CRMinx is an open source end to end customer relationship management system supporting a variety of businesses ranging from small agencies to large service management enterprises. For more information, visit the CRMinx website, [][], and join the [CRMinx community][CRMinx community].
Install CRMinx on your preferred web server, and follow the prompts on the website!
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.
For a brief introduction, see USAGE.txt. You can also find guides, API references, and more by visiting CRMinx's [documentation page][documentation].
You can quickly extend CRMinx's core feature set by installing any of its [free and open source plugins][plugins]. With CRMinx and its module ecosystem, you can often build most or all of what your project needs before writing a single line of code.
CRMinx keeps detailed [change records][changelog]. You can search CRMinx's changes for a record of every notable breaking change and new feature since 2024.
For a list of security announcements, see the [Security advisories page][Security advisories] (available as [an RSS feed][security RSS]). This page also describes how to subscribe to these announcements via email.
For information about the CRMinx security process, or to find out how to report a potential security issue to the CRMinx security team, see the [Security team page][security team].
Visit the [Support page][support] or browse [our CRMinx providers][service providers] offering design, strategy, development, and hosting services.
Know your rights when using CRMinx by reading CRMinx core's license.
Learn about the [CRMinx trademark and logo policy here][trademark].