jokes Stories

A Jewish Joke

I wrote a joke for you.

family glamorous My Back Pages Politics

Far from the bullying crowd

The bullies who beat and mocked me in eighth grade were cruel and stupid. They despised intelligence and worshipped violence, although they would settle for athletic ability. The school blessed their thuggery by scheduling dodgeball. It was good preparation for Viet Nam, the country where I expected to be blown apart if I managed to […]

Advertising Collectibles Community content creativity Damned Fine Journalism Design Designers Desktops Digital Preservation Formats Free Advice glamorous HTML industry launches links music My Back Pages Own your content social media social networking software Surviving Tech Web Design Web Design History Web Standards Websites

My weekend project

By controlling what I listen to, and the order in which I listen, I’m slowly designing an infinite collage of my evolving musical tastes.

"Digital Curation" Applications Archiving Blogs and Blogging conferences content Design dreams Election engagement glamorous industry iphone Microblogging Micropublishing Mobile Networks Platforms social media social networking Standards State of the Web SXSW The Essentials The Old Man of the Mountain tweets Web Design Web Design History Websites writing


What a ride that was.

business Election Indieweb Politics State of the Web twitter Websites

Domain harvesting and the Twitter long game in retrospect

Tricking people into seeing unexpected content and converting some of them into customers is a tale as old as the web. It was the perfect model for the takeover.

37signals A Book Apart A List Apart Acclaim Adobe An Event Apart books Brands business Career Collectibles Community conferences content Coudal Partners Deck, the Designers E-Books editorial eric meyer Ethan Marcotte Free Advice glamorous Grief Happy Cog™ HTML5 Indieweb industry Jason Santa Maria Jeremy Keith launches Mentoring My Back Pages New York City NYC Products Publications Publisher's Note Publishing Responsibility Responsive Web Design San Francisco Small Business speaking State of the Web Surviving The Essentials The Profession This never happens to Gruber Typekit User Experience UX Wah! Web Design Web Design History Websites Wit and Wisdom Working writing

Of Books and Conferences Past

Of books and conferences past: A maker looks back on things well-made but no longer with us.

Accessibility Blue Beanie Day Code Design HTML Standards Web Design Web Design History Web Standards

How to Join Blue Beanie Day: Wear and Share!

Saturday, 30 November 2024, marks the 17th annual Blue Beanie Day celebration. It’s hard to believe, but web standards fan Douglas Vos conceived of this holiday way back in ’07: The origin of the name of the holiday is the image of Jeffrey Zeldman on the cover of his book wearing a blue knit cap.[7][8][9] Over the […]

"Found Objects" cats family glamorous

Lessons from Cats: Jasper’s Clever Cleanup Routine

My daughter and I have three cats—all rescues: There’s Snow White, our 16-year-old queen and my daughter’s consigliere, who, despite requiring thrice-a-week medication injections to keep her kidneys functioning, rules this place absolutely. There’s subtle Mango, whose first year of life involved struggling to survive—and avoid human contact—in a weedy vacant lot adjoining the United Nations […]

"Digital Curation" A List Apart Acclaim Designers development Publications social media social networking Web Design Web Design History Web Standards Websites writing

A List Apart contributors list on Bluesky

I’ve started a Bluesky list featuring some of the brilliant writers, designers, coders, editors, and others who’ve contributed to A List Apart “for people who make websites.”

architecture Best practices data development Standards Web Standards

Understanding MARTI: A New Metadata Framework for AI

At its core, MARTI is a bridge. It harmonizes with existing metadata standards like the Content Authenticity Initiative, Anthropic’s Responsible Scaling Policy, and the W3C’s PROV. It anticipates the needs of future standards, laws and practices, such as those proposed by the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), The EU Artificial Intelligence Act, and Making Data FAIR.—Carrie Bickner As I study Carrie […]

family glamorous war, peace, and justice

Veterans Day Remembrance

“The life of an amphibious sailor was estimated at three minutes in combat.”

"Digital Curation" Acclaim art direction creativity CSS Design Designers Ideas IXD Layout links mobile State of the Web Typography User Experience UX Web Design Web Design History Websites

Web Design Inspiration

If you’re finding today a bit stressful for some reason, grab a respite by sinking into any of these web design inspiration websites.


I Remember, Part 1

Her voice, when she spoke to us from the doorway, was strange. I was in 3rd Grade. Our teacher went away for a few minutes, then came back, crying. She was a tough public school teacher of the old school, the kind my father’s friends would have called “an old bat.” She was not like […]

automattic business Career Community glamorous jobs Open Source Own your content

I stayed.

My insight into corporate legal disputes is as meaningful as my opinion on Quantum Mechanics. What I do know is that, when given the chance this week to leave my job with half a year’s salary paid in advance, I chose to stay at Automattic. Listen, I’m struggling with medical debts and financial obligations incurred […]

cities glamorous NYC


“I’m reassuring myself that New York City is still here.”