]
[--getDeviceId] [--deleteDeviceId] [--setTenantId SETTENANTID] [--getTenantId] [--delTenantId] [--createBlankConfiguration]
Certificate Checker v0.56
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hostname HOSTNAME Hostname to get certificate from
--displayCertificate Display certificate info
Display certificate info in JSON format
Display script info and queried certificates in JSON format
--displayTimeLeft Display time left until expiry on certificate.
--queryFile QUERYFILE
Import a query file to for hostname queries. Supports local files and HTTP/HTTPS links
Upload JSON data to HTTP URL via HTTP POST method.
--mongoDB Upload results to MongoDB. Connection details stored in mongo.cfg
--sendEmail Send an email with the results. SMTP connection details stored in mail.cfg
--retryAmount RETRYAMOUNT
Attempt to retry the connection if any error occured. Defaults to 1 attempt.
The number of seconds between each retry attempt if the connection fails. Defaults to 1 second.
--contextVariables Read the context variables from contextVariables.json
Uses the environment values for TENANT_ID and TAG to set the runtime environment.
--setTag SETTAG Set the tag for the query results. Use commas to separate multiple tags.
--delTag Removes the tags from the configuration file.
--getTag Get tags from the configuration file.
--renewDeviceId Renew the device UUID value.
--getDeviceId Get the device UUID value from configuration file.
--deleteDeviceId Remove the device UUID value. When script runs again a new UUID will be generated.
Sets the tenant ID for the script.
--getTenantId Gets the tenant ID from configuration file.
--delTenantId Deletes the tenant ID from the configuration file.
Creates a blank configuration file template - myConfig.json. Overwrites any existing configuration
The script will by default attempt to look at a configuration file for the Tenant ID and Tags. If the environment variables are defined, then it will use that in preference to the configuration file.
To use, first define the variables:
$ export TENANT_ID="<insert tenant id here>"
$ export TAGS="<insert comma separated values>"
Now that environment variables are defined, we can use the --environmentVariables
$ python3 --hostname --environmentVariables --displayScriptDataJSON