## # Properties you can set to affect the build process. # # This file contains default values that are checked-in to version control. # # End users should not edit this file to set machine-specific properties; # instead, create a new file called override.properties and set them there. # ################################################################################ ## build files/directories main.src=src main.make=build/main main.dst=dist test.src=test test.make=build/test test.dst=run doc.src=doc doc.dst=javadoc doc.api=javadoc ################################################################################ ## external dependencies # dir for common library jars lib.dir = lib #lib.dir = /usr/share/java # dir for freenet library jars (aka freenet-ext or "contrib" jars) lib.contrib.dir = lib/freenet ## if you use the git submodule in ./contrib (legacy-27 branch) ## by running `git submodule init && git submodule update` ## contrib.ant is needed for the old legacy layout #lib.contrib.dir = contrib/freenet_ext #contrib.ant = ${lib.contrib.dir}/build.xml ## if you clone the contrib package separately (master branch) #lib.contrib.dir = ../contrib/freenet-ext/dist # dir that freenet library jars will be installed to, relative to freenet.jar lib.contrib.dir.rel = freenet # jars from ${lib.dir} to use lib.jars = bcprov.jar #lib.jars = wrapper.jar db-je.jar bdb-je.jar commons-compress.jar # jars from ${lib.dir} to use, for tests libtest.jars = junit.jar # jars from ${lib.contrib.dir} to use lib.contrib.jars = freenet-ext.jar bitcollider-core.jar db4o.jar lzmajio.jar mantissa.jar \ wrapper.jar db-je.jar bdb-je.jar commons-compress.jar # jars from ${lib.dir} to use, for compiling GWT javascript gjs.lib.jars = null #gjs.lib.jars = gwt-dev-linux.jar gwt-dev-windows.jar gwt-dev.jar gwt-user.jar \ # commons-collections3.jar ant.jar eclipse-ecj.jar findbugs.dir = findbugs findbugs.path = ${findbugs.dir}/lib/findbugs-ant.jar pmd.dir = ################################################################################ ## build tool options # Javac javac.args=-Xlint # Test properties test.skip=false test.verbose=false test.benchmark=false test.extensive=false test.xml_output=true test.haltonfailure=yes # select a single test to run #test.class= # Build javadoc doc.skip=false # Run findbugs findbugs.skip=false pmd.skip=false cpd.skip=false ################################################################################ ## misc options # Hack around property expansion not featured in ant <= 1.7.1 # see http://ant.apache.org/manual/properties.html#if+unless true=true