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add column filtering to datatable
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mikejiang committed Oct 9, 2015
1 parent 8e4c199 commit 8540ced
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Showing 2 changed files with 91 additions and 69 deletions.
75 changes: 43 additions & 32 deletions R/server.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -205,12 +205,16 @@ function(input, output,session){
pd[["nFound"]] <- NULL
pd[["file"]] <- NULL
class(pd) <- "data.frame"
output$sub_pd <- DT::renderDataTable(pd
# , options = list(
# column.searchable = TRUE
# )
, server = FALSE
rv$pd_filtered <<- pd
output$sub_pd <- DT::renderDataTable(datatable(pd, filter = "bottom"
, options = list(
search = list(regex = TRUE)
, autoWidth = TRUE
, rownames = FALSE
, selection = "none"

Expand All @@ -232,28 +236,22 @@ function(input, output,session){


sub_Ind <- input$sub_pd_rows_all
sn <- rv$pd_filtered[sub_Ind, "name"]
thisCall <- substitute(parseWorkspace(rv$ws
,name = input$grp_selected
, keywords = input$kw_selected
, keywords.source = input$kw_src
, leaf.bool = input$isLeafBool
, subset = sn

gs <- try(eval(thisCall))
thisCall <- substitute(parseWorkspace(rv$ws
,name = input$grp_selected
, keywords = input$kw_selected
, keywords.source = input$kw_src
, leaf.bool = input$isLeafBool

if(input$subset_type == "numeric index"){
thisSubset <- input$sub_ind
thisSubset <- eval(as.list(parse(text = thisSubset))[[1]])
thisSubset <- as.numeric(thisSubset)
}else if(input$subset_type == "sample names"){
thisSubset <- input$sub_sn
thisSubset <- strsplit("")

thisCall[["subset"]] <- thisSubset

output$message2 = renderText(paste(geterrmessage()))#,"\nMaybe you need to upload FCS files as well?"))
}else if(class(gs)=="GatingSet"){
Expand All @@ -274,19 +272,32 @@ function(input, output,session){
, badgeLabel = "1"
, badgeColor = "green")

#update the pData tbl
output$pd_tbl <- DT::renderDataTable(pData(rv$gs))
output$pd_tbl <- DT::renderDataTable(datatable(pData(rv$gs)
, rownames = FALSE
,selection = list(mode = "single", selected = 1)
, filter = "bottom"
, options = list(search = list(regex = TRUE)
, autoWidth = TRUE
# , dom = 'T<"clear">lfrtip'
# , tableTools = list(sSwfPath = copySWF())
# , extensions = list("ColVis", "TableTools")#they are retired by Buttons extension, which is yet to be supported by DT package
, server = FALSE

#---- Populate sn selector ----
updateSelectInput(session, "sn_select"
, choices = sampleNames(rv$gs)
, label = NULL)
# updateSelectInput(session, "sn_select"
# , choices = sampleNames(rv$gs)
# , label = NULL)


#---update gh related panels---
sn <- input$sn_select
sn <- rownames(pData(rv$gs)[input$pd_tbl_rows_selected, ,drop = FALSE])

if(nchar(sn) > 0){
gh <- rv$gs[[sn]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,7 +327,7 @@ function(input, output,session){

output$message = renderPrint(cat("Choose a dataset"))

s = input$path_gs
output$message = renderPrint(cat("Choose a some files above"))
Expand Down
85 changes: 48 additions & 37 deletions R/ui.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
, menuItemOutput("gs_menu_obj")

, menuItem("Compensate & Transform", tabName = "Compensate", icon = icon("exchange"))
, menuItem("Build a Gating Template",tabName = "GatingTemplate", icon = icon("table"))
# , menuItem("Compensate & Transform", tabName = "Compensate", icon = icon("exchange"))
# , menuItem("Build a Gating Template",tabName = "GatingTemplate", icon = icon("table"))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,31 +86,39 @@ body <- dashboardBody(
, radioButtons("kw_src", choices = c("XML", "FCS"), inline = TRUE, label = "keyword source")
, div(style="display:inline-block;"
, checkboxInput("isLeafBool", label = "Leaf boolean gates", value = FALSE)
, helpPopup(title = "Skipping the leaf/terminal boolean nodes can speed up the parsing significantly (especially for ICS gating scheme that typically contains lots of polyfunctional boolean gates,
which can be computed through COMPASS package.
Also if user does want them back later, simply call 'recompute()' method to calculate them without re-parsing the entire workspace."
, content = ""
, trigger = "hover"

, div(a(id = "toggleAdvanced"
, "show/hide advanced settings"
, style = "cursor:pointer")
# hidden(
div(id = "advanced", style = "display:inline-block;background-color:lightGray"
, dataTableOutput("sub_pd")
div(id = "advanced"
, style = "display:inline-block"
#leaf node option
, div(
helpPopup(title = "select samples to parse by using filtering boxes for each field"
, content = ""
, trigger = "hover"
, checkboxInput("isLeafBool", label = "Leaf boolean gates", value = FALSE)
, helpPopup(title = "Skipping the leaf/terminal boolean nodes can speed up the parsing significantly (especially for ICS gating scheme that typically contains lots of polyfunctional boolean gates,
which can be computed through COMPASS package.
Also if user does want them back later, simply call 'recompute()' method to calculate them without re-parsing the entire workspace."
, content = ""
, trigger = "hover"
#subset option
, div(
span("Filter samples by pData:")

, helpPopup(title = "select samples to parse by typing the keyword in each filtering boxes under each field"
, content = ""
, trigger = "hover"
, dataTableOutput("sub_pd")

# )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,26 +148,29 @@ body <- dashboardBody(

, tabItem("gs_menu"

, tabBox(id = "gs_tab", width = NULL
,tabPanel(title = "Pheno Data", value = "pd_tab", icon = icon("th")
# , tabBox(id = "gs_tab", width = NULL
# ,tabPanel(title = "Pheno Data", value = "pd_tab", icon = icon("th")
,tabPanel(title = "Gating Tree", value = "tree_tab", icon = icon("sitemap")
,selectInput("sn_select", choices = c("select one sample ---" = ""), label = NULL)
# ,checkboxInput("isBool", "Show boolean gates")
,div(imageOutput("gateplot",width = "300px",height="300px")
,style="margin-left:400px;", id = "tabSet")
,tabPanel(title = "Gating Layout", value = "gate_layout_tab", icon = icon("picture-o")
, plotOutput("gate_layout"))
,tabPanel(title = "Pop Stats", value = "stats_tab", icon = icon("bar-chart")

, tabBox(id = "gh_tab", width = NULL
,tabPanel(title = "Gating Tree", value = "tree_tab", icon = icon("sitemap")
# ,selectInput("sn_select", choices = c("select one sample ---" = ""), label = NULL)
# ,checkboxInput("isBool", "Show boolean gates")
,div(imageOutput("gateplot",width = "300px",height="300px")
,style="margin-left:400px;", id = "tabSet")
,tabPanel(title = "Gating Layout", value = "gate_layout_tab", icon = icon("picture-o")
, plotOutput("gate_layout"))
,tabPanel(title = "Pop Stats", value = "stats_tab", icon = icon("bar-chart")
# )
# )

, tabItem("Compensate",
Expand Down

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