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1. Do not talk about your submission to others

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* Partial translation of WikiLeaks:About/ja. To further this translation see Translation.










主義に基づいた文書流出により、これまで歴史はより正しい方向へと変わっていきました。そしてそれは現在 、将来に渡っても言えることです。

例えば、ヴェトナム戦争の最中にアメリカ合衆国政府に勤務していたDaniel Ellsberg(ダニエル・エルスバーク)のケースを見てみましょう。彼はペンタゴン・ペーパーズと呼ばれる、ヴェトナム戦争の軍事戦略に関する極秘報告書を執筆しましたが、その書類では情報の隠蔽によってアメリカ政府が戦争に必要な人員数を故意に少なくしていたことが明らかにされています。しかし、私達やメディアにはその衝撃的な情報は一切知らされていませんでした。実際、私達の政府が行った恥ずべき行為の情報へのアクセスは国防に関する諸法律によって制限されています。しかしエルスバーグはこうした諸法律や自己に危険が及ぶ可能性にもかかわらず、ペンタゴン・ペーパーズをジャーナリストへ、そして世界へと配信しました。エルスバーグは起訴されましたが(後に却下される)、彼によるペンタゴン・ペーパーズにより世界は衝撃を受け、また政府の不正が明るみに出て、そして戦争の短縮と数多くの人々の命を救うことになりました。

The power of principled leaking to embarrass governments, corporations and institutions is amply demonstrated through recent history. The public scrutiny of otherwise unaccountable and secretive institutions forces them to consider the ethical implications of their actions. Which official will chance a secret, corrupt transaction when the public is likely to find out? What repressive plan will be carried out when it is revealed to the citizenry, not just of its own country, but the world? When the risks of embarrassment and discovery increase, the tables are turned against conspiracy, corruption, exploitation and oppression. Open government answers injustice rather than causing it. Open government exposes and undoes corruption. Open governance is the most effective method of promoting good governance.

Today, with authoritarian governments in power around much of the world, increasing authoritarian tendencies in democratic governments, and increasing amounts of power vested in unaccountable corporations, the need for openness and transparency is greater than ever.

Wikileaks is a tool to satisfy that need.

Wikileaks reduces the risks of truth tellers and improves the analysis and dissemination of leaked documents.

Wikileaks provides simple and straightforward means for anonymous and untraceable leaking of documents.

At the same time, Wikileaks opens leaked documents up to a much more exacting scrutiny than any media organization or intelligence agency could provide: the scrutiny of a worldwide community of informed wiki editors.

In place of a couple of academic specialists, Wikileaks provides a forum for the entire global community to examine any document relentlessly for credibility, plausibility, veracity and validity. The global community is able to interpret documents and explain their relevance to the public. If a document is leaked from the Chinese government, the entire Chinese dissident community can freely scrutinize and discuss it; if a document is leaked from Somalia, the entire Somali refugee community can analyze it and put it in context.

In an important sense, Wikileaks is the first intelligence agency of the people. Better principled and less parochial than any governmental intelligence agency, it is able to be more accurate and relevant. It has no commercial or national interests at heart; its only interest is the revelation of the truth. Unlike the covert activities of state intelligence agencies, Wikileaks relies upon the power of overt fact to enable and empower citizens to bring feared and corrupt governments and corporations to justice.

Wikileaks will aid every government official, every bureaucrat, and every corporate worker, who becomes privy to embarrassing information that the institution wants to hide but the public needs to know. What conscience cannot contain, and institutional secrecy unjustly conceals, Wikileaks can broadcast to the world.

Wikileaks will be the forum for the ethical defection and exposure of unaccountable and abusive power to the people.

How does Wikileaks operate?

Wikileaks looks like Wikipedia. Anybody can post to it, anybody can edit it. No technical knowledge is required. Whistleblowers can post documents anonymously and untraceably. Users can publicly discuss documents and analyze their credibility and veracity. Users can discuss the latest material, read and write explanatory articles on leaks along with background material and context. The political relevance of documents and their veracity will be revealed by a cast of thousands.

Wikileaks incorporates advanced cryptographic technologies to ensure anonymity and untraceability. Those who provide leaked information may face severe risks, whether of political repercussions, legal sanctions or physical violence. Accordingly, sophisticated cryptographic and postal techniques will are used to minimize the risks that anonymous sources face.

For the technically minded, Wikileaks integrates technologies including modified versions of MediaWiki, OpenSSL, FreeNet, Tor, PGP and software of our own design.

Wikileaks information is distributed across many jurisdictions, organizations and individuals. Once a document is leaked it is essentially impossible to censor.



公表されている運営委員会では、勇気あるジャーナリスト、難民コミュニティーからの代表者、倫理保護団体の活動家、汚職防止団体の活動家、Transparency Internationalの元代表者、人権保護団体の活動家、弁護士、暗号を専門とする学者が紹介されています。














ソマリアでの2006年にあった戦争に関する、中国からリークされた文書を元にした、私たちの最初の分析を参照してください。Inside Somalia and the Union of Islamic Courts

基本的には、Analysesを参照することで、分析結果が、Leaked filesを参照することで、サンプルとなるようなリーク文書を閲覧することができます。


  • 偽の、あるいは、誤解を招くような情報が混じっていたらどうするのですか?
  • プライバシーの侵害を招くような情報が混じっていたらどうするのですか?



また、話の視点を変えてみると、最近の状況が示すように、誤解を招くリークや誤報は、主要メディアに既に存在しています。有名な例を上げるとすれば、イラク戦争に至るまでの過程がそれに当たります。どの主要メディアの組織も持つことができなかったやり方でリークされた文書を精査することができるWikileaksによって、偽情報を吹聴するような人たちは、ひどい痛手を追うことになるでしょう。これから起こることの典型的な一例としては、イギリス政府の政治的動機に駆られた上で行われた諜報機関のイラクに関する調査資料への加筆の優れた解明などが挙げられます。その調査資料は、国連への演説の中で、同月に、差し迫っているイラクへの侵攻を正当化するために、Colin Powellによって引用されています。


Is Wikileaks concerned about any legal consequences?

Our roots are in dissident communities and our focus is on non-Western authoritarian regimes. Consequently we believe a politically motivated legal attack on us would be seen as a grave error in Western administrations. However, we are prepared, structurally and technically, to deal with all legal attacks. We design the software, and promote its human rights agenda, but the servers are run by anonymous volunteers. Because we have no commercial interest in the software, there is no need to restrict its distribution. In the very unlikely event that we were to face coercion to make the software censorship friendly, there are many others who will continue the work in other jurisdictions.




Should the press really be free?

In its landmark ruling on the Pentagon Papers, the US Supreme Court ruled that "only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government." We agree.

The ruling stated that "paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell."

It's easy to perceive the connection between publication and the complaints people make about publication. But this generates a perception bias, because it overlooks the vastness of the invisible. It overlooks the unintended consequences of failing to publish and it overlooks all those who are emancipated by a climate of free speech. Such a climate is a motivating force for governments and corporations to behave better in the first place. When acting in a just manner is easier than acting in an unjust manner, actions will be just.

Injustice concealed cannot be answered. Concealed plans for future injustice cannot be stopped until they are revealed by becoming a reality, which is too late. Administrative injustice, by definition affects many.

Government has ample avenues to restrict and abuse revelation, not limited to the full force of intelligence, law enforcement, and complicit media. Moves towards the democratization of revelation are strongly biased in favor of justice. Where democratized revelations are unjust they tend to affect isolated individuals, but where they are just, they affect systems of policy, planning and governance and through them the lives of all.

Europeans sometimes criticize the freedom of the press in the United States, pointing to a salacious mainstream media. But that is not democratized revelation, rather it is the discovery by accountants that is a lot cheaper to print celebratory gossip than it is to fund investigative journalists. Instead we point to the internet as a whole, which although not yet a vehicle of universal free revelation, is starting to approach it. Look at the resulting instances of, and momentum for, positive political change.

Wikileaks reveals, but is not limited to revelation. There are many existing avenues on the internet for revelation. What does not exist is a social movement emblazoning the virtues of ethical leaking. What does not exist is a universal, safe and easy means for leaking. What does not exist is a way to turn raw leaks into politically influential knowledge through the revolutionary collaborative analysis pioneered by wikipedia.

Sufficient leaking will bring down many administrations that rely on concealing reality from their peoples. Daniel Ellsberg calls for it. Everyone knows it. We're doing it.

Why are the Wikileaks founders anonymous?

Most people who are involved with Wikileaks are not anonymous, however, the founders (and obviously our sources) remain anonymous. Our reasons are:

  1. Some of us are refugees from repressive countries with families still in those countries.
  2. Some of us are journalists who may be banned from entering these countries for work if our affiliation was known.

Additionally, given that some must be anonymous for reasons outside of their control, an imbalance of representation and exposure is threatened unless all founders remain anonymous. Furthermore, the effort to encourage anonymous sources to release material to the public is enhanced by an ability to empathise via solidarity in anonymity. Anonymity also demonstrates motivation by goals higher than reputation seeking.

Is Wikileaks, as an organization, centralized?

We are regionalizing in an effort to establish a world-wide ethical leaking movement. Regional groups are forming in many countries (see Contact).

Our goal is to build full spectrum of support ranging from business to activists.

While we committed to keep publishing under all circumstances, we will be as open as possible in our policies and practices. The founders have the final say , but as with Wikipedia, this will mainly effect founding documents like this one.





  1. 株主(地主と喩えることができます)を除き、投票権はありません。さらには、株主の投票権は、企業の所有率に比例して増減します。
  2. 中央委員会の下で、すべての権力は行使されます。
  3. 権力を拮抗させるための分権機構がありません。第四の権力もありません。裁判員や推定無罪のようなものもありません。
  4. どんな命令だとしても、服従しなければ、即刻、国外追放されてしまいます。
  5. 言論の自由はありません。
  6. 団結権もありません。男女間の恋愛ですら、許可無しでは禁止されています。
  7. 中央集権的である計画経済が用いられています。
  8. 人の動き、コンピュータ越しの会話は、徹底した監視の元に置かれます。
  9. 従業員に対し、一日何回、いつ、そして、どのトイレに行くことができるのかを指定するほど、社会として厳重に管理されています。
  10. 透明性は無いに等しく、また知る権利も考えられません。
  11. 社内の反抗グループは、いつでも、どこでも、とにかく可能である限り、(?訳? blackbanned)され、監視され、左遷される対象になります。

ベルギー、デンマーク、ニュージーランドと同程度のGDPと人口を有しながらも、多くの企業は、国民の自由、保護を十分に備えてはいません。中には、1960年代のソビエトの体制で諸悪の根源となった最も危険な因子を、組織内部にそのまま取り込んでしまっている企業もあります。このような傾向は、企業が活動している地域での(?訳? civic)な法律が脆弱な場合、さらに顕著なものとなります(西パプアや韓国など)。そこでは、圧政を強いる企業の性格は、このような状況を背景に、明確に浮き彫りにされています。


Can I start a Facebook, Orkut, Livejournal, Blog etc. about Wikileaks?

Please do. Wikileak's needs independent sites to show their support, not only to potential whistleblowers but also to those who do not support press freedoms in and would try to shut us down or persecute our sources. If we have a strong, visible support base across the world's communities, not only amoung journalists and dissidents, then this will be impossible.

There seem to be many Wikileaks domain names?

We have a number of domains, some of the "Wikileaks" variety such as and other discreet cover names such as or (the latter are public light-cover names).

However, name scalpers (or Chinese agents?) have been registering every Wikileaks-related thing they can think of, not just domain names, but even names such as, in order to prevent Wikileaks using them or to extort money if we want to use them.

If you have an opportunity, you can help us by registering any Wikileaks-related names you can think of, e.g., domains in your country, blogs, pages on social networking sites, and sending the details to us. (If you have time, you might even put something on them!)

Does have any discreet "cover names"?

In many countries with poor press protections, people can not be seen to be emailing or otherwise communicating with To give people greater comfort in communicating with us without downloading additional software, we have a number of cover-domains. For instance, instead of mailing [email protected], you can email [email protected] (one of our public cover names).

We have a great many cover domains now, but we want to build up our list of good cover domains. For instance,, or are good cover names, because they are easily recognizable in a non-Wikileaks-related role.

If you can create a sub-domain NS record for a globally recognized institution, or can speak to someone who can, please contact us.



法的に証拠として認められる厳密な情報の流れの管理を、匿名者によるリークに対して適応させることはできませんが、リークは訴訟を成功へと導くカギとなります。多くの場合、リークされた情報を足がかりにして公正な手段で(FOI法やlegal discoveryなど)、ジャーナリストや調査員が特定の資料の存在を確認するほうが、何もないところから資料を見つけるのよりも簡単です。内容自体が確認されていないとしても、タイトル、著者、重要な部分のページ数だけでも知ることができれば、調査を加速させられる可能性があります。このように、たとえ本物かどうかの確証を得ていないとしても、リーク情報は、メディア、市民社会、公式な調査のための、道の開けた出発点となりうるのです。














New York Times [Judith Miller, 2003]を含め、最大手の権威ある新聞社の多くが、偽造文書に基づいた記事を出版してしまったことがあるということを踏まえ、Wikileaksは、文書の出所はそれで確かに間違っていないと確信する最善の方法は、単独の組織よりもはるかに規模が巨大であるコミュニティからの分析を募るために、文書を公開することにある、と信じています。その広大なインターネットというコミュニティの中でも、特に、特定の種類の文書にただならぬ関心を寄せるコミュニティを私たちは想定しています。例えば、人権侵害を暴露する文書がWikileaksからリークされたとしましょう。さらに、その文書はどうも中国の地方政府からのものであるらしいと仮定を付け足します。そのような文書の信憑性を分析するのに最もふさわしい人たちは、その地域に住む反体制者、人権保護団体、その地域の専門家(学者など)などが、まず筆頭に挙げられるでしょう。まさしく、彼らこそが、このような文書に、特段の興味を示すことは明らかですが、だからといって、彼ら以外からのコメントを軽視するわけではなく、Wikileaksは、もちろん、あらゆる人たちからのコメントを歓迎します。





  • どこから入手したのか?
  • 告発者たちは、Wikileaksにリークする方法をどうやって知ることができたのか?
  • 重要でないのに対し、いったいどれくらい社会を震撼させるようなリークはありますか?
  • ウェブサイト上で見つからないのですが、それほどの数の文書は、どこにあるんですか?






How do you measure the authenticity of any document?

Wikileaks does not pass judgement on the authenticity of documents. That's up to the readers, editors and communities to do.

How can Wikileaks provide more exacting scrutiny than many organizations?

The scrutiny will come from the world community's ability to see the original document online, and then analyze and comment on it next to the document.

This will be of great assistance to journalists. It's hard for a journalist to be an expert in all areas they cover. The comments attaching to documents online will provide instant sources for the journalist's comment as well as analyses to consider.







Have you made any modifications to Tor to ensure security? If so, what are they?

Wikileaks can't discuss details of security matters because we want to do everything possible to help lower the risk of sources being identified. It suffices to say that anonymity for sources is a critical part of the design criteria.

Our modifications are reviewed by experts. At a later stage these reviews may be made public.

Because your computer may have spyware or your house may have hidden video cameras or other surveillance technology, we suggest high-risk leaks are done out of the home.

For the strongest anonymity we use a combination of postal and electronic techniques.

Is Wikileaks a CIA front?

Wikileaks is not a front for the CIA, MI6, FSB or any other agency. Quite the opposite actually. It's a global group of people with long standing dedication to the idea of improved transparency in institutions, especially government. We think better transparency is at the heart of less corruption and better democracies. By definition spy agencies want to hide information. We want to get it out to the public.

Is Wikileaks blocked by the Chinese government?

Yes, since January 2007. We consider this a sign that we can do good work. We were slowly establishing our work and organization, but in response authoritarian elements in the Chinese government moved to censor us, exposing their contempt for basic human rights their fear of the truth.

We have a number of ways around the block, some of which are very easy. See Internet Censorship for more information.

When and how was the idea for Wikileaks first formed?

It began with an online dialogue between activists in different parts of the globe. The overwhelming concern of these people was that a great deal of human suffering (through lack of food, healthcare, education and other essentials) stems from government resources being diverted through corruption of governance. This is particularly true in non-democratic and repressive regimes. The founding people behind Wikileaks thought long and hard about how this problem could be fixed, and particularly about how information technologies could amplify the fix on a world wide scale.

It's interesting to note that one online commentator accused us of being naive in our high level goals. This is effectively praise to us. It takes a little bit of naivety in order to jump in and do something that otherwise looks impossible. Many great advances in science, technology and culture have a touch of naivety at their inception.

We're reminded of Phil Zimmerman, the creator of PGP, the world's first free and freely available encryption software for the masses. At the start of the 1990s when PGP was released, encryption was really only the realm of spy agencies. Governments classified it as a weapon. There was a huge outcry when Zimmerman dared to release this "dangerous" technology for the average person to use.

Fast forward a decade and a half: virtually everyone on the net uses encryption all the time, for everything from secure ordering, online banking to sending private love letters. The somewhat naive vision of a lone computer programmer in Boulder, Colorado, was at the heart of an extremely sensible and practical global revolution in privacy technologies.

Wikileaks may be at the heart of another global revolution - in better accountability by governments and other institutions. We think this document leaking technology will effectively raise standards around the globe. We expect it to encourage citizens aware of consequentially unethical behavior to don the hat of brave whistleblower, even if they have never done so before.

Do users simply type keywords, such as "Ahmadinejad" into a search box?

That Wikipedia-style system is efficient and known by millions. Wikileaks wants to make it as easy as possible for average people to jump right in and use the Wikileaks site. That's why we are using something very close to the tried and true formula set up by Wikipedia. We hope to make the system very easy to use for non-technical journalists.

Are there comments for each document, evaluating its content and authenticity?

Where comments have been made, the reader is able to clearly see what are comments (and comments on comments), and to differentiate these from the primary leaked documents. See the "Talk page" at the top of each article for its comments.

What guarantees can you give that revelations won't be traced?

Our submission system is very strong, but some whistleblowers may be traced through the usual investigative focus on those with means, motive and opportunity.

Tracing at-home (as opposed to netcafé) submissions through Wikileaks' internet submission system would require a pre-existing conspiracy between many Wikileaks programmers and the Electronic Frontier Foundation or specialized ubiquitous traffic analysis. But this is only part of our full submission system.

For foolproof anonymity and bulk leaks, we provide the postal addresses of eminent persons in various countries who have volunteered to receive encrypted CDs and DVD's from whistleblowers and upload the contents to our servers. Any return address can be used and we are developing easy-to-use software to encrypt the CDs. Neither postal interceptors nor these eminent persons can decode the encrypted submissions. (This protects facilitator and sender alike!)

Are you going to use Tor, like New Scientist mentioned?

Tor was critically mentioned in New Scientist. What New Scientist did not divulge is that the person they quoted, Ben Laurie, is one of our advisory board experts! We use a number of different technologies, including a modified version of Tor and for the highest levels of anonymity, postal drops. Arguments against Tor, rarely themselves cogent, are unlikely to be relevant to Wikileaks.

How many steps are there between my submission and publication?

For online submissions, all a whistleblower needs to do is upload the document and specify the language, country and industry of origin.

The documents go into queue to obscure the date and time of the upload. Internally the document is distributed to backup servers immediately.

However, just like a file uploaded to Wikipedia, unless other people care enough to link it into to rest of the tree of Wikileaks information, very few will come across it. In this manner only those documents the world finds to be of significance are prominent; those it finds irrelevant are available, but unseen, until perhaps one day they take on an unexpected poignancy.

What is the difference between public and private leaking?

People with access and motive can disclose information privately, typically to malicious interests, or they can disclose it publicly so everyone knows what is going on. Public disclosure can lead to reform and grants a right of reply. Public disclosure gives a warning that that the information has been disclosed. Public disclosure augments justice.

Private leaking is often used to facilitate corruption. For instance, for over a decade during the latter part of the cold war, the head of CIA counter-intelligence, Adrich Ames, privately leaked identifying information about Soviet double agents and informers to the KGB. Between 10 and 20 people were killed or imprisoned as a result. Had Ames disclosed the information publicly, these people would have taken appropriate defensive measures in the first instance. In addition, the CIA would have been encouraged to improve not only its behaviour, but also its operational security and the treatment of its employees.

Why do you say anonymity is not all or nothing?

The Chinese communist party's firewall blocks 90% of traffic for 90% of people. That's all they need to stay in power and it works because it takes a little effort (not too much) to bypass the firewall. Turning that example on its head, we want to protect 90% of truth tellers without any additional configuration, because that's enough to bring down many corrupt regimes. Then for the remaining 10% of truth tellers who are at high risk we have more sophisticated techniques, which require installing software, using a netcafé, or posting CD's etc. (a barrier to entry for this 10%).

We don't force everyone to use time consuming methods that are capable of withstanding the National Security Agency; rather we let people choose their own balance of risks and opportunities depending on their own unique circumstances.

Why is Wikileaks so important?

This year, malaria will kill over one million people, over 80% of which will be children. Great Britain used to have malaria. In North America, malaria was epidemic and there are still a handful of infections each year. In Africa malaria kills over 100 people per hour. In Russia, amidst the corruption of the 1990s, malaria re-established itself. What is the difference between these cases? We know how to prevent malaria. The science is universal. The difference is good governance. Put another way, bad government, through malaria alone, will bring the deaths of seven jumbo-jets full of children in the next 24 hours. A children's 9-11 every day. [1]

Good government doesn't sit on its hands while children die. Good government answers the sufferings of its people.

Is the answer to global warming new technology, reducing the carbon economy or something else? Good government can find out and deploy the answer. In surveying the world see we that nearly everything we cherish depends on good government -- be it political, economic or academic freedoms, food supply, health, education & research, the environment, stability, equality, peace and happiness -- all are dependent on good government. [2]

Political history and the current state of humanity shows that the first requirement of good government is open government.

Open government is strongly correlated to quality of life[3] . Open government answers injustice rather than causing it. Plans by an open government which are corrupt, cause injustice or do not alleviate suffering are revealed and so opposed before implementation. If unjust plans can not reach implementation then government can only be a force for justice!

There can be no democracy without open government and a free press. It is only when the people know the true plans and behavior of government can they meaningfully choose to support them. Historically, the most resilient forms of democracy are those where publication and revelation are protected. Where that protection does not exist, it is our mission to provide it.

Wikileaks is the strongest way we have of generating the true democracy and good governance on which all mankind's dreams depend.


  1. Malaria once prevailed throughout the United States and southern Canada (Bruce-Chwatt, 1988). As recently as 1890, the census recorded more than 7,000 malaria deaths per 100,000 people across the American South and more than 1,000 malaria deaths per 100,000 people in states such as Michigan and Illinois. It is important to note that diagnoses and reporting did not meet today's standards. By 1930, malaria had been controlled in the northern and western United States and generally caused fewer than 25 deaths per 100,000 people in the South. In 1970, the World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Advisory Panel on Malaria recommended that the United States be included in the WHO official register of areas where malaria had been eradicated. In Canada, vivax malaria became widespread at the end of the 18th century, when refugees from the southern United States settled in large numbers as far north as "the Huron" in the aftermath of the American War of Independence. Malaria was further spread with the building of the Rideau Canal (1826-1832) (Duncan, 1996). By the middle of the 19th century, malaria extended as far north as 50°N. In 1873, the great malarious district of western Ontario was only a fraction of a large endemic area, extending between Ontario and the state of Michigan.
  2. Every significant decision from a declaration of war, to vaccination programs for children, from pervasive Chinese censorship to the oppression of the Tibetan people, from incentives for investment to taxes on candy, from oil exploration rights to the protection of fur seals, from American hostages in Iran to torture in Guantanamo Bay, from the path of a highway to pollution controls, from medical research to breast cancer screening programs, from media diversity to local content provisions, from the funding of science to the ethical treatment of kittens, from the temperature of milk pasteurization to what drugs are legal, from the power of unions to the type of ingredients listed on a packet of potato chips is function of governance.