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3rd party: Addon/Macro
3rd party: Addon/Macro
3rd party: CalculiX
3rd party: CalculiX
3rd party: Coin3D
3rd party: Coin3D
3rd party component
3rd party component
Issue related to 3rd party component
3rd party: Elmer
3rd party: Elmer
FEM Elmer Solver related tickets/PRs
3rd party: Gmsh
3rd party: Gmsh
3rd party: Graphviz
3rd party: Graphviz
3rd party: Netgen
3rd party: Netgen
3rd party: OCC
3rd party: OCC
3rd party: Qt
3rd party: Qt
3rd party: Qt 6
3rd party: Qt 6
Issue related to Qt 6
3rd party: zipios++
3rd party: zipios++
Issue is a release blocker
Coding: C++
Coding: C++
Coding issue related to C++
Coding: Python
Coding: Python
Coding issue related to Python
Coding: Refactor
Coding: Refactor
PRs/Ticket that are only relevant to refactored code
🎯 Bounty
:dart: Bounty
Issue has a bounty
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Input or discussion from FreeCAD CAD Working Group needed
Input or discussion from FreeCAD Design Working Group needed
File format: AMF
File format: AMF
File format: DAE
File format: DAE
File format: DXF
File format: DXF
File format: FCStd
File format: FCStd
File format: IFC
File format: IFC
File format: OBJ
File format: OBJ
File format: PDF
File format: PDF
File format: STEP
File format: STEP
File format: STL
File format: STL