We should have a script (or a set of scripts) that allows us to reproduce bugs with one command line. We should add an issue template that forces the issue writer to make use of this.
Essentially, we are not far away from this. We already have:
- thorin-gtest
- lit testing
Trouble is, most hard to understand bugs don't occur on master
but on some fork/branches ...
Maybe sth like this:
./ bla/nasty_bug.thorin
will generate the following output
./ https://my_url:1337affe && ./ bla/nasty_bug.thorin
which is the one command line to reproduce the nasty bug.
./ Nasty.bug
will generate
./ https://my_url:1337affe && ./thorin-gtest --gtest_filter='Nasty.bug' --gtest_break_on_failure