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This is an STFT operation library optimized for large-scale data, implemented using OKL (OCCA Kernel Language). A StandAlone version that does not depend on OCCA is also available.


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This project is a multi-platform (GPGPU) supported implementation of the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT). It is designed to perform STFT operations efficiently across various parallel computing environments such as CUDA, OpenCL, OpenMP, and Serial. The project ensures stable execution across diverse systems and deployment environments, making it a reliable and scalable solution for signal processing, particularly for time-frequency analysis of audio and speech signals.

Additionally, the project allows users to request calculations from a server via WebSocket connections, providing flexibility in deployment and usage scenarios.


Tested on NVIDIA H100, Ubuntu, CUDA 12.3

windowSize 64 windowSize 128 windowSize 256 windowSize 512 windowSize 1024 windowSize 2048 windowSize 4096 windowSize 8192 windowSize 16384 windowSize 32768 windowSize 65536 windowSize 131072 windowSize 262144 windowSize 524288 windowSize 1048576


  • OCCA: StandAlone/cross_gpgpu/occaprofileRunner
  • CUFFT: StandAlone/cross_gpgpu/testRunner (CLFFT code has been Annotated)

how to use

  • 1: build the runners
  • 2: in StandAlone/Profile_Code/profileRunners.cpp, uncomment datawait and build the StandAlone
  • 3: make file named "executeResult.json" related path from runner
  • 4: execute runner port 54500
  • 5: execute TESTER.exe and wait. may be took for a day per one runner.
  • 6: make csv with python code ProfileResults/ ( the json path were hardcoded.)
  • 7: make plot with python code. ProfileResults/ (the csv path were hardcoded.)
  • "clFFTResultOnNvidiaH100.json" : clfft hardcoded
  • "cuFFTResultOnNvidiaH100.json" : cufft hardcoded
  • "occaResultOnNvidiaH100.json" : occa hardcoded
  • "merged_fft_results.csv" : csv hardcoded

Key Features

  • Platform Support: Supports STFT operations in CUDA, OpenCL, OpenMP, and Serial environments.
  • Modular Codebase: Provides a modular code structure for each platform, ensuring ease of maintenance and expansion.
  • IXWebSocket-Based Communication: Manages external communication and asynchronous processing through WebSocket using the IXWebSocket library. Users can request computations from a server through WebSocket connections.
  • OCCA Integration: Leverages OCCA (Open Concurrent Compute Abstraction) to easily convert and execute kernel code across various parallel computing environments.

Directory Structure

  • OKL/: Contains OKL codes.
  • StandAlone/: Implementation that can operate with just binary distribution.
    • cross_gpgpu/: Contains modular implementations for CUDA, OpenCL, OpenMP, and Serial platforms.
      • GLOBAL/: default codes for runners.
      • CUDA/: GPGPU implementation based on CUDA.
      • HIP/: Not implemented yet.
      • METAL/: Not implemented yet.
      • OpenCL/: GPGPU implementation based on OpenCL.
      • OpenMP/: CPU parallel processing implementation based on OpenMP.
      • Serial/: Sequential processing implementation without parallelism.
      • RunnerTemplate/: Contains template implementations for adding new vendors.
      • occaprofileRunner/: A special Runner implementation for performance testing of this implementation. runs with custom fallback.
      • testRunner/: Special Runner implementation to extract data from clfft and cufft. runs with custom fallback.
    • include/: Header files and utility code used across platforms.
    • src/: Core implementation files for STFT and related functionalities.
  • Script to generate kernel code for various platforms using OCCA.
  • Script to set capnproto.
  • Script to build ptx file from .cu file.
  • Script that can build all ptx in just one run. Requires Docker
  • Docker uses this. not for us.

Installation and Build


  • CMake 3.5 or higher
  • CUDA Toolkit (optional for CUDA builds)
  • OpenCL library (optional for OpenCL builds)
  • OpenMP-supported compiler
  • CapnProto (library for data serialization and deserialization)
  • IXWebSocket (library for WebSocket communication)

Build Procedure

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone
    cd GPGPU_Batch_STFT
    cd StandAlone
  2. Generate the build using CMake.

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    cmake --build . --parallel 12

    NOTE: Perhaps your first build will fail related to ixwebsocket. Build it again and it will be resolved.

  3. Once the build is complete, executables for each vendor will be generated under the cross_build/ directory.

    For example, cross_build/CUDA/cudaRun.exe, cross_build/OpenCL/openclRun.exe, etc.

OKL Usage

  • STFT_MAIN.okl: includes everything
  • kernel.okl
    • toPower: PostProcess, power(square) datas.
    • toHalfCoplexFormat PostProcess, returns halfed complex. (real, imag, real, imag)
  • EXPCommon
    • Window_~~~~: PreProcess, returns windowed data.
    • Overlap_Common: PreProcess, returns overlaped data.
    • DCRemove_Common: PreProcess, removes DC components in every windows
    • StockHamDITCommon: main kernel, need to call every stage. The stage starts with 0, ends with windowSizeEXP - 1.
  • EXP~.okl:Special implementations optimized to use shared memory,
    • Stockhpotimized~: main kernel, call once.

StandAlone Usage

Implementation to ensure normal operation even in a binary distribution environment (non-developer environment)


  1. Running the Executable

    To run the WebSocket server using the built executable, use the following command:

    ./cross_build/CUDA/cudaRun.exe 54500

    This command runs the cudaRun.exe program and starts the WebSocket server on port 54500.

  2. Using the STFTProxy Object

    The following is an example of using the STFTProxy object to manage the executable and set up WebSocket communication:

    #include "STFTProxy.hpp"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    int main() {
        // Add expected executable paths to FallbackList and set server information
        FallbackList list;
        list.CustomFallback.push_back("./path_to_your_custom_runner/yourRunner.exe");//NOTE: It works without problem even without the exe extension.
        // Define WebSocket error handling function
        auto temp = STFTProxy([](const ix::WebSocketErrorInfo& err)
            std::cout << err.reason << std::endl;
        }, list);
        // Create test data
        std::vector<float> testZeroData(10000);
        for (int i = 0; i < testZeroData.size(); ++i)
            testZeroData[i] = float(i) / testZeroData.size() + 1.0f;
        // Request STFT operation
        auto promisedData = temp.RequestSTFT(testZeroData, 10, 0.5 , "--hanning_window --half_complex_return");
        // RequestSTFT( FloatVector, windowSizeEXP, OverlapRate, Options)
        // FloatVector: float vector
        // windowSizeEXP: EXP data of WindowSize. 2 ^ windowSizeEXP
        // OverlapRate: overlap rate. 0.6 means 60% overlap
        // Options: options for preprocess, returned shape.
        if (promisedData.has_value()) // checks promise
            auto resOut = promisedData.value().get(); // get data from promise
            if (resOut.has_value()) // checks data from promise.
                // Use the result
        // Safely close the running Runner (only works if the proxy object directly started the Runner)
        // Note: If the proxy starts the Runner directly, the proxy and Runner can use shared memory between processes, providing faster execution.
        if (temp.KillRunner())
            std::cout << "safe closed" << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "not closed" << std::endl;
        return 0;

    This code demonstrates how to manage executables and set up WebSocket communication for STFT processing. The KillRunner function works only if the proxy object directly started the Runner and requests a safe shutdown. Additionally, if the proxy starts the Runner directly, the proxy and Runner can use shared memory between processes, enabling faster execution.

Available Options

  • PreProcess

    --hanning_window: hanning window

    --hamming_window: hamming window

    --blackman_window: blackman window

    --nuttall_window : nuttall window

    --blackman_nuttall_window : As written

    --blackman_harris_window : As written

    --flattop_window : As written

    --gaussian_window=(sigmaSize)<<sigma: gaussian window. Enter the sigma value to use it.

    e.g. --gaussian_window=4.312345<<sigma

    --remove_dc: removes the DC component within the window.

  • PostProcess

    --half_complex_return: leverages the symmetry of the FFT output to remove the redundant second half of the complex result. Since memory and communication primarily use float arrays, this option packs the real and imaginary components alternately (real, imaginary, real, imaginary) in the available space, thereby reducing memory usage and ensuring compatibility."

    no postprocess option mentioned(default): returns the squared (power) value.

Customizing StandAlone Runner

Customize a Runner

If you want to add a new vendor or other implementation to this project, please follow these steps. The template files in the RunnerTemplate folder will help you get started quickly with vendor-specific implementations.

Contributions, especially PRs implementing Metal and HIP support, are highly encouraged!

1. Create a New Vendor Directory

  • First, create a directory for the new vendor under cross_gpgpu/. For example, if the new vendor is "MyVendor", create the directory as follows:

    mkdir cross_gpgpu/MyVendor

2. Copy RunnerTemplate

  • Copy the template files from the RunnerTemplate folder to the new vendor directory.

    cp -r cross_gpgpu/RunnerTemplate/* cross_gpgpu/MyVendor/

3. Modify functionImpl.cpp

  • functionImpl.cpp is the core implementation file for the new vendor. implement it with kernel code.
    #include "RunnerInterface.hpp"
        void* userStruct, 
        void* origin, 
        CUI OFullSize, 
        CUI FullSize, 
        CUI windowSizeEXP, 
        CUI OMove, 
        void* Realout
    runnerFunction::Hanning(void* userStruct, void* data, CUI OFullSize, CUI windowSize)
    runnerFunction::Hamming(void* userStruct, void* data, CUI OFullSize, CUI windowSize)
    runnerFunction::Blackman(void* userStruct, void* data, CUI OFullSize, CUI windowSize)
    runnerFunction::Nuttall(void* userStruct, void* data, CUI OFullSize, CUI windowSize)
    runnerFunction::Blackman_Nuttall(void* userStruct, void* data, CUI OFullSize, CUI windowSize)
    runnerFunction::Blackman_Harris(void* userStruct, void* data, CUI OFullSize, CUI windowSize)
    runnerFunction::FlatTop(void* userStruct, void* data, CUI OFullSize, CUI windowSize)
    runnerFunction::RemoveDC(void* userStruct, void* data, CUI qtConst, CUI OFullSize, CUI windowSize)
        void* userStruct, 
        void* data, 
        CUI OFullSize, 
        CUI windowSize, 
        const float sigma
    runnerFunction::EXP6(void* userStruct, void* Real, void* Imag, CUI OHalfSize)
    runnerFunction::EXP7(void* userStruct, void* Real, void* Imag, CUI OHalfSize)
    runnerFunction::EXP8(void* userStruct, void* Real, void* Imag, CUI OHalfSize)
    runnerFunction::EXP9(void* userStruct, void* Real, void* Imag, CUI OHalfSize)
    runnerFunction::EXP10(void* userStruct, void* Real, void* Imag, CUI OHalfSize)
    runnerFunction::EXP11(void* userStruct, void* Real, void* Imag, CUI OHalfSize)
        void*   userStruct,
        void*   real, 
        void*   imag,
        void*   subreal,
        void*   subimag,
        void*   out,
        CUI&&   HWindowSize,
        CUI     windowSizeEXP,
        CUI     OFullSize,
        void*   realResult,
        void*   imagResult
        void*   userStruct, 
        void*   out, 
        void*   realResult, 
        void*   imagResult, 
        CUI     OHalfSize, 
        CUI     windowSizeEXP
        void* userStruct, 
        void* out, 
        void* realResult, 
        void* imagResult, 
        CUI OFullSize

4. Modify TemplateImpl.cpp

  • TemplateImpl.cpp is the core implementation file for the new vendor. Below is a key portion of this file:

    #include "RunnerInterface.hpp"
    //include your gpgpu kernel codes.
    1. make Genv
    2. make Gcodes
    3. implement BuildKernel, ActivateSTFT
    4. End. try test
    // Genv: Structure to hold the GPGPU environment settings and resources.
    struct Genv{
    // Gcodes: Structure to manage and store GPGPU kernel codes.
    struct Gcodes{
    // InitEnv: Initializes the GPGPU environment and kernel code structures.
    // Allocates memory for 'env' (Genv) and 'kens' (Gcodes).
       env = new Genv;
       kens = new Gcodes;
    // BuildKernel: Compiles or prepares the GPGPU kernel for execution.
    * ActivateSTFT: Executes the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) on the input data using GPGPU.
    * @param inData: Input signal data.
    * @param windowSizeEXP: EXP of the STFT window.
    * @param overlapRatio: Overlap ratio for the STFT window. 0 ~ 1, 0 means no overlap.
    * @return MAYBE_DATA: Processed data after applying STFT. if error occurs, return std::nullopt
    Runner::ActivateSTFT(   VECF& inData, 
                           const int& windowSizeEXP, 
                           const float& overlapRatio)
       //default code blocks
       const unsigned int  FullSize    = inData.size();
       const int           windowSize  = 1 << windowSizeEXP;
       const int           qtConst     = toQuot(FullSize, overlapRatio, windowSize);//number of windows
       const unsigned int  OFullSize   = qtConst * windowSize; // overlaped fullsize
       const unsigned int  OHalfSize   = OFullSize / 2;
       const unsigned int  OMove       = windowSize * (1.0f - overlapRatio);// window move distance
       //end default
       runnerFunction::Default_Pipeline //use this after implement functionImpl.cpp
           nullptr,// your custom struct
           &Real,// alloc your memory
           &Imag,// alloc your memory
           &subReal,// alloc your memory
           &subImag,// alloc your memory
           &outMem,// alloc your memory
       return std::move(outMem); // If any error occurs during STFT execution, the function returns std::nullopt.

    Modify the Genv and Gcodes structures to suit the new vendor, and implement the BuildKernel and ActivateSTFT functions.

4. CMake Configuration

  • Modify a CMakeLists.txt file in the new vendor directory to define the build settings. For example:

By adding a new vendor, this project can support a broader range of environments for STFT processing. If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out.


This is an STFT operation library optimized for large-scale data, implemented using OKL (OCCA Kernel Language). A StandAlone version that does not depend on OCCA is also available.







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