CatServer is a high-performance Forge+Bukkit+Spigot server
The early 1.16.5 version was co-developed with the LoliServer project team. Currently supports most mods and plugins to run stably stably
It will now continue to be maintained as a fork of LoliServer, providing better optimization and compatibility
You can download the latest version from Jenkins
All versions of CatServer:
Version | Status |
1.18.2 | Active |
1.16.5 | LTS/STABLE |
1.12.2 | LTS/STABLE |
QQ Group: 591257 | Telegram: @CatServer | Discord: 点击加入
Use self-writing optimization and some Paper optimization to greatly improve performance
Have a powerful Remap system to ensure good plugin compatibility
Good compatibility with FakePlayer
Fix most vanilla bug to safety
Configuration provide user-friendly options
Provide API to allow plugins to interact with mods easily
- Download or build the latest server
- Create startup script and run (Sample script: java -Xmx2G -jar CatServer-1.16.5-xxxxxxx-server.jar)
- Wait for the libraries file download complete on the first startup
Recommended to run on Java8 or 11, although Java12-17 and later versions are supported, there may be compatibility issues with mods and plugins
- 1.Clone 1.16.5 branch:
git clone -b 1.16.5
- 2.Change directory:
cd CatServer
- 3.Setup project:
gradlew setup
- 4.Generate patch(If you modify the Minecraft code):
gradlew genPatches
- 5.Build:
gradlew buildCatServer
- Run the server, Wait for the libraries to be downloaded and generate the SRG
- Import the following jar in order as dependencies (Add more libraries if you need to use):