This directory contains an implementation of the CSCv2 CPU in Verilog, which can both be simulated and synthesised on to an FPGA. There are three make files: Makefile, VerMakefile and YoMakefile.
If you have Icarus Verilog and you have assembled alu.rom
and toprom.rom
files in the parent directory,
you can do:
to compile the Verilog sources here and run the CPU with these ROM images.
This will also produce a test.vcd
waveform output file. You can also
make clean
to remove the output files, and make realclean
do the same but also to remove the copies of the ROM images in this directory.
If you have Verilator installed, you can simulate the CPU with this tool.
Once you have assembled alu.rom
, botrom.rom
and toprom.rom
files in the parent directory, you can do:
make -f VerMakefile
to compile the Verilog sources here with Verilator and run the CPU with these
ROM images. You can also make -f VerMakefile clean
to remove the output
If you have a TinyFPGA B2
and the IceStorm toolchain installed,
you can synthesize a bitstream to program onto this device.
Once you have assembled alu.rom
, botrom.rom
and toprom.rom
files in the parent directory, you can do:
make -f YoMakefile
to compile the Verilog sources here with yosys and friends, and this will
produce the bitstream file TinyFPGA_B.bin
You can also make -f YoMakefile clean
to remove the output files.
Pin 13 on the TinyFPGA B2 is the UART output from the board, running at 115,200 bps. You will need to wire this pin and the TinyFPGA ground pin to a serial receiver, e.g. a USB to 3.3V TTL Converter USB Adapter Cable.
If you have a ULX3S FPGA Board
and a recent (Dec 2018 or later)
yosys/trellis/nextpnr toolchain
you can synthesize a bitstream to program onto this device.
Once you have assembled alu.rom
, botrom.rom
and toprom.rom
files in the parent directory, you can do:
make -f ULMakefile
to compile the Verilog sources here with yosys and friends, and this will
produce the bitstream file ulx3s.bit
You can make -f ULMakefile clean
to remove the output files.
You can make -f ULMakefile prog
to program the board using the
ujprog program.
Use a serial program like minicom running at 9,600 bps and with no hardware flow control to see the output from the CPU.
Firstly, the ram.v
component waits a clock cycle before it
outputs when the address changes. So we give it a clock signal
twice the frequency of the main CPU clock signal.
The UART is now separate from the CPU, but we output the TX control line which is still the OR of Aload, Bload and the clock.
Because the high impedance logic state doesn't get synthesised well, there is a new multiplexer, databus. This chooses either the RAM output or the ALU output based on the RAMwrite control line.
Apart from the above, everything else is exactly the same as the CSCv2 version made from 7400-style chips.