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BLS signatures in C++, using the relic toolkit BLS12-381


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BLS Signatures implementation


Implements BLS signatures with aggregation as in Boneh, Drijvers, Neven 2018 , using relic toolkit for cryptographic primitives (pairings, EC, hashing). The BLS12-381 curve is used. The original spec is here. This library now implements IETF BLS RFC.


  • Non-interactive signature aggregation on identical or distinct messages
  • Aggregate aggregates (trees)
  • Efficient verification (only one pairing per distinct message)
  • Security against rogue public key attack, using aggregation info, or proof of possession
  • Aggregate public keys and private keys
  • M/N threshold keys and signatures using Joint-Feldman scheme
  • HD (BIP32) key derivation
  • Key and signature serialization
  • Batch verification
  • Signature division (divide an aggregate by a previously verified signature)
  • JavaScript bindings
  • Python bindings
  • Pure python bls12-381 and signatures

Import the library

#include "bls.hpp"

Creating keys and signatures

// Example seed, used to generate private key. Always use
// a secure RNG with sufficient entropy to generate a seed.
uint8_t seed[] = {0, 50, 6, 244, 24, 199, 1, 25, 52, 88, 192,
                  19, 18, 12, 89, 6, 220, 18, 102, 58, 209,
                  82, 12, 62, 89, 110, 182, 9, 44, 20, 254, 22};

bls::PrivateKey sk = bls::PrivateKey::FromSeed(seed, sizeof(seed));
bls::PublicKey pk = sk.GetPublicKey();

uint8_t msg[] = {100, 2, 254, 88, 90, 45, 23};

bls::Signature sig = sk.Sign(msg, sizeof(msg));

Serializing keys and signatures to bytes

uint8_t skBytes[bls::PrivateKey::PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE];  // 32 byte array
uint8_t pkBytes[bls::PublicKey::PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];    // 48 byte array
uint8_t sigBytes[bls::Signature::SIGNATURE_SIZE];    // 96 byte array

sk.Serialize(skBytes);   // 32 bytes
pk.Serialize(pkBytes);   // 48 bytes
sig.Serialize(sigBytes); // 96 bytes

Loading keys and signatures from bytes

// Takes array of 32 bytes
sk = bls::PrivateKey::FromBytes(skBytes);

// Takes array of 48 bytes
pk = bls::PublicKey::FromBytes(pkBytes);

// Takes array of 96 bytes
sig = bls::Signature::FromBytes(sigBytes);

Verifying signatures

// Add information required for verification, to sig object
sig.SetAggregationInfo(bls::AggregationInfo::FromMsg(pk, msg, sizeof(msg)));

bool ok = sig.Verify();

Aggregate signatures for a single message

// Generate some more private keys
seed[0] = 1;
bls::PrivateKey sk1 = bls::PrivateKey::FromSeed(seed, sizeof(seed));
seed[0] = 2;
bls::PrivateKey sk2 = bls::PrivateKey::FromSeed(seed, sizeof(seed));

// Generate first sig
bls::PublicKey pk1 = sk1.GetPublicKey();
bls::Signature sig1 = sk1.Sign(msg, sizeof(msg));

// Generate second sig
bls::PublicKey pk2 = sk2.GetPublicKey();
bls::Signature sig2 = sk2.Sign(msg, sizeof(msg));

// Aggregate signatures together
vector<bls::Signature> sigs = {sig1, sig2};
bls::Signature aggSig = bls::Signature::Aggregate(sigs);

// For same message, public keys can be aggregated into one.
// The signature can be verified the same as a single signature,
// using this public key.
vector<bls::PublicKey> pubKeys = {pk1, pk2};
bls::PublicKey aggPubKey = bls::Signature::Aggregate(pubKeys);

Aggregate signatures for different messages

// Generate one more key and message
seed[0] = 3;
bls::PrivateKey sk3 = bls::PrivateKey::FromSeed(seed, sizeof(seed));
bls::PublicKey pk3 = sk3.GetPublicKey();
uint8_t msg2[] = {100, 2, 254, 88, 90, 45, 23};

// Generate the signatures, assuming we have 3 private keys
sig1 = sk1.Sign(msg, sizeof(msg));
sig2 = sk2.Sign(msg, sizeof(msg));
bls::Signature sig3 = sk3.Sign(msg2, sizeof(msg2));

// They can be noninteractively combined by anyone
// Aggregation below can also be done by the verifier, to
// make batch verification more efficient
vector<bls::Signature> sigsL = {sig1, sig2};
bls::Signature aggSigL = bls::Signature::Aggregate(sigsL);

// Arbitrary trees of aggregates
vector<bls::Signature> sigsFinal = {aggSigL, sig3};
bls::Signature aggSigFinal = bls::Signature::Aggregate(sigsFinal);

// Serialize the final signature

Verify aggregate signature for different messages

// Deserialize aggregate signature
aggSigFinal = bls::Signature::FromBytes(sigBytes);

// Create aggregation information (or deserialize it)
bls::AggregationInfo a1 = bls::AggregationInfo::FromMsg(pk1, msg, sizeof(msg));
bls::AggregationInfo a2 = bls::AggregationInfo::FromMsg(pk2, msg, sizeof(msg));
bls::AggregationInfo a3 = bls::AggregationInfo::FromMsg(pk3, msg2, sizeof(msg2));
vector<bls::AggregationInfo> infos = {a1, a2};
bls::AggregationInfo a1a2 = bls::AggregationInfo::MergeInfos(infos);
vector<bls::AggregationInfo> infos2 = {a1a2, a3};
bls::AggregationInfo aFinal = bls::AggregationInfo::MergeInfos(infos2);

// Verify final signature using the aggregation info
ok = aggSigFinal.Verify();

// If you previously verified a signature, you can also divide
// the aggregate signature by the signature you already verified.
ok = aggSigL.Verify();
vector<bls::Signature> cache = {aggSigL};
aggSigFinal = aggSigFinal.DivideBy(cache);

// Final verification is now more efficient
ok = aggSigFinal.Verify();

Aggregate private keys

vector<bls::PrivateKey> privateKeysList = {sk1, sk2};
vector<bls::PublicKey> pubKeysList = {pk1, pk2};

// Create an aggregate private key, that can generate
// aggregate signatures
const bls::PrivateKey aggSk = bls::PrivateKey::Aggregate(
        privateKeys, pubKeys);

bls::Signature aggSig3 = aggSk.Sign(msg, sizeof(msg));

HD keys

// Random seed, used to generate master extended private key
uint8_t seed[] = {1, 50, 6, 244, 24, 199, 1, 25, 52, 88, 192,
                  19, 18, 12, 89, 6, 220, 18, 102, 58, 209,
                  82, 12, 62, 89, 110, 182, 9, 44, 20, 254, 22};

bls::ExtendedPrivateKey esk = bls::ExtendedPrivateKey::FromSeed(
        seed, sizeof(seed));

bls::ExtendedPublicKey epk = esk.GetExtendedPublicKey();

// Use i >= 2^31 for hardened keys
bls::ExtendedPrivateKey skChild = esk.PrivateChild(0)

bls::ExtendedPublicKey pkChild = epk.PublicChild(0)

// Serialize extended keys
uint8_t buffer1[bls::ExtendedPublicKey::EXTENDED_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];   // 93 bytes
uint8_t buffer2[bls::ExtendedPrivateKey::EXTENDED_PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE]; // 77 bytes


Prepend PK method

// Can use proofs of possession to avoid keeping track of metadata
PrependSignature prepend1 = sk1.SignPrepend(msg, sizeof(msg));
PrependSignature prepend2 = sk2.SignPrepend(msg, sizeof(msg));

std::vector<PublicKey> prependPubKeys = {pk1, pk2};
uint8_t messageHash[BLS::MESSAGE_HASH_LEN];
Util::Hash256(messageHash, msg, sizeof(msg));
std::vector<const uint8_t*> hashes = {messageHash, messageHash};

std::vector<PrependSignature> prependSigs = {prepend1, prepend2};
PrependSignature prependAgg = PrependSignature::Aggregate(prependSigs);

prependAgg.Verify(hashes, prependPubKeys);


Cmake 3.14+, a c++ compiler, and python3 (for bindings) are required for building.

git submodule update --init --recursive

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build . -- -j 6

Run tests


Run benchmarks


Link the library to use it

g++ -Wl,-no_pie  -Ibls-signatures/contrib/relic/include -Ibls-signatures/build/contrib/relic/incl
ude -Ibls-signatures/src/  -L./bls-signatures/build/ -l bls  yourfile.cpp

Notes on dependencies

Changes performed to relic: Added config files for Chia, and added gmp include in relic.h, new ep_map and ep2_map, new ep_pck and ep2_pck. Custom inversion function. Note: relic is used with the Apache 2.0 license.

Libsodium and GMP are optional dependencies: libsodium gives secure memory allocation, and GMP speeds up the library by ~ 3x. To install them, either download them from github and follow the instructions for each repo, or use a package manager like APT or brew. You can follow the recipe used to build python wheels for multiple platforms in .github/workflows/


Discussion about this library and other Chia related development is in Chia's public Keybase channels.

Code style

  • Always use uint8_t for bytes
  • Use size_t for size variables
  • Uppercase method names
  • Prefer static constructors
  • Avoid using templates
  • Objects allocate and free their own memory
  • Use cpplint with default rules

There are three types of signatures: InsecureSignatures (simple signatures which are not secure by themselves, due to rogue public keys), Signatures (secure signatures that require AggregationInfo to aggregate), and PrependSignatures, which prepend public keys to messages, making them secure.

ci Building

The primary build process for this repository is to use GitHub Actions to build binary wheels for MacOS, Linux (x64 and aarch64), and Windows and publish them with a source wheel on PyPi. See .github/workflows/build.yml. CMake uses FetchContent to download pybind11 for the Python bindings and relic from a chia relic forked reporitory. Building is then managed by cibuildwheel. Further installation is then available via pip install blspy e.g. The ci builds include GMP and soduium.

Contributing and workflow

Contributions are welcome and more details are available in chia-blockchain's

The master branch is usually the currently released latest version on PyPI. Note that at times bls-signatures/blspy will be ahead of the release version that chia-blockchain requires in it's master/release version in preparation for a new chia-blockchain release. Please branch or fork master and then create a pull request to the master branch. Linear merging is enforced on master and merging requires a completed review. PRs will kick off a GitHub actions ci build and analysis of bls-signatures at Please make sure your build is passing and that it does not increase alerts at lgtm.

Specification and test vectors

The specification and test vectors can be found here. Test vectors can also be seen in the python or cpp test files.


BLS signatures in C++, using the relic toolkit BLS12-381







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  • C++ 52.6%
  • Python 32.4%
  • JavaScript 9.3%
  • CMake 4.5%
  • Other 1.2%