Yet Another (remote)�Process Monitor (YAPM) is a powerful application that allows to view and manage your running tasks, processes, threads, modules...etc.�and your services on a local or on�a remote machine. YAPM offers lots of features to manipulate them, such as privilege management, memory management, a complete history of statistics, a dependency viewer...�etc.
It is the first and only�open source software�to offer all these features.
It's totally free and open source (GNU GPL 3.0).
You are also able to monitor all Windows perfmon counters (local or remote machine)�with an advanced time scale. YAPM also can�save advanced reports of your system (HTML or TXT files).
System Snapshot feature allows the user to save and then�open a snapshot of the system, very useful for remote assistance.
YAPM offers an user-friendly GUI with Microsoft Office Ribbon style, or a classical menu-based GUI if you don't like the Ribbon style :-)
Main features
In addition to all basic features available with�the standard Windows Task Manager, YAPM offers lots of other useful features :
- Local and remote monitoring
- Module and thread management
- Job management : allows to add�some processes to a job and set limits to the job. ; this�affects all the processes in the job. For example, user can set an unique priority for all processes, a maximum memory usage for each process in the job...etc.
- Handle management (keys, files, semaphores...etc. opened by a process)
- View of TCP/UDP connections opened
- Windows management (opacity, position, show, hide...)
- Window' find' process feature : allows to find the process associated to a window via a drag & drop over the screen
- Emergency Hotkeys feature : allows to associate a custom shortcut to a custom action (for example : Ctrl+Shift+Suppr to close�the window which is on foreground)
- Privilege management : allows to view and modify the privileges of processes
- Build-in hex editor to view memory of processes
- "Log mode" to monitor all actions made by a specific process
- Find Hidden Processes feature to detect basic hidden rootkits
- Local and remote shutdown
- Dependency viewer
- Powerful Service creator to create new service on a local or remote machine
- System Snapshot feature : allows to save a snapshot of the system. A System Snapshot File is created and can be explored on another system by an expert. Ideal for remote assistance.
- ... And lots & lots�of other features !
- .NET Framework 2.0
- Operating system : Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows Seven. Now YAPM works on both�32-bit and 64-bit platforms.
- Administrator rights if you want to access to system processes and some other informations.
- For remote monitoring, WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)�must�be installed and available�on both machines if you use WMI method only, or the YAPM Server must be started�on the remote machine if you use�the client-server method.
YAPM v2.4.1 has just�been released !
Almost full x64 support !
The latest available version of Yet Another (remote)�Process Monitor is the�version�2.4.1 (build date : 2009-16-12).
Code statistics
Last update of this page : 2009-16-12�12:00