Don’t Push Rocks Uphill: Deploying WordPress with Capistrano and Composer

Date: Friday, July 14, 2017
Time: 9:30 - 10:15 am (EDT) (UTC-04:00)
Location: Room 1053
Format: General Lecture Session

Session description

Get to know Charles before he presents. Learn how he got started on the web, why he works in higher education, and who he follows on Twitter.

At Lafayette College we were already using git to manage our WordPress multisite networks, but our process depended on a cumbersome submodule-based approach and browser-based upgrades. We ditched all that for an approach based on Capistrano for deployment and Composer for versioning, gaining both flexibility and speed. In this session I'll explain how we used composer repositories to abstract away our version control strategy and speed up deployments. This approach is appropriate for small teams as it requires minimal infrastructure and investment.


Charles Fulton

Headshot of Charles Fulton
Senior Web Applications Developer, Lafayette College

Charles Fulton (@mackensen) is a senior web applications developer at Lafayette College and frequent train rider. He helps oversee Lafayette's web infrastructure, including Moodle, WordPress, Redmine and MediaWiki. He architected Lafayette's version control environment and works closely with the server administration team to manage the college's database and web servers. Charles also serves on the Development Committee for the Collaborative Liberal Arts Moodle Project (CLAMP) and helps integrate the Liberal Arts Edition distribution.


  • General Lecture Session: Don’t Push Rocks Uphill: Deploying WordPress with Capistrano and Composer

Session video

Sessions were recorded and have been uploaded. View the schedule or visit our main videos page to view the videos.


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