Hi! Im using 1.26.2 version Linstor + etcd on separate nods as database. around 100 diskless nodes and 10 storage nodes. Total around 1.5K resources. I'm using LINBIT openstack driver and from time time I'm catching name collision error without any details. I have issued this also using mysql galera cluster as a database at this particular cluster.
I am attaching dmesg logs from two storage nodes (pcc327/pcc326) and one diskless node (pcb313) connected to the resource name - volume-8ef7aa25-5aa9-4a2b-b764-84c00cc7ff9b or drbd minor number - 1347. As I can see from logs - everything supposed to be just fine. But at 23:36:03 linstor api throwed an exception 23:46:03.444 [grizzly-http-server-81] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - The creation of a new resource definition failed due to a name collision
Sum dmesg log from all three nodes, sorted by time is in attachment