## STPortScanner GITHUB: [https://github.com/DebugST/STPortScanner](https://github.com/DebugST/STPortScanner) ![STPortScanner](https://github.com/DebugST/STPortScanner/blob/main/Images/Screen%20Shot%202021-03-18%20at%2016.27.01.png) ![STPortScanner](https://github.com/DebugST/STPortScanner/blob/main/Images/Screen%20Shot%202021-03-18%20at%2017.30.50.png) ## 关于作者 * Blog: [Crystal_lz](http://st233.com) * Mail: ([email protected]) ## 可执行程序参数 ```cs --------------------------------[STPScan 4.0]-------------------------------- -h Host ......................................... [默认:未指定] -h target.com,,, -hf Host from file 从文件加载'\n'分割 ............ [默认:未指定] -hf ./iplist.txt -p Port ......................................... [默认:Top 300] -p 21,22,80,443,8000-8080 -pf Port from file 从文件加载'\n'分割 ............ [默认:未指定] -pf ./portlist.txt -np Null Probe 空探测包 .......................... [默认:未指定] -pr The count of probes 进行多少次协议探测........ [默认:2] -pr 3 -i ICMP only 仅扫描存活主机 ..................... [默认:未指定] 该操作需要管理员权限和server系统 -is ICMP + Scan 先扫描存活主机再扫描 ............. [默认:未指定] -t Timeout 超时时间 ............................. [默认:5] -t 3 -tt TotalTimeout 一个任务总超时时间 .............. [默认:60] -tt 50 -r Retry 重试次数 ............................... [默认:2] -r 5 -st Tcp Scan 使用TCP方式扫描 ..................... [默认:已指定] -su Udp Scan 使用UDP方式扫描 ..................... [默认:未指定] -ss Syn Scan 使用SYN方式扫描 ..................... [默认:未指定] 该操作需要管理员权限和server系统 -smb Only scan 445 通过smb探测系统版本(仅扫描445) . [默认:未指定] -con Concurrent of Scanner 并发数 ................. [默认:6000] -con 20000 -stop Stop 当扫描到指定协议时 停止该主机扫描 ....... [默认:未指定] -stop http,https -order The priority of scanning 优先扫描顺序 ........ [默认:rnd] -order (host or port or rnd) -delay The delay 控制台进度刷新时间 ................. [默认:2] -delay 5 -cd Console Display 控制台显示方式 ............... [默认:2] -cd (0 or 1 or 2) 0 Not display 1 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxx [Protocol] 2 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxx [Protocol][RegexLine][Banner] -o Out to file 输出结果到文件 ................... [默认:未指定] -o ./result.txt -f Format for output 输出文件格式................ [默认:json:h,pr,b] -f (json or csv):(fields) h Host [] a Address [] p Port [8080] pt Protocol Type [TCP] pf Protocol Flag [http] pr Protocol [(TCP)http] l Line for regexpression [123] b Banner [SSH-2.0-Ubuntu-Server] d Hex data for recv [485454502F312E312032...] -cn Convert Nmap config file 转换nmap配置文件为当前扫描器适配文件 parameters [Nmap config file] [Save file for STPscan] -cn [./nmap-service-probes] [./config_nmap.st] -2021-03-19----------------Powered by -> Crystal_lz-----------------ST233.COM- 注: icmp 与 syn 不能同时使用 并不推荐使用这两个选项 测试阶段 Null Probe -> 是否使用空探测包 若使用 连通后先等待对方返回banner(如:mysql,ftp主动返回banner协议等) 直到超时才进行下一次探测 否则 连通后立即发送探测包 区别 不使用 将影响收到banner是进行规制匹配的顺序 将优先使用发送的探测包的规则匹配 再进行空探测包的规则进行匹配(mysql,ftp等协议无需探测包的规则) 不使用速度快精度低 使用速度慢进度高 eg: STPScan -h STPScan -h -pr 3 STPScan -h -smb STPScan -h -p 80,443,8000-8080 -pr 3 STPScan -h -o result.json STPScan -h -o result.csv -f csv:h,pr,d ``` ## 调用库接口 ```cs [Interface] IPortScanner : IDispose [Configer Class] ProbeConfiger [Scanner Class] PortScanner : IPortScanner TCPScanner : PortScanner UDPScanner : PortScanner SYNScanner : PortScanner SmbScanner : PortScanner IcmpScanner : IDispose [Other Class] IcmpEventArgs : EventArgs ScanEventArgs : EventArgs RawSocket [RawSocket] static RawSocket.Dispose(); static RawSocket.InitRawSocket(EndPoint bindEndPoint); static RawSocket.SendData(byte[] byBuffer); static RawSocket.RecvCompleted -> EventHandler; [IPortScanner] event ScanEventHandler Completed; uint Scan(uint uIP, int nPort); uint Scan(uint uIP, int nPort, int nProbes); uint Scan(uint uIP, int nPort, int nProbes, int nTimeout); uint Scan(uint uIP, int nPort, int nProbes, int nTimeout, int nRetry); uint Scan(uint uIP, int nPort, int nProbes, int nTimeout, int nRegry, int nTotalTimeout); uint Scan(uint uIP, int nPort, int nProbes, int nTimeout, int nRetry, int nTotalTimeout, bool bUseNullProbes); uint Scan(string strIP, int nPort); uint Scan(string strIP, int nPort, int nProbes); uint Scan(string strIP, int nPort, int nProbes, int nTimeout); uint Scan(string strIP, int nPort, int nProbes, int nTimeout, int nRetry); uint Scan(string strIP, int nPort, int nProbes, int nTimeout, int nRetry, int nTotalTimeout); uint Scan(string strIP, int nPort, int nProbes, int nTimeout, int nRetry, int nTotalTimeout, bool bUseNullProbes); uint Scan(int nPort, EndPoint endPoint, int nProbes, int nTimeout, int nRetry, int nTotalTimeout, bool bUseNullProbes); return -> TaskID nProbes -> 最多进行多少次探测 nRetry -> 重试次数 bUseNullProbes -> 是否使用空探测包 [EventArgs] IcmpEventArgs : EventArgs .Address .TTL .CanAccess .Times ScanEventArgs : EventArgs .TaskID .CanConnect .EndPoint .Protocol .RegexLine .Banner .Data .Length .ErrorMessage [EG] ProbeConfiger pc = new ProbeConfiger( File.ReadAllText("./config_probes.st"), File.ReadAllText("./config_defports.st") ); IPortScanner ps = new TCPScanner(3000, pc); or PortScanner ps = new UDPScanner(3000, pc); //PortScanner ps = new SYNScanner(3000, pc); //PortScanner ps = new SmbScanner(3000); ps.Completed += m_scanner_Completed; void m_scanner_Completed(object sender, ScanEventArgs e) { if(e.CanConnect) Console.Write(e.EndPoint + "\t" + e.Protocol); } ps.Scan("",80); ```