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The New Building 7

new WTC 7
new WTC 7
new WTC 7
new WTC 7
new WTC 7

WTC Building 7, the last of the skyscrapers to fall on 9/11/01, and the one that escaped public attention, was quickly replaced with a new skyscraper in the same location and with the same address. The photographs on the right were taken in April of 2005, and show the building in a state of completion.

The same construction company that built the original WTC 7 was contracted to build the new building: Tishman Construction Corporation. Unlike the original WTC 7, which was 100% steel-framed, the replacement has a steel-reinforced concrete core. At 750 feet, the new 50-story tower rises higher than the 570-foot-high 47-story original. 1

Architectural firms David M. Childs, FAIA of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill L.L.P designed the new building working with glass artist James Carpenter. 2

As of September 2005, the owners had been unable to find any tenants for the new skyscraper.


1. Rising Above Ground Zero, Tower Slowly Takes Shape, New York Times, 5/5/04 [cached]
2. Seven World Trade Center – Then. . ., LincolnElectric.com, [cached]

page last modified: 2007-01-25
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