Implements BLS signatures with aggregation as in Boneh, Drijvers, Neven 2018, using relic toolkit for cryptographic primitives (pairings, EC, hashing). The BLS12-381 curve is used.
- Non-interactive signature aggregation on identical or distinct messages
- Aggregate aggregates (trees)
- Efficient verification (only one pairing per distinct message)
- Security against rogue public key attack
- Aggregate public keys and private keys
- HD (BIP32) key derivation
- Key and signature serialization
- Batch verification
- Signature division (divide an aggregate by a previously verified signature)
- Python bindings
#include "bls.hpp"
// Example seed, used to generate private key. Always use
// a secure RNG with sufficient entropy to generate a seed.
uint8_t seed[] = {0, 50, 6, 244, 24, 199, 1, 25, 52, 88, 192,
19, 18, 12, 89, 6, 220, 18, 102, 58, 209,
82, 12, 62, 89, 110, 182, 9, 44, 20, 254, 22};
BLSPrivateKey sk = BLSPrivateKey::FromSeed(seed, sizeof(seed));
BLSPublicKey pk = sk.GetPublicKey();
uint8_t msg[] = {100, 2, 254, 88, 90, 45, 23};
BLSSignature sig = sk.Sign(msg, sizeof(msg));
uint8_t skBytes[BLSPrivateKey::PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE]; // 32 byte array
uint8_t pkBytes[BLSPublicKey::PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; // 48 byte array
uint8_t sigBytes[BLSSignature::SIGNATURE_SIZE]; // 96 byte array
sk.Serialize(skBytes); // 32 bytes
pk.Serialize(pkBytes); // 48 bytes
sig.Serialize(sigBytes); // 96 bytes
// Takes array of 32 bytes
sk = BLSPrivateKey::FromBytes(skBytes);
// Takes array of 48 bytes
pk = BLSPublicKey::FromBytes(pkBytes);
// Takes array of 96 bytes
sig = BLSSignature::FromBytes(sigBytes);
// Add information required for verification, to sig object
sig.SetAggregationInfo(AggregationInfo::FromMsg(pk, msg, sizeof(msg)));
bool ok = BLS::Verify(sig);
// Generate some more private keys
seed[0] = 1;
BLSPrivateKey sk1 = BLSPrivateKey::FromSeed(seed, sizeof(seed));
seed[0] = 2;
BLSPrivateKey sk2 = BLSPrivateKey::FromSeed(seed, sizeof(seed));
// Generate first sig
BLSPublicKey pk1 = sk1.GetPublicKey();
BLSSignature sig1 = sk1.Sign(msg, sizeof(msg));
// Generate second sig
BLSPublicKey pk2 = sk2.GetPublicKey();
BLSSignature sig2 = sk2.Sign(msg, sizeof(msg));
// Aggregate signatures together
vector<BLSSignature> sigs = {sig1, sig2};
BLSSignature aggSig = BLS::AggregateSigs(sigs);
// For same message, public keys can be aggregated into one.
// The signature can be verified the same as a single signature,
// using this public key.
vector<BLSPublicKey> pubKeys = {pk1, pk2};
BLSPublicKey aggPubKey = BLS::AggregatePubKeys(pubKeys, true);
// Generate one more key and message
seed[0] = 3;
BLSPrivateKey sk3 = BLSPrivateKey::FromSeed(seed, sizeof(seed));
BLSPublicKey pk3 = sk3.GetPublicKey();
uint8_t msg2[] = {100, 2, 254, 88, 90, 45, 23};
// Generate the signatures, assuming we have 3 private keys
sig1 = sk1.Sign(msg, sizeof(msg));
sig2 = sk2.Sign(msg, sizeof(msg));
BLSSignature sig3 = sk3.Sign(msg2, sizeof(msg2));
// They can be noninteractively combined by anyone
// Aggregation below can also be done by the verifier, to
// make batch verification more efficient
vector<BLSSignature> sigsL = {sig1, sig2};
BLSSignature aggSigL = BLS::AggregateSigs(sigsL);
// Arbitrary trees of aggregates
vector<BLSSignature> sigsFinal = {aggSigL, sig3};
BLSSignature aggSigFinal = BLS::AggregateSigs(sigsFinal);
// Serialize the final signature
// Deserialize aggregate signature
aggSigFinal = BLSSignature::FromBytes(sigBytes);
// Create aggregation information (or deserialize it)
AggregationInfo a1 = AggregationInfo::FromMsg(pk1, msg, sizeof(msg));
AggregationInfo a2 = AggregationInfo::FromMsg(pk2, msg, sizeof(msg));
AggregationInfo a3 = AggregationInfo::FromMsg(pk3, msg2, sizeof(msg2));
vector<AggregationInfo> infos = {a1, a2};
AggregationInfo a1a2 = AggregationInfo::MergeInfos(infos);
vector<AggregationInfo> infos2 = {a1a2, a3};
AggregationInfo aFinal = AggregationInfo::MergeInfos(infos2);
// Verify final signature using the aggregation info
ok = BLS::Verify(aggSigFinal);
// If you previously verified a signature, you can also divide
// the aggregate signature by the signature you already verified.
ok = BLS::Verify(aggSigL);
vector<BLSSignature> cache = {aggSigL};
aggSigFinal = aggSigFinal.DivideBy(cache);
// Final verification is now more efficient
ok = BLS::Verify(aggSigFinal);
vector<BLSPrivateKey> privateKeysList = {sk1, sk2};
vector<BLSPublicKey> pubKeysList = {pk1, pk2};
// Create an aggregate private key, that can generate
// aggregate signatures
const BLSPrivateKey aggSk = BLS::AggregatePrivKeys(
privateKeys, pubKeys, true);
BLSSignature aggSig3 = aggSk.Sign(msg, sizeof(msg));
// Random seed, used to generate master extended private key
uint8_t seed[] = {1, 50, 6, 244, 24, 199, 1, 25, 52, 88, 192,
19, 18, 12, 89, 6, 220, 18, 102, 58, 209,
82, 12, 62, 89, 110, 182, 9, 44, 20, 254, 22};
ExtendedPrivateKey esk = ExtendedPrivateKey::FromSeed(
seed, sizeof(seed));
ExtendedPublicKey epk = esk.GetExtendedPublicKey();
// Use i >= 2^31 for hardened keys
ExtendedPrivateKey skChild = esk.PrivateChild(0)
ExtendedPublicKey pkChild = epk.PublicChild(0)
// Serialize extended keys
uint8_t buffer1[ExtendedPublicKey::ExtendedPublicKeySize] // 93 bytes
uint8_t buffer2[ExtendedPrivateKey::ExtendedPrivateKeySize] // 77 bytes
Cmake and a c++ compiler are required for building.
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build . -- -j 6
g++ -Wl,-no_pie -Ibls-signatures/contrib/relic/include -Ibls-signatures/build/contrib/relic/incl
ude -Ibls-signatures/src/ -L./bls-signatures/build/ -l bls yourfile.cpp
Changes performed to relic: Added config files for Chia, and added gmp include in relic.h. Allow passing in hash to ep2_map. Custom inversion function. Note: relic is an LGPL 2.1 dependency.
Libsodium and GMP are optional dependencies: libsodium gives secure memory allocation, and GMP speeds up the library by ~ 3x. To install them, unzip the directories in contrib, and follow the instructions for each repo.
- Always use uint8_t for bytes
- Use size_t for size variables
- Uppercase method names
- Prefer static constructors
- Avoid using templates
- Objects allocate and free their own memory
- Use cpplint with default rules
- Serialize aggregation info
- Optimize performance
- Secure allocation during signing, key derivation
- Threshold signatures
- Full python implementation
- Remove unnecessary dependency files
- Constant time and side channel attacks
- Adaptor signatures / Blind signatures