Electronic design of an avionics for mini rockets.
- Monitor flight data
- Acceleration X,Y,Z
- Rotation X,Y,Z
- Pressure (for altitude)
- Video
- Separation sequences (separation of stage 2, of nose, ...)
- 2-3 Pyro-channels
- 2-3 Servos control channels
- Electomagnets ?
- Valves ?
On top of an ESP32C3 board connect an Extension Board. Both of wich are powered by a mini lithium battery. Other battery for igniter (min 1.5v)
- Connect all the ports from the ESP to the extension board (with pin header ?)
- LED connected to a random port for test (BLINK - also allows to see if µC bugging or lagging)
- Communication I2C with µC
- Battery powered. Option ot charge just before launch (batery pack, umbilical external connector)?
- Switch to turn ON and OFF ? Access from outside the rocket.
- Monitor battery voltage (voltage divider bridge with 2x 100 kohm)
- Connexion for igniter of separation system
- Know if an igniter is connected or not (VCC to Igniter to Transistor - connexion to GND with 1 mohm and connexion to I/O with 100 kohm)
- Strong connector to avoid unwanted disconnection
- ESP32C3 from seeed https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/XIAO_ESP32C3_Getting_Started/ ![images/ESP32-C3_pin_map-2.png]
- Accelererometer GY521, MPU6050:
- Power switch for igniter: ZXMS6004FF
- Barometric pressure sensor: MS5637
- pins to connect servo
- pins for testing
- I2C protocol: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%C2%B2C